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How about our great President!!!

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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Sorry, I was at work, and according to you guys, anyone who didn't vote trump is just a liberal mooch off the gov and obviously has no job ;)

Now we've really gotten into some sort of pickle here with this logic train. haha.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Must wait until all the facts are in before passing judgement and then gives a pass to white supremacist in charlottesville London however since he has an agenda to ban all Muslims Donnie boy instantly tweets it was a terrorist attack. Laughed out loud at the headline "U.K tells Trump to STFU". But the I.C.E. ing on the cake was Trump is demanding ESPN apologize for "untruths". NOW!! that is Rich!!!!! GOD!! what a great President we have. This reality show just keeps getting better and better.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Must wait until all the facts are in before passing judgement and then gives a pass to white supremacist in charlottesville London however since he has an agenda to ban all Muslims Donnie boy instantly tweets it was a terrorist attack. Laughed out loud at the headline "U.K tells Trump to STFU". But the I.C.E. ing on the cake was Trump is demanding ESPN apologize for "untruths". NOW!! that is Rich!!!!! GOD!! what a great President we have. This reality show just keeps getting better and better.

That's a lot of yappin without really saying anything with any validity.



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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
The wall

About the wall, i run a trucking compay i had one of my drivers put a sign on the front of his truck that said trump train, and on the back said hillary for prison he got thumbs up way more that the finger, but when he went from la to seattle uo i5 he got alot of fingers he said, but one he went east of i5 100 miles it was all thumbs up again even at the weight stations it was thumbs up, so get away from the big city it was all thumbs up, so thats where the working folks are.:)


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Aug 30, 2011
Glad to see Trump has the desire to line out the UN and all its bureaucrats. We pay for 25% of its operations out of 183ish countries.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Hillary Clinton to Replace Ruth Bader Ginsberg. :D


My wife got this yesterday. Just a reminder of the options. I wondered for just a minute if RBG had really kicked the bucket.
Not Trump's biggest fan by any means, but his personality lends itself so well to this meme. :face-icon-small-hap

And, yes, His brief speech at the UN was spot on yesterday. On the radio this morning someone was trying to pin down one of his aids on why he said "Make the UN Great," but left out "Again."

Really? You needed an explanation? The UN was founded on great ideals after WWII. It's never quite lived up to any of those ideals. The whole "let's give all these awful oppressive countries Veto power in the Security council" thing needs to be rethought.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I have a question did PresZ Donny call out all athletes as a distraction to take our attention away from another failing health care bill or does he just hate athletes? It seems to have taken over most of the new web sites. Makes one wonder a little bit. I have to say this war of childish name calling with N.K. has raised his approval rating with his base though. God knows is not any legislation he is passing because he has not passed any that is worthwhile .
Jan 15, 2010
Crickets chirping as it turns out that our great President Trump was right once again.

Stop regurgitating brietbart talking points and making conclusions based on the first sentence of a news story . Paul manafort was under LEGAL surveillance from a FISA court order as early as 2014. You should be way more concerned that your great leader was not only taking with someone in this situation but that he hired him as his campaign manager too...

It's extremely difficult to gain a FISA warrant, the president can't just snap his fingers and order one, far from it. Look it up, it's not hard.

Your great orange leader is failing miserably. Health care? Ha. Calling NFL players sons of bitches AND suggesting that protecting against traumatic brain injuries is killing the sport? What a winner. He went to the democrats for a debt ceiling deal. Now he is saying the wall can be "partial". Tax reform? Yea right-if they had a plan we would have seen it by now.

The only thing more embarrassing than Donny are his supporters.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Hats off or is that knees down for Trump getting any mention of the failing of the 61st repeal (or whatever number it has reached) of the Affordable health care bill or comparing the size of his PP to the rocket mans out of the headlines. The master once again opened his mouth and the mass media turns attention from the real news that effects millions to cover a freak show. The process of walking what he said back has already started too. It had nothing to do with race and everything to do with big business having the right to control what their work force can and can't do. This is something big business has been trying to do since the dawn of time. You see it every day with things like corporation america asking for your passwords to all of your social media accounts or you wont be hired or the latest being the process of micro-chipping their employee's. Sure the owners have a right to hire and fire players for not playing football. The contracts also can be written to protect their investment by preventing players from taking part in certain high risk activities that can prevent them from preforming that job.. No one is stupid enough to sign a contract that stipulates you give up your rights as an individual. Don't mention the " patriot act" where America collectively signed away their right to privacy in the name of homeland security. That is a whole different discussion. The owners are not however stupid They are not going to fire anyone for a peaceful protest because it is protected under the so called US Constitution. the document that everyone is so adamant we need to to get back to but when things like this pop up it seems to not be relevant. This whole idea of disrespecting the flag is stupid. its a piece of FN material. However things that it represents such as freedom of speech and to peacefully protest is what is important. Somehow that is all forgotten when certain individual don't protest the right way. Once again i was at a bar having lunch and no one got up and saluted the flag as the national anthem was being played on the TV. Myself included. it might have been different if there were a bunch of people shouting at me how disrespectful i was for not to stand for the national anthem

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Posted it elsewhere. Made Sense to put it here too.

I love my country. I also realize how "Patriotism" has been used to put down all kinds of things you don't like, or more accurately, whatever the current government / people in power (especially those pulling the strings that we know so very little about) doesn't like.

Our flag is cool & has a cool history. My in laws have a flag raising & breakfast every 4th of July & I play taps at it every year. I've also been very conflicted at it every year. I love the principles the country was founded on. Just about every side will take said principles & twist & manipulate them & the symbols of our country for their own use.

The Pledge of Allegiance - The idea for it came from Karl Marx. You aren't pledging allegiance to principles, you're pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth & whatever you can be persuaded currently goes along with that cloth. The pledge as it is was written by a member of the NEA & a socialist.

The National Anthem is also overused and underappreciated. If you're going to sing the 1st verse, you may as well sing the rest. Then you get messages like "conquer we must when our cause it is Just."

And if some overpaid football player wants to take the opportunity to protest, whoopdeedoo. It's in the first amendment. If his overpaid employer wants to fire him, that's his prerogative as well. Or if he wants to sit out too he can. And if the POTUS wants to take a little issue & blow it up to sidetrack us from any issues of actual import, that's his prerogative.


When Loyalty to a Flag means Loyalty to a leader its bull crap.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I will even agree with his critics that are saying that he has enough going on that he is foolish sticking his opinions out there on the NFL.
I mean, if a reporter asks his thoughts, go ahead and give us your opinion. But the way he said the things he said helped nothing and drove the two sides further apart.
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