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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
So you're saying my rant from post #535 is off the target?
If so, I really am F'ed and have lost touch.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
So you're saying my rant from post #535 is off the target?
If so, I really am F'ed and have lost touch.
Yeah, the world has changed a lot. Life is a LOT easier to survive then 10, 20, 100 years ago. Technology has really made it fairly unnecessary to be some tough brute to succeed. Yes obviously in the case of a system collapse demand would change but i guess maybe not everyone here is listening to Alex Jones and waiting for the sky to fall.

We have quality (altho systemically problematic) healthcare that makes risk of dying pretty low. Simple health threats of the past are now nothing more then a distant memory. We have insane access to information and the world market so we do not need to be able to provide services in our local market to make money. We have automated Rosie the riveter, she doesn't exist and would be a step backwards in our current environment so why are we idolizing her?

The whole MAGA slogan was based on this vision of recreating some Utopian America that has been rendered obsolete many years ago by all of our societal advancements. Once you realize your chasing an illusion of history and greatness only then can you learn how to actually move forward and truly advance and grow.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
That's not a bad response. I appreciate the thought put into it.

There's enough truth to it to make me consider that my post was perhaps dwelling on events that may not unfold.
However, I also think there is a lot of validity to my post as well. I think most employers will admit that it is easier to get employees in their 50's to work OT than it is employees in their 20's for example. I could go on, but you get my point, and we should get this thread back on the rails and celebrating the greatness of our President Trump!


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
That's not a bad response. I appreciate the thought put into it.

There's enough truth to it to make me consider that my post was perhaps dwelling on events that may not unfold.
However, I also think there is a lot of validity to my post as well. I think most employers will admit that it is easier to get employees in their 50's to work OT than it is employees in their 20's for example. I could go on, but you get my point, and we should get this thread back on the rails and celebrating the greatness of our President Trump!
I agree with you on the 50 year old and the 25 year old. i have both my older guys hands down are the best workers. not saying
my younger guys are bad but if i need something done and
and done good and and not bitch about it i go with my man
thats 61 years old. he can do it and di it right and happy. that said
trump is doing a ( GREAT) job keep up the good work...

Futy Warington

Premium Member
Dec 6, 2007
More than enough name calling to go around

So you're saying my rant from post #535 is off the target?
If so, I really am F'ed and have lost touch.

Inasmuch as your gut reaction is nearly always name calling, instead of fact checking, Yes. To say nothing of how crass both you and our "Great President" can be.

Though I was impressed that you admitted that somebody had a well thought out reply.

All sides in our nation have become so divisive that to be "moderate" is a sin.

Put down those who don't agree with you. Remove them from "real Americans." Real Humans. Call them Softies, Libtards, pussies, brats, spoiled, Democrat, Republican, whatever. Hate is hate no matter how you dress it up.

Whether it is the old hating the young, the young hating the old, the whites hating the blacks, the blacks hating the whites, the establishment hating the fringe, the fringe hating the establishment, the underprivileged resenting the privileged, or the privileged neglecting the underprivileged. When we label people, movements, whatever, it allows us to see them as different and somehow inferior to us. Group anyone and anything you don't like in a category and you can then ship them to an island, or demean them, or what have you.

Life can be hard. People today deal with much different things than we dealt with 20, 30, 100 years ago. Some things are so automatic, we no longer have to even think about them. But in our interconnected world it seems we create more & more isolation. Think about that next time you want to revert to name calling.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Just when I thought we were making some headway... Alas.

In regards to my comment about a disillusioned version of when America was "great".

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/n2b3mkipd3U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Hidden Figures

Have you seen the movies "The Immitation Game" or "Hidden Figures"?

Just watched "Hidden Figures" over the weekend with my wife & 5 kids."

Interesting having to explain to my 5 year old girl why the white man is knocking down the sign that says "Colored Ladies Room."

One of the best scenes.. When MJ & the Black supervisor gal meet in the restroom & she says "Contrary to what you may think, I don't have any ill feelings to you or your peope" (or something like that.

To which the Black gal says, "I'm sure you believe that."

Says a lot about how we perceive ourselves & our intentions.

Loved the closing credits showing what each of the women managed to accomplish at Nasa & in life. :)

I wonder what Trumps epitaph will look like in 100 years from now.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
We saw how well polls worked in the last two elections. Polls mean nothing anymore. Even polls have become partisan even though they say they are non bias. Trumps base elected him to stir things up in Washington and that is exactly what he is doing. The rest of the people who voted for Trump did not really care what happens. They just did not want Hilary to be elected. We now have a dis-functional president to go along with a dis-functional congress and we are witnessing the results of that. I am getting really tired of hearing the media and political pundits saying they are surprised by what he is doing or not doing. All you had to do is your own research on who "The Donald" was to figure out that he is all about promoting himself and his brand and nothing else. He will tell you exactly what you want to hear and lie directly to your face and then turn around and do what best suite him and his interests plain and simple. History has proven this time and time again.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
More than the title... or the poll for that matter.. is the source of the headline...For me, that is.


I get a kick out of the folks that attempt to belittle FOX news. They have been the #1 news network for 15 years. That's all.
But go ahead and keep watching fake news. At least they tell you what you WANT to hear.
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