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How about our great President!!!

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turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
How do you know your not just as ignorant? Polls are a joke on all sides. Trump mentions polls that work for him and leaves out ones that don't. Push the positives and leave out the negatives. Why is that different than anyone else other than he could walk on water and you'd say he can't swim.
If polls are so accurate, how did he get elected. Lots of people like me who don't do polls. I spend my time working and worrying about me and my family and not what everyone else is doing. Didn't need a poll for a Obama and don't need one for trump. Do you need to look at polls to see what everyone else thinks to justify the way you think is ok?
Jan 15, 2010
How do you know your not just as ignorant? Polls are a joke on all sides. Trump mentions polls that work for him and leaves out ones that don't. Push the positives and leave out the negatives. Why is that different than anyone else other than he could walk on water and you'd say he can't swim.
If polls are so accurate, how did he get elected. Lots of people like me who don't do polls. I spend my time working and worrying about me and my family and not what everyone else is doing. Didn't need a poll for a Obama and don't need one for trump. Do you need to look at polls to see what everyone else thinks to justify the way you think is ok?

Dude, he lost the popular vote by 3 million. 70k people in a few states made the difference.

If someone comes out and claims that he is the most popular president in 40 years I’m gonna call BS because that’s exactly what it is. If they are gonna make that claim there’s gotta be some backup, the average of all available polling is about as accurate as you are gonna get. Is it perfect? No. Is it a reasonable metric to base a claim on or call BS? Yes.

I still don’t get all the “positives “ that you refer to... he finally reached the GDP numbers that Obama’s had in 2014 but had to increase the budget deficit from 600b to 1.1t thru a tax giveaway to the rich to do so. No healthcare, no immigration bill, no infrastructure bill, etc. But the big negatives are that he has made it ok to be an a$$hole and make fun of people ( great role model for kids...) and has completely ruined ‘Muricas credibility on the world stage. Other than pissin off liberals, a few steel jobs and helping McConnell steal Supreme Court seats, what are the positives? You a farmer that gets a chunk of the $12 BILLION in welfare that he is giving to his supporters?

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Dude, he lost the popular vote by 3 million. 70k people in a few states made the difference.

If someone comes out and claims that he is the most popular president in 40 years I’m gonna call BS because that’s exactly what it is. If they are gonna make that claim there’s gotta be some backup, the average of all available polling is about as accurate as you are gonna get. Is it perfect? No. Is it a reasonable metric to base a claim on or call BS? Yes.

I still don’t get all the “positives “ that you refer to... he finally reached the GDP numbers that Obama’s had in 2014 but had to increase the budget deficit from 600b to 1.1t thru a tax giveaway to the rich to do so. No healthcare, no immigration bill, no infrastructure bill, etc. But the big negatives are that he has made it ok to be an a$$hole and make fun of people ( great role model for kids...) and has completely ruined ‘Muricas credibility on the world stage. Other than pissin off liberals, a few steel jobs and helping McConnell steal Supreme Court seats, what are the positives? You a farmer that gets a chunk of the $12 BILLION in welfare that he is giving to his supporters?

Who cares about the popular vote. The election isn't won that way. There is a reason for that. So little ole montana has some sort of say and not just all the crazy people in new York or California.
Can't believe you would even bring up the role model thing considering NFL players won't stand for the national anthem and all the crap with movie stars and talk shows. Plus all the other sports stars. Trump looks like a saint compared to them.
Enlighten me on how they stole a supreme court pick.
Do tell on the a hole thing. I'm for calling a spade a spade. Some times the truth hurts but needs to be said. Tough cruel world out there.
As far as positives , they are endless in my book.
As far as the world stage is concerned, it is just like welfare. Give people stuff and it ruins them. Same with the farmers. Then they expect it. Cut them off and you are the a$$hole. Go figure. Let me guess, you are also for participation trophies so you don't offend anyone. Telling some kid they are doing awesome when they aren't doesn't do them any favors in life.
Immigration, where is his help from either side. He said what he wants and he is right.
The never ending give to the rich debate. Your on the rob Peter to pay Paul because it's easy to sell. More of Paul than Peter so you get more votes.
Jan 15, 2010
Who cares about the popular vote. The election isn't won that way. There is a reason for that. So little ole montana has some sort of say and not just all the crazy people in new York or California.
Can't believe you would even bring up the role model thing considering NFL players won't stand for the national anthem and all the crap with movie stars and talk shows. Plus all the other sports stars. Trump looks like a saint compared to them.
Enlighten me on how they stole a supreme court pick.
Do tell on the a hole thing. I'm for calling a spade a spade. Some times the truth hurts but needs to be said. Tough cruel world out there.
As far as positives , they are endless in my book.
As far as the world stage is concerned, it is just like welfare. Give people stuff and it ruins them. Same with the farmers. Then they expect it. Cut them off and you are the a$$hole. Go figure. Let me guess, you are also for participation trophies so you don't offend anyone. Telling some kid they are doing awesome when they aren't doesn't do them any favors in life.
Immigration, where is his help from either side. He said what he wants and he is right.
The never ending give to the rich debate. Your on the rob Peter to pay Paul because it's easy to sell. More of Paul than Peter so you get more votes.

You ask how he won the election if all the polls were wrong, the fact that he lost the popular vote helps to answer that.

The electoral college is an antiquity, and why is someone in little old Montana’s vote more important and should count for more than anyone else’s? I guarantee if Donny lost the right would be pushing to abolish it.

