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How about our great President!!!

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polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
Cmon mafesto, according to your logic those people chose to live in hurricane alley, shouldn't they be practicing that great 'Murican trait of "self reliance"? Now you are ready to throw tax dollars at em and your great leader is making deals with the devil (democrats). What's next, monkeys flying outta your butt?

Oh yea, 15 billion or whatever they are spending on the hurricanes in this bill alone is a fart in a windstorm when it comes to spending less than you make. It's also a fart in a windstorm compared to what it's actually gonna cost to rebuild... good thing Donny changed the rules so that all that cash can only be spent to rebuild how it was and won't cover upgrades to withstand future storms...

You are so clueless it is pathetic. You think that 15 billion is going to go towards rebuilding people's homes? No. it is going to fix infrastructure, probably provide some food and short term housing for displaced people, and other odds and ends. I like how this post ended how it started clueless AF. It is clear you have no idea what the building code is like in Florida. Perhaps you should stop smoking so much of what you are growing.
Jan 15, 2010
You are so clueless it is pathetic. You think that 15 billion is going to go towards rebuilding people's homes? No. it is going to fix infrastructure, probably provide some food and short term housing for displaced people, and other odds and ends. I like how this post ended how it started clueless AF. It is clear you have no idea what the building code is like in Florida. Perhaps you should stop smoking so much of what you are growing.

Say what you want about me but here is another link about trumps changes to the regulations affecting rebuilding with federal aid...http://www.npr.org/2017/08/29/54709...et-cuts-could-undermine-harvey-relief-efforts. Sorry it's not from brietbart... Doesn't seem like a fiscally conservative and responsible path, seems more like a way to ensure shelling out a loooot more $$ in the future.

Also , the government spent $114.5 billion (against a total of about $160 billion) on hurricane Katrina, you can look it up all ya want. So yea, based on that the current amount of relief is actually a fart in a windstorm considering the expected totals in Houston are already more then that and who knows what happens tomorrow.

polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
Say what you want about me but here is another link about trumps changes to the regulations affecting rebuilding with federal aid...http://www.npr.org/2017/08/29/54709...et-cuts-could-undermine-harvey-relief-efforts. Sorry it's not from brietbart... Doesn't seem like a fiscally conservative and responsible path, seems more like a way to ensure shelling out a loooot more $$ in the future.

Also , the government spent $114.5 billion (against a total of about $160 billion) on hurricane Katrina, you can look it up all ya want. So yea, based on that the current amount of relief is actually a fart in a windstorm considering the expected totals in Houston are already more then that and who knows what happens tomorrow.

You having stomach problems? I feel like you have something on your mind right now... :target:


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You having stomach problems? I feel like you have something on your mind right now... :target:

This fella will call us heartless bastards with one breath if are against government not giving away the farm, and in his next breath say we're helping too much.

Basically talking sh!t just to hear himself talk.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd

Spend it at home, help are selfs not those you want to kill us keep it
here in are own county, not like are last guy we had who helped
everone but are own, that guy doubled the debt and nothing was done here, not rocket sience.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Grammar Nazis

Is that really necessary?

And did I spell necessary correctly?

Unfortunately, I count myself among those who can't stand to see grown adults making mistakes that were drilled into me in 3rd grade. It makes my eyes hurt.

Unless you slept through elementary school, you really should know the difference between "are" and "our", and "there," "their," and "they're." Makes me think of talk like a pirate day. ARRRRR...

Though I've got to admit, I still have to think about "its," and "it's." Silly apostrophes.

Of course when we have highly educated leaders using words like "misunderestimated," and the near ubiquitous "nuckular" versus "nuclear," it shouldn't surprise me.

I do try to restrain myself from correcting people most of the time though. 'Cuz that's just plain snobby (notice my use of the vernacular "cuz"). I realize you can have a brilliant mind and not spell correctly. Different things are priorities for different folks.

All this coming from the guy whose 12 y.o. daughter just wrote "I LOVE STAR TRECK" on the back window of our suburban.

GAAAH. :face-icon-small-conHow much Star Trek have I watched with you, and you can't spell "Trek" right?

She's a smart kid. A little weird like her dad, but hey...

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Revenge of the Grammar Nazi

Is that really necessary?

And did I spell necessary correctly?

BwaHaHaa, you got to admit that was funny right there. I don't spell good either.

Spell well either. You'd think I was an English major or something.


Only about 5% of the population does that one right, I think.

polaris dude

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jun 5, 2009
Grand Junction, CO
I wanted to say this somewhere, but most other places people would cry about it. Today my fiance and I bought 3 different plane tickets and it was cheaper than any day we've watched in the last month by over $100 each ticket. She couldn't figure it out why they were so much cheaper today so I just assumed it was because today was 9/11. Realistically it probably has more to do with hurricanes or something.

black z

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 2, 2014
I wonder how many of the people that brought their trucks, boats, and big trucks to rescue people from Houston were Bernie and Hillary supporters? :eyebrows:
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