Biggest answer right in front of you. "Minimal consequences" is short sited (no offense) (Never any offense, like I said, this is a forums to hear other people's thoughts). National security is still the biggest issue facing this country and it's prospects for survival. The statement that we are breeding terroists is based on ..?? Fact is, they are everywhere (It is based on the continual bombings in Iraq). But I will gladly take them on anywhere other than our shores. If we quit and come home (call it an exit strategy if you want, but if we leave before that region is further stabilized, it's called quiting) those that hate us and everything we stand for (even out belief to argue and agree to disagree) will come here again.... do you really doubt that? (I don't think no matter who is in office, we will just cut and leave, I just don't want another 8 years of this)
A man named Chamberlain tried to promote something like this a few years ago (hiding between our legs kinda thing).. seem to remember the problem just got bigger. We are capable of learning. (I am not sure what you are referring to)
Positive about the Republicans?? it's written all over this 4m, daily. Their stand on guns; their stand on security; their stand on access rights. And there are a whole lot more threads than just this one on this subject. (Ah, but the topic of the first post is, who do you want for President?)
Your statement about this just being for "fun" is a cop out (No, not a cop out, this is a forum, nothing I say is serious, just my thoughts). It's serious business. You have spent a considerable amount of time on just this thread, and with due respect, it's because you believe a certain way and want others to see things your way (Actually, I have been soliciting other peoples thoughts the last couple days on the topic of the thread. I actually don't care if anyone believes what I do, I put my thoughts out there and see what others thoughts are). That's admirable. But constantly asking for the "positive" when it's in front of you get's a little tiring. The peeps on here have stated positions, beliefs, dislikes, wants, frustrations and for sure, the positives....sometimes stated as the lessor of... which is a valid and solid postion if it's all one has. (But the question of the forum is, who do you want for president and why, that ended a long time ago and I keep trying to get back to that. And no I did not start this thread)
i.e. You want an Artic Cat. It's all you want, nothing else. But your only option is a Doo or a Poo. What, you goin' sit home and whine? No, you're mostly likely going to pick one. And work on the future to get what you want.