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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I get a kick out of the folks that attempt to belittle FOX news. They have been the #1 news network for 15 years. That's all.
But go ahead and keep watching fake news. At least they tell you what you WANT to hear.

I don't think MH was belittling Fox News in this case. It's not a great sign when even the news source that is biased most in your favor says that 56% of people disapprove of you.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
News Sources blah blah... Kim Jong Un & Korea - Maybe Trump is right there...

I grew up with my Dad (stepdad) watching the news faithfully every evening & yelling back at the screen half the time. I haven't "watched" the news since I left home in 2000 , except when I've visited my parents house & he's still addicted to watching the news. He dvr's it when he can't watch it right then to watch it later. In High school, he would drive me to school at 6:30 in the morning listening to Rush Limbaugh the whole way.

I suppose I'm a bit of a news addict myself, listening daily to NPR on my commute to & from work. I realize they tend to have a fairly "liberal" slant to it. Listen to any program they ever have on Abortion issues, any issues relating to any kind of conspiracy theories (generally just a step above mocking) and you'll definitely hear the slant. That being said, I find them infinitely more subjective & covering a much more diverse subject range than main-stream media. Also... I listen for free & feel no guilt when asked to contribute to my local npr station. Any media has some kind of slant. When it gets too slanted, I change the station & listen to classic rock. :)
NPR Has no love for Trump. Neither do I. He's a self absorbed egotist who is far more concerned with Trump that anything else. So he doesn't take a salary. Whoopdedoo. He gets 4-8 years of advertising for the Trump brand paid courtesy of the American people, and to the detriment of an awful lot of constructive things that could be happening instead.

One thing I do agree with Trump on - Fire & Fury. He & Kim Jong Un I think in another life could be best buddies. They're very similar. I think its ridiculous the media, China, etc has told him or implied he needs to tone down his rhetoric on North Korea. Kim Jong Un is insane. And if he actually did attack Guam, or anywhere for that matter, US territory, South Korea, Japan, whatever, I'm sure he would be "met with fire & fury, the likes of which the world has never seen."

I don't think North Korea should have nuclear weapons, but I also think we have no room to talk. Its science. If they can figure it out, they will have it, and they are figuring it out. But we have enough nuclear weapons to turn the entire Korean Peninsula into molten slag. We probably have enough non-nuclear ordinance to torn North Korea into molten slag. I would regret the loss of innocent life in North Korea, but their lives are miserable as it is. It might be considered merciful to end North Korea.
I'm not endorsing doing this, but its a hypothetical "what if" I've thought about. I'm Pretty Sure China is the only folks who would take issue, which considering their absurd population & military - This is probably why we don't poke it with a stick...

And Trump dictating that no Americans could travel to North Korea -
2. Wait - People Could travel to North Korea?
3. Otto Warnbeer (or however you spell his name). This to me would be justification for Trumps rhetoric alone, and even Military action if you ask me.
4. This should have been in place a LONG time ago. Like... Since the Korean War long time ago, or at least since Kim Il Sung was in power.

Kim Jong Un is the schoolyard bully nobody pays attention to in the playground. News flash! This Bullies packin' heat! If you found out there was a bully at your kids school waving around a gun, even if his parents & family & closest friends were the local Sheriff, Mayor, & Largest local employer, Prosecuting attorney, etc, WOULD YOU NOT DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?
If ever there was a candidate for a clandestine US military assasination...:spider::bowl:
Dang China & their 1.5 zillion people & big freakin army. At least the Chinese government anyway.

Anyway.. Thats my rant for today. Hope you enjoy it.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Living in a state that had above ground nuclear weapons testing and the future home of the biggest nuclear dump in the US history now that Harry R. is no longer our senator, the last thing i want to see is some clown push the button to prove to the world that his made in the USA wee wee is smaller then the other guys. Those areas in the Nevada desert are still too hot for humans to walk in. Funny side note to this is that Our US military at the time marched our troops into some of the areas to see the effects of nuclear fallout on ground troops. The nuances of Foreign Policy is way over my head but i am smart enough to figure out that you never want two idiots going after each other because someone might do something idiotic and hurt someone


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Nobody wants a nuclear confrontation, but the concept of mutual destruction only works when there is belief of willingness to go there.

