Click on the below link and then come back to this message wouldja?
Note in the lower right hand corner table where world demand is about 1
million barrels/day more than world production. Including a boat load of
federal, state and local taxes, that is where you and your fellow "liberals"
$4.00+/gal gas is coming from, not Exxon or any other entity referred to as
"Big Oil", who control less than 3% of the world's oil production.
Instead of mindlessly ranting and raving, study the production tables the
above link provides. Far too much of the oil produced in this world is owned
and produced by quite unstable governments. Contrary to popular political
rhetoric, the price of oil is controlled by DEMAND, which right now, due to
growing economies world wide, exceeds supply. Think about what the price of
gasoline would be if a bunch of filibustering, grand standing democrat
senators had not shut down the 2001 Bush/Cheney energy bill. Most likely
you'd have 2 to 4 million more barrels of domestic oil to work with, which
would have greatly reduced your _personal_ gas prices. But hey, better to
use the standing 40 year old mindlessly naive, Scoop Jackson, Jimmy Carter,
Ted Kennedy, Al Gore left wing rhetoric about "Big Oil" and "Oil Executives"
and keep re-electing the self serving moron's we have in the Senate, who,
other than to generate 15 second sound bytes, could give a rat's hind end
about this nation's economy or the price you _personally_ pay at the pump.
Note that Iraq is producing over two million barrels/day, which is about 1
million more barrels/day than it was producing when Sadam was in power. If
we are going to blame Halliburton and Brown and Root, then we also need to
give them credit where credit is due. They doubled oil production in a war
zone, having their employees (totally volunteer) shot at, with some being
wounded and killed. Can you imagine what the price of oil would be if we
weren't producing that extra 1 million barrels/day from Iraq? Better yet,
looking at all the oil that is produced in the middle east, can you imagine
what would happen to the world economy if the US pulled it's troops out?
Without some other major power coming in to stabilize the region, how long
would it be before the Israelis and the Arabs got into a war? What would
that do to your $4.00/gal gas and the world economy? What would happen if
the inevitable conflict breaks out, and the Jews use their nuclear weapons?
There is no way in the world, in spite of their rhetoric, Hillary, Obama or
any other Democrat is going to be able to pull the US out of Iraq. No matter
which political agenda is in power, Just as we have been since the 70's, we
are still going to have to maintain a presence in the middle east for quite
some time.
ANWR, some 40 miles east and on the same artic plane as Prudhoe bay, where
we've produced 20-25% of our domestic oil since 1977, has been shut off and
kept off limits to drilling by the democrats since 1980. It is estimated
that ANWR could produce between 1.5 million to 3 million barrels/day. In
2001, amongst many other things to improve our domestic oil supplies,
Bush/Cheney tried to open ANWR up to drilling just a few extended reach test
wells and the Democrats shut it down, along with the rest of his energy
policy. If you will recall, it has been in all the news papers for the last
4 decades. Democrats saving our sorry hind-ends from "Big Oil" by blocking
every attempt to drill anything substantial anywhere in the US (Alaska, east
coast, west coast, Gulf of Mexico, Rocky Mountain Overthrust, etc etc). For
the last 40 years, even though the left has made a lot of noise about it,
they have _never_ brought any kind of national energy/environmental policy
up for national debate on the Senate or House floor. They have only blocked
every thing by anyone else who tried to formulate any kind of coherent
It was an embarrassment watching the Senate interview oil company
executives. Instead of trying to communicate and formulate intelligent
energy/environmental policy, all most of our Idiot senators did was
grandstand and try to come up with 15 second sound bytes to be captured and
mindlessly re-gurgitated by the national press. We get what we vote for I
guess and to paraphrase Will Rodgers can "Only know what we read".
If you want to see the philosophy behind high energy prices, just read the
crap your fellow left wingers have been heaping on the US, as spelled out in
Al Gore's book "Earth in Balance", published in about 1988. All the Goran
did was mindlessly regurgitate the radical left wing environmentalist's
dogma. In that book, Al Gore urged that we shut oil and natural gas
exploration down every where we could, which Democrats and their minion
environmental groups have quite successfully accomplished, pushing the price
of gasoline and natural gas extremely high, forcing us to go to
"alternative" energies. For a scientific/technological/economically
illiterate divinity school dropout, it was a wonderful and quite liberally
thinking plan. But sadly, it was steeped in junk science and technological
illiteracy and was completely incognizant of the economic impact such
actions would cause. All Algernon and his minion environmentalists have
accomplished is to make us much more dependent on labor union dominated
pulverized coal fired power plants, which by the way, democrats exempted
some 559 of them from the 1970 clean air act in 1977. 460 of these exempt
plants are still in operation. No where in Al's book "earth in balance" or
anywhere else in Al's rhetoric does he pro-actively advocate making
pulverized coal fired power plants, the most green house gas, mercury,
particulate, sulfate, nitrous producing/energy unit in the world, try to
live up to the same pollution levels that natural gas and fuel oil fired
power plants (some 25-45% less green house gas producing than coal) live up
to every day and have since Nixon's clean air act of 1970, and George Bush's
clean air act of 1991.
If you want to blame some one, blame the American people and the American
press. We are the one's who, for the last 40 years, have refused to even try
to understand, instead being happy to believe in irrational 15 second sound
bytes fed up to them by our left wing Politicians and a quite gullible,
technologically illiterate, head bobbing, ratings greedy robotic press.