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How about our great President!!!

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Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho

Though I do suppose he's met with some people who we haven't spoken to in person in years. If you look at my previous posts, you'll see where I do applaud him for his treatment of North Korea & Slapping tarrifs on China.

My point with saying most of what he's done is talk is in addressing what he's done to actually help his voter base. Slapping Tarrifs on Canada & Europe won't help his voter base. And while I agree wholeheartedly with slapping as many tariffs as you want on China, the section of the economy that will hit the hardest possibly is HIS voter base.

Then there's the whole consistency issue. So you want to punish China & save American Jobs - and then you offer a bailout to... a CHINESE company that violated all kinds of laws & rules? I have no idea why on earth that would be the job of a sitting American president.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
The Donald HAS done a lot for the conservative movement. You just have to look past all his deflections to see it. Something the media is unable to do and that is why he is such a master manipulator. He distracts you from what he and the republican party is really doing. Hence why they are putting up with all the other BS. Look past it and you will see that he has undone most of the regulations on banking and Wall Street that were put in place to protect the global economy from imploding again. The next bomb is now ticking again with all the money flowing in from the tax cut and no regulations on gambling. He has walked back all the regulations for clear air and water to help Big Oil. He has packed the court with conservative judges even though the Dems are screaming they will put a stop to it even though they have no power to do it. There is a bill on the senate floor right now to reduce sanctions on RUSSIA. Have you heard anything about that NOPE. Why The media is covering him walking back what he said about the CIA FBI and then covering him walking his walk back back So to say The Donald has not done anything is not true. What is true is that what he is doing is shifting power and money to the wealthy few, the Donor Class, and since they were able to pack the court for the next 30 years it will be tough to undo anything that he has done. In that regard he is a evil genius. If you wonder how this is happening just watch the Jimmy kimmel show recently where he went out on the the street and asked Americans to name a country and none of the adults could name one. Not one even came up with the USA. However there was a 12 year old who was able to name 10. Truly sad however this is what america voted for. I am just surprise that all the women who voted for Trump essentially voted to give their own reproductive rights away. Votes have consequences and we are now living those consequences.
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Well-known member
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Sep 4, 2001
Provo, UT
The Donald HAS done a lot for the conservative movement. You just have to look past all his deflections to see it. Something the media is unable to do and that is why he is such a master manipulator. He distracts you from what he and the republican party is really doing. Hence why they are putting up with all the other BS. Look past it and you will see that he has undone most of the regulations on banking and Wall Street that were put in place to protect the global economy from imploding again. The next bomb is now ticking again with all the money flowing in from the tax cut and no regulations on gambling. He has walked back all the regulations for clear air and water to help Big Oil. He has packed the court with conservative judges even though the Dems are screaming they will put a stop to it even though they have no power to do it. There is a bill on the senate floor right now to reduce sanctions on RUSSIA. Have you heard anything about that NOPE. Why The media is covering him walking back what he said about the CIA FBI and then covering him walking his walk back back So to say The Donald has not done anything is not true. What is true is that what he is doing is shifting power and money to the wealthy few, the Donor Class, and since they were able to pack the court for the next 30 years it will be tough to undo anything that he has done. In that regard he is a evil genius. If you wonder how this is happening just watch the Jimmy kimmel show recently where he went out on the the street and asked Americans to name a country and none of the adults could name one. Not one even came up with the USA. However there was a 12 year old who was able to name 10. Truly sad however this is what america voted for. I am just surprise that all the women who voted for Trump essentially voted to give their own reproductive rights away. Votes have consequences and we are now living those consequences.

WOW, you have been watching to much CNN and Jimmy Kimmel.
What reproductive rights did women give away?

