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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You honestly believe all people with left wing political views aren't self-sufficient economically? And that the military isn't made up of people with all sorts of political views?

Of course not.
I have very close loved ones that are Democrats, and some real lefty.
Holiday meals can get interesting!
I fully understand there are very good, productive, self sufficient Democrats.
Just as you know full well that for the most part, those who are freeloaders choosing to not be productive members of society are Democrats or left leaning.

But you are correct, neither side is pure just as neither side is all wrong.
Absolutes simply don't exist.
Jan 15, 2010
Of course not.
I have very close loved ones that are Democrats, and some real lefty.
Holiday meals can get interesting!
I fully understand there are very good, productive, self sufficient Democrats.
Just as you know full well that for the most part, those who are freeloaders choosing to not be productive members of society are Democrats or left leaning.

But you are correct, neither side is pure just as neither side is all wrong.
Absolutes simply don't exist.

That is complete horsesh$t. "For the most part freeloaders are democrats ". You ever been to the Deep South?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Now you're stereotyping folks due to their geographical proximity?

Next you're gonna say that just because I am from South Dakota I am a real tough sonofagun!
Well I have some news for you, I'm not! Not at all!


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
TP=Toilet Paper.

Of course not.
I have very close loved ones that are Democrats, and some real lefty.
Holiday meals can get interesting!
I fully understand there are very good, productive, self sufficient Democrats.
Just as you know full well that for the most part, those who are freeloaders choosing to not be productive members of society are Democrats or left leaning.

But you are correct, neither side is pure just as neither side is all wrong.
Absolutes simply don't exist.
Is TP a free loader Democrat?
Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigns after criticism for taking charter flights at taxpayer expense.

And lets not forget Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin. Another dandy!

Yes. Trump needs to drain the swamp because it is too small. He needs one the size of Lake Michigan.

It amazes me on how many Trump Chumps believe his lies.


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
What does a four or five year old child think when the POTUS says the following? What goes through their mind?

Trump: "I Could Stand In the Middle Of Fifth Avenue And Shoot Somebody And I Wouldn't Lose Any Voters"
Posted on January 23, 2016
Jan 15, 2010
Now you're stereotyping folks due to their geographical proximity?

Next you're gonna say that just because I am from South Dakota I am a real tough sonofagun!
Well I have some news for you, I'm not! Not at all!

Nope. I've just looked at the maps that show what states have the highest concentration of welfare recipients. They are not generally liberal. But as I said earlier, everyone's sh$t stinks...

Talk about stereotyping, aren't you the guy that just claimed that the cast majority of welfare goes to liberals? Donnys hypocrisy is rubbin off on ya.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
I'm just glad to see so many independent thinkers responding, this is what the nation needs- a voice from the grit and guts of common sensed Americans that refuse to be led or (herded) like sheep.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You honestly believe all people with left wing political views aren't self-sufficient economically? And that the military isn't made up of people with all sorts of political views?

I researched "liberal" and found this picture.

Jan 15, 2010
The followers of oboma how are you liking your new insurance premiums,

I'd bet there's a lot of people with pre existing conditions that are happy to have a premium at all. Considering the last poll I saw had well over 50% in support of the aca and something like 17% supporting the repub plan ...

How are you Donny nut swingers liking the great wonderful health care plan that he promised you he had already sorted during the election? How about the wonderful yuge job he did getting involved in the process and working with congress to come up with a workable bill? The clown just banged his fist on the table and complained the whole time, amazing leadership for sure...

Oh yea, how about his wonderful beautiful tax plan? Benefits the top 1% yugely , does nothing for the average person and adds how many trillion to the debt?? All to promote trickle down economics (proven failure) to create "millions " of jobs in an economy with nearly full employment and minimal immigration. That sounds like a "great" plan too.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Ahh,yes the republican tinkle on economics model, give to the rich and let them tinkle on the poor and everyones happy-ya right.Democrats aren't much better because of their delegation and regulation of who and what groups get earmarked funds, in a nutshell if you are rich or poor one of the two will work for you,but if you are busting your but to make your own, both sides will find a way to take advantage of your hard work ethic and honesty and pass it on to someone else.
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I researched "liberal" and found this picture.

Of the top 10 MOST dependent states, on the federal government.... 8 are Republican states.
As a note Bill, South Dakota is the 13th Most dependent (on the Federal Government) of the 50 states.

Of the top 10 LEAST Federally dependent states... only 1 is a Republican state.

There are only 4 other states that are LESS dependent on the Federal government than California, with none of those 4 being Red states.

California eclipses any other state in terms of raw dollars contributed to the Federal coffers.

To put it simply....Red states are overwhelmingly MORE dependent on Federal Government than the Blue states.

This is why that meme is not based in any fact/reality.

BUT.... I also subscribe to the point of view that Lazy people can wear Red OR Blue...
One or the other does not have the monopoly on good hard-work ethics.




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Jan 15, 2010
And the mango messiah has the gall to say that the Secretary of State is wasting his time opening diplomatic channels with North Korea. Someone in his admin is actually doing their job and he sh$ts on them and threatens nuclear war again. What the fu$k is wrong with you people (I'm referring to his supporters...). The only way out of nuking a whole bunch of people is diplomacy. I hope Rex quits and tells Donny where to shove it.

It takes a real man to admit their mistake, I'm waiting for a few to step up here... you guys elected an unhinged egomaniacal idiot who has not done and will not do any good for your country or the world. I hope mueller gets him before he can cause some real harm. The entire world would breathe a collective sigh of relief.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
And the mango messiah has the gall to say that the Secretary of State is wasting his time opening diplomatic channels with North Korea. Someone in his admin is actually doing their job and he sh$ts on them and threatens nuclear war again. What the fu$k is wrong with you people (I'm referring to his supporters...). The only way out of nuking a whole bunch of people is diplomacy. I hope Rex quits and tells Donny where to shove it.

It takes a real man to admit their mistake, I'm waiting for a few to step up here... you guys elected an unhinged egomaniacal idiot who has not done and will not do any good for your country or the world. I hope mueller gets him before he can cause some real harm. The entire world would breathe a collective sigh of relief.

You elected Trudeau in Canada, so forgive me as I ignore your opinion of our great President Trump.
Jan 15, 2010
You elected Trudeau in Canada, so forgive me as I ignore your opinion of our great President Trump.

Gimme a freakin break. Face it bud, Donny is a FAILURE. He keeps stepping in it every day because he has no idea what he is doing. He is gonna continue to do so and his ego is gonna make him do something really dangerous one of these days. I hope you are the first to sign up for the front lines. In the meantime I hope you are enjoying Isis being destroyed in the first 30 days, beautiful health care for all, the wall paid for by Mexico, bigly wonderful tax reform etc.

Oh yea, I remember you saying how much you thought Obama divided the country and you hated him for it... considering Donny is doing everything he can to deepen any divides and making ZERO effort to unite anyone I guess logic would dictate that that Should piss you off. Why am I not surprised that it doesn't?
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