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How about our great President!!!

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Feb 8, 2010
In the same breath he said they were good people. The head of freakin Fox News just backed it up. Again, the next day he suggested dipping bullets in pigs blood and shooting Muslims. That really backs up your story. You can call whoever you like anti American but if you would look past your partisan blinders you would see that you Donny nut swingers are the ones doing real damage to your reputation across the world. Take a look away from brietbart and look at some international news some day, just to see what the rest of the world thinks. Oh wait, they are all dumb socialists anyway, their opinions are garbage...

And give up on the stupid "Obama did it so it's ok" argument. You guys elected this guy because he was supposed to not be like a politician and because you HATE Obama soooooo much, now it's ok to do the same things you reviled him for?
Fixed it for you


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Everyone(liberal dominated media, and therefore much of the publuc who worships them) is losing their minds over Trump taking 2 days to condemn things that happened in Charlottesville. Did Obama ever condemn the killing of law enforcement or the burning, looting and violence that went on during much of his presidency?

Yup. And you'd know that if you'd look instead of assuming.




Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Our great President Trump said there was wrong doing on all sides.
The left blew a gasket.

Do you lefties realize that this is the side that you are defending?

Jan 15, 2010
Brietbart (rest his soul) had more journalistic integrity in his little finger than most of your fake news f_cks will ever posess.

That's pretty funny, brietbart-integrity... their current hero, bannon, is credited with "weaponizing news". Integrity alright, they are just ooozing with it.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
The stark division of the people has all but destroyed this nation -I don't see things getting better, conservatives blame liberals , liberals blame conservatives. I blame the sheep of both parties ,independent thinkers are to rare in politics to make a difference for the good of all. The founding fathers warned of the destruction that would come with a two party system ,what you are seeing is exactly that. How many of these so called liberals do you think really even gave a $hit about the confederacy until it became party affiliated.Probably not to many.How many conservatives do you think gave a $hit about it until it became war against the other side. Same. Republicans can take a knee and pay homage to Donald the great and democrats can pay homage to their demigod. I do not pay out respect so easily, especially since any good done by either side gets cancelled out by the other. The only thing that is going to make a difference is the abolishment of the two party system. Rant over!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I agree to a certain extent, however I feel that our ultimate demise will be the wussification of our citizens.
I've referred countless times to softies.

Softies are leaders that lack the mental toughness to make decisions based on necessity. They always cave into what will make them more likeable

Softies are the young men and women that would piss themselves from fear if sent to basic training.

Softies are the ones who've never had calloused hands, who have forgotton the necessity of basic blue collar skills.

We are running out of men and women that could pull their own weight if our system collapsed.

Look at the iconic Rosie the Riviter, the woman in the forties were tougher than the men of today.

Look at the pussies manufacturing division over historic monuments!
How can a grown man with any self respect teach his children this behavior?

People are scared of another civil war. We certainly appear to be on that course. But don't dwell on that. The real threats are our foes around the globe that haven't kept pace with us becoming pussies. That's our vulnerability.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
This is an over-simplification, but it illustrates my point to a T.

Who will survive?
Those who stockpile food and water?
Those who stockpile tools, guns and ammo?
Jan 15, 2010
I agree to a certain extent, however I feel that our ultimate demise will be the wussification of our citizens.
I've referred countless times to softies.

Softies are leaders that lack the mental toughness to make decisions based on necessity. They always cave into what will make them more likeable

Softies are the young men and women that would piss themselves from fear if sent to basic training.

Softies are the ones who've never had calloused hands, who have forgotton the necessity of basic blue collar skills.

We are running out of men and women that could pull their own weight if our system collapsed.

Look at the iconic Rosie the Riviter, the woman in the forties were tougher than the men of today.

Look at the pussies manufacturing division over historic monuments!
How can a grown man with any self respect teach his children this behavior?

People are scared of another civil war. We certainly appear to be on that course. But don't dwell on that. The real threats are our foes around the globe that haven't kept pace with us becoming pussies. That's our vulnerability.

Or maybe the problem could be angry old white guys who complain about how horrible things are, wish it was 1950, hate people of other races and talk to their imaginary friend all the time... and are delusional enough to think that a guy like the mango messiah was actually gonna solve all of their horrible problems.
Jan 15, 2010

If you actually understand history you would know that there has been a significant shift-basically a switch-in the stance of US political parties since the time of Lincoln. Just because the names of the parties are the same doesn't mean their views in the mid 1800s are anything like they are now. Look it up, it's not hard.
Jan 15, 2010
C'mon man, you usually do a lot better than that!
Take another swing at it.

Ok, I'll bite...

Older generations have been calling younger ones pussies since the dawn of time. It's a weak cop out at best. There's always been plenty that wouldn't survive a zombie apocalypse. Now that there's 350 million of ya there sure are a lot more of em.

What do you think Rosie the riveter did after the war? Barefoot in a 1950s kitchen I'd bet.

Funny that you are now concerned about the rest of the world. If you are really worried about getting left behind maybe it would make sense to support stepping into the 21st century instead of getting all ga ga about bringing back coal mining and 1950s policy. The rest of the world is diving headlong into renewable energy, information technology and the future, you guys are talking about how great it is to burn rocks and how the youth can't dig a hole fast enough. The rest of the world is leaving you behind alright, and you took a giant step backwards in the last year.
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