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The Donald HAS done a lot for the conservative movement. You just have to look past all his deflections to see it. Something the media is unable to do and that is why he is such a master manipulator. He distracts you from what he and the republican party is really doing. Hence why they are putting up with all the other BS. Look past it and you will see that he has undone most of the regulations on banking and Wall Street that were put in place to protect the global economy from imploding again. The next bomb is now ticking again with all the money flowing in from the tax cut and no regulations on gambling. He has walked back all the regulations for clear air and water to help Big Oil. He has packed the court with conservative judges even though the Dems are screaming they will put a stop to it even though they have no power to do it. There is a bill on the senate floor right now to reduce sanctions on RUSSIA. Have you heard anything about that NOPE. Why The media is covering him walking back what he said about the CIA FBI and then covering him walking his walk back back So to say The Donald has not done anything is not true. What is true is that what he is doing is shifting power and money to the wealthy few, the Donor Class, and since they were able to pack the court for the next 30 years it will be tough to undo anything that he has done.

You mean you don't want us to be the Corporate States of America?

I'm all for "conservative" judges. Corporate judges on the other hand, um.. no.

Though frankly, I would prefer the supreme court were as down the middle as you can get. Or at least as close to 50/50 split as possible. Republicans refusing to install Merrick Garland will eventually come back to haunt them. It might not even be in this generation, but the precedent has been set, and politicians & courts just love precedent. Whether it abides the constitution or not.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The Donald HAS done a lot for the conservative movement. You just have to look past all his deflections to see it. Something the media is unable to do and that is why he is such a master manipulator. He distracts you from what he and the republican party is really doing. Hence why they are putting up with all the other BS. Look past it and you will see that he has undone most of the regulations on banking and Wall Street that were put in place to protect the global economy from imploding again. The next bomb is now ticking again with all the money flowing in from the tax cut and no regulations on gambling. He has walked back all the regulations for clear air and water to help Big Oil. He has packed the court with conservative judges even though the Dems are screaming they will put a stop to it even though they have no power to do it. There is a bill on the senate floor right now to reduce sanctions on RUSSIA. Have you heard anything about that NOPE. Why The media is covering him walking back what he said about the CIA FBI and then covering him walking his walk back back So to say The Donald has not done anything is not true. What is true is that what he is doing is shifting power and money to the wealthy few, the Donor Class, and since they were able to pack the court for the next 30 years it will be tough to undo anything that he has done. In that regard he is a evil genius. If you wonder how this is happening just watch the Jimmy kimmel show recently where he went out on the the street and asked Americans to name a country and none of the adults could name one. Not one even came up with the USA. However there was a 12 year old who was able to name 10. Truly sad however this is what america voted for. I am just surprise that all the women who voted for Trump essentially voted to give their own reproductive rights away. Votes have consequences and we are now living those consequences.

What a bummer.☹
And here I thought everything was going great!


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Just so many lies!

Americans have short memories for the most part, but the internet does not. What I am totally baffled is how accepting so many people are of his lying. It never stops. Trump recently tweeted negatively about someone and said what goes around comes around. If that is true, he had better have another pair of eyes in the back of his head.
When former first lady Barbara Bush was asked what she thought of Trump she replied, "I don't even want to think about him, I'm sick of him".

Oh my god, she must be just another one of those cry baby liberals. :yuck:



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
What I am totally baffled is how accepting so many people are of his lying. It never stops.


This could be said about every President in my adult lifetime, especially the last three.
Not saying that makes it alright, it doesn't. But the sad reality is that the general public will never elect an honest truthful candidate.
But don't sit there and act like our great President Trump invented dishonesty.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
When former first lady Barbara Bush was asked what she thought of Trump she replied, "I don't even want to think about him, I'm sick of him".


What do you expect? Our great President Trump kicked her baby boy's azz.
If you kick my azz, my mother isn't going to be your biggest fan either.
Mothers are just goofy that way.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Americans have short memories for the most part, but the internet does not. What I am totally baffled is how accepting so many people are of his lying. It never stops. Trump recently tweeted negatively about someone and said what goes around comes around. If that is true, he had better have another pair of eyes in the back of his head.
When former first lady Barbara Bush was asked what she thought of Trump she replied, "I don't even want to think about him, I'm sick of him".