McConnell refused to even hold a hearing on Obama’s rightful nominee to the court nearly a YEAR before the election. Now it’s right up against the mid terms with a president under investigation for CONSPIRACY (yea, that’s what collusion really is) and they are trying to push another thru before losing the majority.

The us hasn’t been “giving” to the rest of the world. You have the #1 economy with far from the largest population or natural resource base, if the trade structure in place was sooooooo bad how did that occur? Just like unemployment, somehow went from 40% to 4% in Jan 2017?

A real leader would know how to work with Congress and get his immigration package across the line, not bang his fist in the table and scream “build my wall or I’ll shut the government down!!!”

Role model, that’s funny. You’d rather have a bunch of kids that beat up someone for looking funny than ones that stand up for each other?
Jan 15, 2010
So basically a couple states tell the whole country what to do. I don't think so.

Well that’s what you currently have going... would there really be any point in voting for trump if you live in a solid blue state like Hawaii or for a Democrat in a place like Mississippi under the current system?
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Well that’s what you currently have going... would there really be any point in voting for trump if you live in a solid blue state like Hawaii or for a Democrat in a place like Mississippi under the current system?
Why do you care so much about what goes on here in the USA, ?

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Why do you care so much about what goes on here in the USA, ?
Surprisingly, being involved in things that have a major affect on you is.... logical?

Since our economy is about 12x the size of the canadian one coupled with being one of their largest trading partners. What happens down here has a major impact on their way of life. Shoot, a lot of the trade policies being played with right now will probably be felt by a broader cross section of canadians then Americans. So yeah, they care too.
Jan 15, 2010
Surprisingly, being involved in things that have a major affect on you is.... logical?

Since our economy is about 12x the size of the canadian one coupled with being one of their largest trading partners. What happens down here has a major impact on their way of life. Shoot, a lot of the trade policies being played with right now will probably be felt by a broader cross section of canadians then Americans. So yeah, they care too.

That and the fact that my extended family and a lot of good friends live there and I used to be proud to be from there.

I’m also fascinated that people who are intelligent enough to make enough disposable income to own a snowmobile can be clueless enough to buy into and believe Donny’s lies. We don’t have trumpies up here (fortunately) and guys like the ones on here are quite unique in their perspective.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
That and the fact that my extended family and a lot of good friends live there and I used to be proud to be from there.

I’m also fascinated that people who are intelligent enough to make enough disposable income to own a snowmobile can be clueless enough to buy into and believe Donny’s lies. We don’t have trumpies up here (fortunately) and guys like the ones on here are quite unique in their perspective.

Im with DJT all the way. stand on your own two feet quit the hand out's like in the oboma years, im sick of giving my tax money to other country's that would love to kill us if they had a chance. what you dem's just dont get it. stand up and be proud keep are money here. look at china they need us way more than we need them. black and white killings were so bad before trump got elected now it's not on the new's every day. oboma was not good for us but he was elected so he was the man and i was still proud to be from the USA....
Jan 15, 2010
Im with DJT all the way. stand on your own two feet quit the hand out's like in the oboma years, im sick of giving my tax money to other country's that would love to kill us if they had a chance. what you dem's just dont get it. stand up and be proud keep are money here. look at china they need us way more than we need them. black and white killings were so bad before trump got elected now it's not on the new's every day. oboma was not good for us but he was elected so he was the man and i was still proud to be from the USA....

So trump has stopped black and white killings? Wow, can’t wait until he cures cancer too. Maybe it’s not in the news because they are too busy with his sh!tshow??

Um, you do actually need China more than they need you. They can sell their junk to the rest of the world, you make that iPhone that you are holding in the states it’ll cost ya 10x as much. Only way manufacturing in the US will be competitive is thru full automation, not so good for jobs. The 1950s are over, let the Chinese make sh!t for $5/day and take advantage of low prices. For every item they make there and send to the states someone in the states has to design it, market it, order it, distribute it, sell it at the retail level and in some cases maintain it. That’s a lot of jobs. You really want to trade that for a few manufacturing jobs? Cause if you do the sales volume will drop in the toilet based on massive price increases and all the rest of the jobs will disappear. You ever hear of the term “inflation “?

Again, you are the #1 economy in the world, you can afford excesses like $20k modified freakin snowmobiles, really, how bad is the rest of the world treating ya?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
So trump has stopped black and white killings? Wow, can’t wait until he cures cancer too. Maybe it’s not in the news because they are too busy with his sh!tshow??

Um, you do actually need China more than they need you. They can sell their junk to the rest of the world, you make that iPhone that you are holding in the states it’ll cost ya 10x as much. Only way manufacturing in the US will be competitive is thru full automation, not so good for jobs. The 1950s are over, let the Chinese make sh!t for $5/day and take advantage of low prices. For every item they make there and send to the states someone in the states has to design it, market it, order it, distribute it, sell it at the retail level and in some cases maintain it. That’s a lot of jobs. You really want to trade that for a few manufacturing jobs? Cause if you do the sales volume will drop in the toilet based on massive price increases and all the rest of the jobs will disappear. You ever hear of the term “inflation “?

Again, you are the #1 economy in the world, you can afford excesses like $20k modified freakin snowmobiles, really, how bad is the rest of the world treating ya?
Your right about the new's lots of whining going on right now the dem's just dont get it. the sky is always falling to them they need to get close to a mirror and look into it and slap the stupid out there selfs. racial killings would be new's yet today but are president treats black and whites from this county even. and you like to use your computer look up where i phone's are made not just china.
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