you are becoming a minority with your views...what if your son/daughter was gay?would you write them off as a sicko...cmon does that make you a bad person by being gay?would you dis-own your child?i just dont see why its my biz or yours on who someone can marry..rape is a horrible crime and no women should have to bear the child if she does not want to..the one reason people come to usa for medical is wait buys health in states...but this could be argued for hrs,nothing wrong with canadian health care...we just had a baby...check in on wed...thurs c-section as baby wouldnt come out,sun head home with no bills to pay,hospital even gave us a few supplies with no charge...what difference should it make with what i do for a living?as a human we should be entitled to proper health care regardless of status..all im saying is if the republicans dont do some soul searching 2016 will be even worse for the party
Hmm ... if one of my children were gay it wouldn't matter in the long run. Why cause they will die with no offspring. (I have adopted family and belive me it's not the same IMHO)
Heritage is LOST without some one there to carry it on as a FAMILY TRADITION.
And if any of my children, siblings, cousins, nieces, nephews were gay I would love them just the same BUT sure wouldn't ask them to pass on the family alblums.
I believe people are born with a sexual preference. What if it was required everyone to be gay? How long would society last?
What would you think if the doctor who gave your wife the c-section decided to be a surgeon providing sex changes and your wife and baby died because there was no doctor to do the c-section?
In Hollywood gays called traditional married people BREEDERS.
Can you accept the FACT the earth has limited resources INCLUDING medical experts?
The hospital services and supplies are not free. Someone paid for it. Oil, gas, pollution was created from the free stuff.
What difference does it make what we do for a living? (You don't know any rich people do you?)
When I was young no healthcare, no government programs, when poor needed help they went to a church, temple , social club and they received help. Plus people helped them succeed ... it was called a community, parish, club.
Today healthcare IS tiered MORE THAN EVER on how much money you have. Do you think Obama, Congress, the WEALTHY 1% percenters who run the country like Al Sharpton, Al Franken, Alan Dershowitz, Alec Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, Ben Affleck, Bruce Springsteen, Chevy Chase, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, David Spade, Demi Moore, Ellen DeGeneres, George Soros, Glenn Close, Gwyneth Paltrow, Harrison Ford, Jerry Springer, John Travolta, Woopi Goldberg, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton have the same healthcare the average citizen has for their choice? Lots have their own plane, chef, multiple houses, and a crew of people to make sure they get anything including sex.
You think Democrats are fair? What area in the ENTIRE USA has the most exemptions to NOT providing Obama Care to their employees? Nancy Pelosi's district in San Francisco.
As far as rape goes do you think it right when a hollywood producer left the USA (to escape sentencing he was already found guilty out on bail) for drugging and raping a high school girl and when it was a time to get him back from FRANCE people like Woopi Goldberg said why ... it happened so long ago what's the big deal?
Do you think it was fair Chris Matthews was "happy" Hurricane Sandra happened ... since it helped President Obama get re elected?
Tell me where in the USA a woman can't get an abortion ... especially if she is raped? Do you think it would be okay for you to abort your baby even up to the last day of the trimesters? Abama as a senator supported abortion anytime the child was in the womb. Oh and the black population has gone down in the USA since all these social programs help abort unwanted children. Over 300 black babies are aborted a day in New York City. Thats why (Catholic) Hispanics are becoming a more important political influence than blacks ... the population is growing!