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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Que the mental gymnastics where folks say this is mandatory and we could not survive without it and the gov't must help...

My wife & her Dad have had a struggling music store for 10 years this fall. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get a subsidy instead of fines for not filing the 27 different tax forms on time every quarter/month/year. I'm sure we have spent thousands in the last ten years supporting pencil pushers in the government because of all their little fines & interest, not to mention the pain in the neck that it is that the government has turned Mom & Pop shops into de facto tax collectors.

So.. Can we get our store subsidized pretty please? Or at least a rebate for having to jump through so many governmental hoops for 10 years.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
My wife & her Dad have had a struggling music store for 10 years this fall. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get a subsidy instead of fines for not filing the 27 different tax forms on time every quarter/month/year. I'm sure we have spent thousands in the last ten years supporting pencil pushers in the government because of all their little fines & interest, not to mention the pain in the neck that it is that the government has turned Mom & Pop shops into de facto tax collectors.

So.. Can we get our store subsidized pretty please? Or at least a rebate for having to jump through so many governmental hoops for 10 years.

Just out of curiosity... why the struggle for 10 years? What is it better at one point in time prior to them buying it?

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Just out of curiosity... why the struggle for 10 years? What is it better at one point in time prior to them buying it?

No. They started the business. And ultimately, she has kept it going because its what she loves teaching music & its the best venue she's found for her to do so. The retail helps (if only a little) pay for the space she needs to teach.
Jan 15, 2010
Need something else to celebrate?
North Korea Begins Dismantling Key Facilities at the Sohae Satellite Launching Station

So the Iran deal with international cooperation and outside inspectors and stuff was sooooooo terrible and this is a great victory? Might be a step in the right direction, might be smoke and mirrors... based on NKs past actions I’m betting on the latter. Defiantly not time to start counting chickens yet.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
So the Iran deal with international cooperation and outside inspectors and stuff was sooooooo terrible and this is a great victory? Might be a step in the right direction, might be smoke and mirrors... based on NKs past actions I’m betting on the latter. Defiantly not time to start counting chickens yet.

I have 9 chickens.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Media Survey email propaganda

I got this in my inbox after taking a "survey" about my trust for the media and all kinds of other garbage from the Trump campaign. The survey itself was "leading the witness" as far as I'm concerned. They obviously didn't read my responses, though I did say I felt he is handling NK well.

This reeks & drips propoganda. I'm sure some on here heartily agree with it. For them, I will leave the link active on the bottom. For the rest of you, enjoy the syrupy propaganda from Lara Trump. I'm good not having their agenda directly downloaded to my phone on a regular basis.

I come to this forum to get my updates on it. :face-icon-small-hap

Thank you for joining Team TRUMP.

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Now he wants to be sure that you’re all signed up to get REAL NEWS UPDATES straight to your phone.

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It’s time to take power into our own hands.

So please, sign up for texts today to get REAL NEWS straight to your phone. >>


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
As I was reading posts today I realized something... it appears after almost 80 pages that the main posters in this thread have the same opinion they did when it started. Throw out the trash and there has been some really intelligent posts on both sides yet it appears to sway no one. I thought when trump got elected he would do some things I would like and some things I didn’t but overall I was glad he won the office. I have those same thoughts today. I get the whole “sky is falling theory” and the fact there could be consequences down the road from some of the choices of this administration but I guess I’m ok with that... for the time being. Maybe cuz life is good at my house? Business is good... just as it has been for 25 years. I haven’t felt any pain from him being in office.
So here’s the question and this is for everyone. Has anybody’s opinion changed about trump. Do you hate him more then you did in 16’ or support him anymore? Has anybody had a major life change that could be blamed or credited to this president? Knowing what you know now would you rather have seen Hillary in office and why? Just curious???

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
That's a loaded question,hard to answer since consequences and outcomes of an acting administration usually take years for full ramification. Out of the two stupids the democrats economy works better for me-when lower and middle class people have better opportunity to earn a wage capable of making a house payment I get the opportunity to run a small construction company. I will not even begin to try and explain why-I know the answer this. What I can say is I am old enough to remember the reagan years, which were catastrophic to the lower and middle class, and learning from past experience I am absolutely positive that trumps moves are going to kill my opportunity. I draw My experience from past boom and bust cycles and my requirements to borrow money. I have had three mortgages on my house all of which came in the latter end of the presidents term-first was to start buying it under HW-second was to start a business under clinton and third was to save a business under bush I payed off the mortgage two years ago under obama. In all cases it seemed to take three to six years for the actions of an administration to take effect.This only applies to the economy . Don't worry , I believe democrats match or beat republicans in stupidity in other areas.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Jerry -

In response to your question - I didn't want either Hillary or Trump in office. I agree with Freekweet that its hard to say how things really change for 6 years or so. I think every president in my adult memory has taken credit for something started by the previous president of a different party.

The only reason I might have liked Hillary to win - which I did not - would be to maintain some kind of balance in the supreme court. Though that actually has less to do with if Hillary had won & more to do with the fact that Merrick Garland was never allowed to be sustained.

Truth be told, I lean conservative on most Judicial issues. My concern is not that the supreme court is becoming too conservative, but too corporate. Corporations are not people & should not be afforded the rights same rights as individuals receive based on the constitution and the Bill of Rights. Trump is the quintessential businessman & the judges he installs will first and foremost support big business 'imho'.

The supreme court has been tipped, and I think Roe V. Wade has a lot less to do with the tipping than Big business v. Little guy.
Last edited:
Jan 15, 2010
Fake new's again....there part of CNN.

“Fake news”, the rallying cry of the ignorant who can’t stand bad news about their orange hero. Show me a reputable poll from an unbiased (or really any) source that shows Donny as the most popular president in 40 years.

Interpret the data for yourself, it’s not too hard...
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