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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
Ya that trump guy I wish he would beat around the bush and little and quit telling it like it is. we are use to being lied to in the years past dam him anyway.

Telling it like it is eh? Yea, those neo nazis sure are good people. I'm sure if a bunch of Jews, Mexicans and black people marched thru your town carrying torches, flags based on hate and weapons and chanted "we hate rednecks" you'd just sit back and watch-I doubt any of em would get away alive, let alone with a severe limp.


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Aug 30, 2011

freekweet mods

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Feb 3, 2008
Charlottesville VA; A stupid with a stick (lefty) was poking a stupid with a hornets nest (righty) and somebody got stung(innocence) . See it every hour of every day- brought to you by your jackasserry two party system. Common sensed people have learned that sometimes its best to let sleeping dogs lie.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Here's is how I understand the chain of events, and if I am mistaken please correct me, because I truly do want to be correct in my perception and analysis of what has occurred and peoples response to it.

The Neo-Nazis (or whatever you want to call them) held a rally (or whatever you want to call their gathering).
In my opinion these people are absolute garbage, scum, walking sin. However, their gathering was indeed legal.
Then we have Antifa illegally violently, physically protesting against these Neo-Nazis. Key word being "Illegally".

Finally, sadly, some misguided racist piece of crap runs down the protesters with a Dodge Challenger. Call it vehicular homicide, but it was murder, plain & simple.

Our great President Trump responds acknowledging wrongdoing from all sides, which is 100% correct.
However, because he didn't choose the words that would appease the left, the media has seized an opportunity to twist his intents, imply falsehoods and intentionally stir up a fire that was merely an ember.

Again, please correct any of the above that I may have misunderstood. And if he said something racists (really said something, not someone's interpretation) please bring this to light.

Thank you.


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Aug 30, 2011
That's all it is.
Sad that people who want to preserve history are now labeled as Nazis because of the same side that they happen to be on with different beliefs.
And yes, trump said everything right but instead of news that reports the facts it's news that party and agenda driven.
Jan 15, 2010
Here's is how I understand the chain of events, and if I am mistaken please correct me, because I truly do want to be correct in my perception and analysis of what has occurred and peoples response to it.

The Neo-Nazis (or whatever you want to call them) held a rally (or whatever you want to call their gathering).
In my opinion these people are absolute garbage, scum, walking sin. However, their gathering was indeed legal.
Then we have Antifa illegally violently, physically protesting against these Neo-Nazis. Key word being "Illegally".

Finally, sadly, some misguided racist piece of crap runs down the protesters with a Dodge Challenger. Call it vehicular homicide, but it was murder, plain & simple.

Our great President Trump responds acknowledging wrongdoing from all sides, which is 100% correct.
However, because he didn't choose the words that would appease the left, the media has seized an opportunity to twist his intents, imply falsehoods and intentionally stir up a fire that was merely an ember.

Again, please correct any of the above that I may have misunderstood. And if he said something racists (really said something, not someone's interpretation) please bring this to light.

Thank you.

You forgot the part where he called the Neo nazis "good people", the lies he told about "waiting for the facts" etc. If you didn't think he was a racist POS then read the link I posted from Fox News of all places earlier today.

The bigger picture is that he is totally disconnected from 65% of the population. He had a real opportunity here to actually bring people together here and try to heal some of the massive divide that you guys have going, and instead of doing the right thing he appealed to his rapidly shrinking base and **** on the rest of the population. Considering guys like you think Obama divided the country so bad I can't comprehend how you think Donny played this one right. A real leader would not have acted in any way similar to the far orange slug you guys keep kissing up to.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
He has , on multiple occasions, condemned the KKK & Neo-Nazis.
No, I think you anti-American Trump haters are simply using his less than perfect verbiage and exploiting it. You know full well that implying something incorrectly is no different than telling a lie.
Don't think you can piss in my face and tell me it's raining!


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Furthermore, if you want to continue your narrative, then If our great President Trump is a Nazi for not calling out Nazis, Obama was an Islamic terrorist for not calling out Islamic terrorists.

That's how absurd your argument is.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd

Where did you see the 65% disconection i sure dont see that around my area. and why lie tell the truth lets not lie anymore. look at the past years it never worked tell it like it is.


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Feb 8, 2010
Everyone(liberal dominated media, and therefore much of the publuc who worships them) is losing their minds over Trump taking 2 days to condemn things that happened in Charlottesville. Did Obama ever condemn the killing of law enforcement or the burning, looting and violence that went on during much of his presidency?
Jan 15, 2010
Where did you see the 65% disconection i sure dont see that around my area. and why lie tell the truth lets not lie anymore. look at the past years it never worked tell it like it is.

Considering only 35% approve at all of what he is doing it was easy math. Half your problem is that you guys never look outside "your area".
Jan 15, 2010
He has , on multiple occasions, condemned the KKK & Neo-Nazis.
No, I think you anti-American Trump haters are simply using his less than perfect verbiage and exploiting it. You know full well that implying something incorrectly is no different than telling a lie.
Don't think you can piss in my face and tell me it's raining!

In the same breath he said they were good people. The head of freakin Fox News just backed it up. Again, the next day he suggested dipping bullets in pigs blood and shooting Muslims. That really backs up your story. You can call whoever you like anti American but if you would look past your partisan blinders you would see that you Donny nut swingers are the ones doing real damage to your reputation across the world. Take a look away from brietbart and look at some international news some day, just to see what the rest of the world thinks. Oh wait, they are all dumb socialists anyway, their opinions are garbage...

And give up on the stupid "Obama did it so it's ok" argument. You guys elected this guy because he was supposed to not be like a politician and because you hated Obama soooooo much, now it's ok to do the same things you reviled him for?


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Considering only 35% approve at all of what he is doing it was easy math. Half your problem is that you guys never look outside "your area".

Well you know, the 80%+ of the population that lives in urban areas aren't Real Americans. Only WE are real Americans. So 100% of Real Americans support him so you're fake news.

(sarcasm, if it wasn't obvious enough.)
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