We need the world to realize that we will resort to the use of nuclear weapons. That's the only way the concept works.

Case in point...had we not bombed Hirishima and Nagasaki, there's no doubt in my mind that there would have already been a WWIII and WWIV.
Jan 15, 2010
Just a reminder of how Osama's stupid choices continue to hurt us.

How many times does it take to get it thru your thick skull?? He never gave Iran any of "your" money. The money that went to Iran when the sanctions were lifted was irans money from the get go, it was tied up due to the sanctions being in place and was for the most part proceeds on oil sales prior to the sanctions being put in place. You could not have kept it without stealing it and violating international law. Maybe that's how you want to roll, but get it straight, Obama didn't gift them $150 billion and you could never have spent it to rebuilt Houston.

If your great leader was such an awesome deal maker then why doesn't he make a deal with North Korea to control their nuclear program in such a way that's greaaat for the USA? He sure was good at criticizing the deal Obama made with Iran, maybe it's time for Donny to step up and put his money where his mouth is. Spouting off about fire and fury sure as hell isnt gonna help.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
How many times does it take to get it thru your thick skull?? He never gave Iran any of "your" money. The money that went to Iran when the sanctions were lifted was irans money from the get go, it was tied up due to the sanctions being in place and was for the most part proceeds on oil sales prior to the sanctions being put in place. You could not have kept it without stealing it and violating international law. Maybe that's how you want to roll, but get it straight, Obama didn't gift them $150 billion and you could never have spent it to rebuilt Houston.

Well I don't know about all that, it just seems like Texas deserved it more than Iran. But then again, Osama wasn't born in Texas.
And he's probably still a Muslim.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Next I suppose that you're gonna try and tell us that this money belonged to North Korea all along too.:face-icon-small-con

Jan 15, 2010
Next I suppose that you're gonna try and tell us that this money belonged to North Korea all along too.:face-icon-small-con

At least he attempted to make a deal that might have benefited the us if it had been followed thru. Why don't you look a little deeper and see how W and Dick helped get NK to where they are now? And if you want to look at the past and talk about wasting money on foreign countries why don't you cite the Trillions that W wasted in Iraq and Afghanistan? I bet the $4 billion your cartoon claims Billy gave away was about Ws daily burn rate.

You really need to stop looking at past issues, good or bad, as justification for today's screw ups

I'll say it again, if Donny is so awesome at making deals that benefit the US then where is the new NK deal? He has nothing, no idea how to negotiate at this level. All he can do is bang his fist on the table and bark just like the other fat kid with funny hair.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You guys cry about fake news and then go spreading BS like this that is completely baseless...

Pretty sure he wasn't born in Texas, so that's correct.
Many believe him to be muslim, plus I did say "probably" which should cover me there.
Gee, if there's BS being spread here, I would say "He who smelt it, dealt it"!
Jan 15, 2010
Next I suppose that you're gonna try and tell us that this money belonged to North Korea all along too.:face-icon-small-con

Actually, this is more BS. See https://www.google.ca/amp/www.newsweek.com/north-korea-bush-clinton-obama-trump-649522?amp=1

Near the end of the article you will note that when the repubs took over congress in 1994 they cancelled the deal and halted the payment which was actually subsidies to be in exchange for them to get their nuclear program in line... you might say that's a victory, but what if they had stuck to that deal? Might have never happened, but it's a hell of a lot better than screaming about fire and fury. But Donny is the best deal maker ever so I'm suuuuure he has it under control.
Jan 15, 2010
Pretty sure he wasn't born in Texas, so that's correct.
Many believe him to be muslim, plus I did say "probably" which should cover me there.
Gee, if there's BS being spread here, I would say "He who smelt it, dealt it"!

Just like your great leader, searching for the tiny kernels of truth in a giant pile of bullsh$t.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
This sums up our "Great President's" Level of expertise on everything.

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