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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Man...the U.S. is a trip right now.

Initially I was pretty interested seeing the idea of a "business" approach to government played out, and how a non-politician leader would tackle things. But this whole Trump thing and the losers its pulled out of the woodwork is super messed up. I can see the initial appeal, but even some of the diehard republicans gotta be wondering WTF by this point.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Man...the U.S. is a trip right now.

Initially I was pretty interested seeing the idea of a "business" approach to government played out, and how a non-politician leader would tackle things. But this whole Trump thing and the losers its pulled out of the woodwork is super messed up. I can see the initial appeal, but even some of the diehard republicans gotta be wondering WTF by this point.
I think we ended up a lot more on the lines of the reality TV show host vs the buisness man.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Very true. It's hard to decipher what portion of his shtick is his general weirdness/spontaneity...and what portion is simply utilizing "any publicity is good publicity." Either way, you seem to have a good chunk of the population taking his crazy babble more seriously than he himself does...and reading between the lines in some pretty ugly (and very UN-progressive) ways.
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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
So as it seems, according to you guys Im like some mega liberal since I support social assistance programs and things of that nature... As I head into another 60+ hour work week so I can pay my way through life and enjoy my hobbies, and all the taxes used to support said programs...

So I may have some more progressive social views then you. The middle ground is where success and progress are. When you stand on one side of the isle and throw stones across at the other, those of us in the middle get sick and tired of your conservative rhetoric just as much as liberal shenanigans.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
I will even agree with his critics that are saying that he has enough going on that he is foolish sticking his opinions out there on the NFL.
I mean, if a reporter asks his thoughts, go ahead and give us your opinion. But the way he said the things he said helped nothing and drove the two sides further apart.

Today on "You might be an ego-maniac if....."

You cant resist telling everyone how you feel about everything. Even if you shouldn't waste your time on it, do and sound like an idiot, and help the country regress, you get to be the center of attention.:juggle:


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
This is it

So are you saying if you are a liberal you can't have conservative views and if you are conservative you can't have liberal views. Or are you just saying said people live out heir lives conflicted within themselves because honestly i live somewhere in between and i have this feeling that i am not the only one.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
This meme.... Laughable.... Truly Laughable, Base and Simpleton...

This is it

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
You honestly believe all people with left wing political views aren't self-sufficient economically? And that the military isn't made up of people with all sorts of political views?


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
So are you saying if you are a liberal you can't have conservative views and if you are conservative you can't have liberal views. Or are you just saying said people live out heir lives conflicted within themselves because honestly i live somewhere in between and i have this feeling that i am not the only one.

Frankly, I'm surprised at how many of us there appear to be around here. I really didn't expect any agreement at all when I started responding to this type of stuff.

It makes me think that maybe Mafesto and his ilk aren't the vast majority of this community that I value.
Jan 15, 2010
It's sad if you can't see the truth in it.

Everybody's sh$t stinks bud.

But there's a lot of bs in that one. How much more welfare do red states take in than blue?? Look it up. The answer is lots.

Protected freedom? Yea, W started 2 useless wars paid for by credit card and allowed the subprime mortgage industry to balloon outta control until it almost took the world economy down. If Donny had been pres in 2008 during the Great Recession we would be standing in a bread line right now.

I know you are just stirring the pot and looking for reactions but I also know there are lots of you who are brainwashed to the point of believing that sh$t and it sickens me.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Everybody's sh$t stinks bud.

But there's a lot of bs in that one. How much more welfare do red states take in than blue?? Look it up. The answer is lots.

Protected freedom? Yea, W started 2 useless wars paid for by credit card and allowed the subprime mortgage industry to balloon outta control until it almost took the world economy down. If Donny had been pres in 2008 during the Great Recession we would be standing in a bread line right now.

I know you are just stirring the pot and looking for reactions but I also know there are lots of you who are brainwashed to the point of believing that sh$t and it sickens me.

He doesn't need to look it up, he's been shown the articles before, on this very thread I believe. He either can't remember, or doesn't care to.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Are there highlights?

and those of us in the middle get to pick and choose the highlights of both worlds!

