Gas and oil prices.
Heres the deal.
The politicians will prance and preen. They will argue about drill/no drill. They will complain about who's fault it is. they will do everything they can to make it look like the other party is at fault.
Bottom line.
When push comes to shove they will drill. They will do what needs to be done to get the prices down.
They have to. They don't have a choice. It goes to the basic reason they are in DC to begin with. Power.
They will do what ever they have to to keep the power. They aren't stupid. They know that if they let it go long enough the people will simply toss them out and get people that will do the job. It crosses party lines.
They will fiddle with the economy, they will mess with enviromental policy, they will pander to the ones giving them money, but they will never forget who has the real power. They just don't want us to know it.
Why do you think they haven't gotten their illigal immigrant amnesty passed?? Public outrage. they aren't going to push to the point of rebellion.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could generate enough public outrage to force them to backpeddle on enviromental issues.
Right on, Ollie, We need to stop agonizing over what will or will not work and convince our reps that doing SOMETHING will have a much better chance of working than to just keep on doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.