OT you never defined 'the problem' which as it turns out was just a lead-in to a whole crap-load of flawed logic and statements meant to piss people off. I'm not sure why you would want to piss everyone off, but that's your choice not mine.
'The Problem' isn't people wearing airbags. The problem is people that go into the backcountry without the proper knowledge, training and gear. Riders that wear airbags are most likely also wearing beacons and carrying shovels and probes. They know that they are about to venture into avalanche country, they have educated themselves about the dangers, and they are going in prepared for the worst case scenario. You simply cannot ride in the mtns without some degree of avalanche risk. Any slope over 30 degrees (and sometimes down to 25 degrees) that has snow on it has the potential to avalanche under the right conditions. So in order to COMPLETELY avoid the possiblility of an avalanche you must stay off all slopes of 25 degrees or greater, stay out from under any slopes of 25 degrees or greater, and never ride on any slopes attached to a slope of 25 degrees or greater. Can that be done? Yes, and it must be done during dangerous conditions. But it also completely defeats the point of going into the mtns for most people. Luckily for us during most years the snowpack is stable 90% of the time, allowing us to have a blast doing what we love on steep slopes with endless powder. We read the avalanche reports, we look for signs of instabilities (whumphing, shooting cracks, evidence of recent avalanches) and WE GO IN PREPARED, WITH THE RIGHT GEAR. Does this mean none of us that go in prepared will ever get caught in a slide? No. But it does mean that we are lowering our level of risk as much as possible, and we have the best tools currently available for when things go wrong, or we make a mistake.
Of course there will always be some jagoff that buys an airbag and thinks it means he can ride anywhere anytime. Just the same as the idiot who thinks that just because they have a 4-wheel drive vehicle they can drive 75 on icy roads. It has been said many times on this forum 'you can't fix stupid'. But for the rest of us making sure that we have the best knowledge and equipment available is something that we owe ourselves and our loved ones.