So... What are said "highlights." With the rapid swing in power from "right" to "left" and back again, I don't think much good has been accomplished by the federal government in a very long time. Our laws, tax codes, regulations, you name it are all so convoluted. Throw out the party system & let each person running for office run on their own merit & earn their own place. When you have 17 republicans running for the presidential nomination & DJT is what comes out of the funnel, its time to throw away the funnel.

To say nothing about Democrats being able to choose from the vast field of Hillary, Sanders, and - whoever that other guy was.

Strip it down. Let everyone present the principles & ideals they believe in & get rid of the multibillion dollar industry that is our current political system. It's obscene how much is spent on political campaigning.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
So... What are said "highlights." With the rapid swing in power from "right" to "left" and back again, I don't think much good has been accomplished by the federal government in a very long time. Our laws, tax codes, regulations, you name it are all so convoluted. Throw out the party system & let each person running for office run on their own merit & earn their own place. When you have 17 republicans running for the presidential nomination & DJT is what comes out of the funnel, its time to throw away the funnel.

To say nothing about Democrats being able to choose from the vast field of Hillary, Sanders, and - whoever that other guy was.

Strip it down. Let everyone present the principles & ideals they believe in & get rid of the multibillion dollar industry that is our current political system. It's obscene how much is spent on political campaigning.

The problem is that none of that system is actually instituted by the government. The parties are private entities, elections are privately funded. Technically there isn't anything preventing exactly what you are saying, except the inertia and the amount of money allowed to be spent on elections by people (which in this case included corporations)

How do you limit that without limiting freedom of speech, which the courts have ruled money is a form of?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
So... What are said "highlights." With the rapid swing in power from "right" to "left" and back again, I don't think much good has been accomplished by the federal government in a very long time. Our laws, tax codes, regulations, you name it are all so convoluted. Throw out the party system & let each person running for office run on their own merit & earn their own place. When you have 17 republicans running for the presidential nomination & DJT is what comes out of the funnel, its time to throw away the funnel.
Totally on the same page there...

I was thinking more of the "highlights" of liberal and conservative thinking in general....not of how they are translated through the current political parties using those titles.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The problem is that none of that system is actually instituted by the government. The parties are private entities, elections are privately funded. Technically there isn't anything preventing exactly what you are saying, except the inertia and the amount of money allowed to be spent on elections by people (which in this case included corporations)

How do you limit that without limiting freedom of speech, which the courts have ruled money is a form of?

Funny thing about "money " being considered a form of speech. That automatically means those with more money get more voice.

It may not be institutionalized, per se, but the institutions that are in place sure have a vested interest in keeping it that way. And unfortunately, no ready solution seems to present itself.

I just wonder how long it will take people to wake up. I heard a story recently about a gal who moved here from some African country. She went to the store & was astounded by all the choices we had for things like toothpaste. Or anything. Then you get to the second Tuesday in November and you get "a" or "b." It's ridiculous.

The last major party candidate I voted for in a presidential election was W in 2000 & I regretted it afterward. I think if nothing else, having ended up with Trump in office is making the 2 parties have to do some serious soul searching.

Then you have the funding of Presidential campaigns - If you recall John McCain chose to be constrained by rules so that he could qualify for public funding for some of his campaign. If any party wants to receive any of that public funding available, they have to have received at least 5% of the popular vote in the previous presidential election. Which, if nothing else, that alone persuades me to "throw away" my vote every time. If I don't who will? Besides, whoever I vote for, my vote is converted into a vote for the republican candidate and weighted more heavily than any poor californian's vote, due to our convoluted electoral college system, which also serves to keep the current parties in power. anyway.

Where's Teddy Roosevelt when we need a Bull Moose party?

PLEASE CAN WE GET SOMETHING ELSE?????:face-icon-small-dis

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I was thinking more of the "highlights" of liberal and conservative thinking in general....not of how they are translated through the current political parties using those titles.

I would say the key point is THINKING in GENERAL instead of living our lives via soundbites and whoever's political platform.

Maybe if everyone who decides to boycott the NFL starts reading a book in the time they now find themselves with.. :spider:
Nah.. that's just crazy talk. :face-icon-small-hap
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