Oh my god, she must be just another one of those cry baby liberals. :yuck:


Were you on any threads complaining when Bill got done cleaning his cigar or Hillary was finished cleaning her server? It’s almost as if it’s not the liar that’s the problem but rather the Republican liar. Can you tell me the name of a politician that wouldn’t lie to your face and tell you what you want to hear? I think it’s disgusting that it goes on but it’s what most of us have come to expect from politicians so why would it baffle you that trump has done it as well and people look past it?
Jan 15, 2010
This could be said about every President in my adult lifetime, especially the last three.
Not saying that makes it alright, it doesn't. But the sad reality is that the general public will never elect an honest truthful candidate.
But don't sit there and act like our great President Trump invented dishonesty.

He just took it up by a few orders of magnitude
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Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
He just took it up by a few orders of magnitude

When are you going to stop crying. we have the best president now we had in years. one that works and he dont even have a trump foundation. like some others in tha past. clean cash is what he works with. nothing like what others have done so quit your crying.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
What do you expect? Our great President Trump kicked her baby boy's azz.
If you kick my azz, my mother isn't going to be your biggest fan either.
Mothers are just goofy that way.

Personally, I don't so much think it was Trump that beat bush, as it was the American people & republican party beat Bush. I don't think he was ever even in the top 3 in polls amidst the 17 candidates. Nobody liked the idea of a 3rd Bush in the White House. Just like nobody (or not enough somebodies at any rate) wanted the Clintons back in the White House.

Trump won because the the republican party is broken. Of those 17 candidates, 2/3rds of them were pretty well the standard republican mold that everyone was sick of, the other 1/3rd were split between a mild mannered black Doctor who really has a hard time actually making his views understood or known, a borderline libertarian (who would have been my choice), a relatively unknown businesswoman, and... uh.. (well among 17 candidates, how many can you still recall without looking them up).

Trump won because:

  1. He was substantially different from anyone else running for the repulican nomination.
  2. Name recognition. His name has been in everyone's mind since Reagan was in power. Not necessarily as presidential material, but the only bad press is no press.
  3. Media coverage. He didn't really even have to pay for advertising. The media just kept reporting on him & anything he tweeted or said that was ridiculous. See #2.
  4. His brash style connected with a lot of frustrated people
  5. More people hated Hillary than hated him.
Jeb Bush never really stood a chance against him when you look at it like that. He was too steeped in the establishment.

Come 2020, hopefully both sides (and with any luck more than 2 sides) will have learned a thing or two from Trump & his meteoric rise to the Presidency. My hope is that we will once again reject the establishment, including Trumps new establishment along with the old establishment.
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Jan 15, 2010
When are you going to stop crying. we have the best president now we had in years. one that works and he dont even have a trump foundation. like some others in tha past. clean cash is what he works with. nothing like what others have done so quit your crying.

Cmon man, have a little self respect, it doesn’t take much of a man to just go along with whatever a guy like Donny preaches unquestioningly. Not only is there a trump foundation, it’s under investigation for tax violations that could lead to much bigger issues...https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.ind...finance-campaign-violations-a8455241.html?amp

Donald operates on “clean cash”, that’s a good one, ha ha. If that was the case he would have released his taxes and shut everyone up.

One that works? More like one that golfs.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Presidential lies

Not really.
Not at all.

Strangely enough, I completely agree with you on this. Trumps lies are just louder & more publicized. Clinton was only held to account by the right, GWB was overlooked in many times by his impeccable performance of somewhat feigned backwardness & stupidity, combined with a slight unifying effect of 9/11. Only in his second term did the left really start to call him out on it & I would say very unsuccessfully (along with his "performance," I tend to think sometimes Cheyney was actually pulling the strings). Obama was initially overlooked because of the novelty of having a Black president, though the "right" did pull together & start calling him on his **it.

I would argue that the media has done an abysmal job up until Trump on calling out the presidents on their consistent lying. Probably the reason Trump gets called out so much by the media is because Trump has always been - and still is - good for ratings.

So will the next president be held to account for their lies? Probably only if they have the same celebrity appeal as Trump. Or maybe we could try to elect somebody who has some integrity for once. Do those type of people run for President?
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