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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Oh yea, I remember you saying how much you thought Obama divided the country and you hated him for it... considering Donny is doing everything he can to deepen any divides and making ZERO effort to unite anyone I guess logic would dictate that that Should piss you off. Why am I not surprised that it doesn't?

Our great President Trump is not the divider, it is all you Trump haters ruining our country!
When obstructionists are able to block progress, you sick people celebrate. The left has one mission, block anything and use it as a political division wedge.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd

I'd bet there's a lot of people with pre existing conditions that are happy to have a premium at all. Considering the last poll I saw had well over 50% in support of the aca and something like 17% supporting the repub plan ...

How are you Donny nut swingers liking the great wonderful health care plan that he promised you he had already sorted during the election? How about the wonderful yuge job he did getting involved in the process and working with congress to come up with a workable bill? The clown just banged his fist on the table and complained the whole time, amazing leadership for sure...

Oh yea, how about his wonderful beautiful tax plan? Benefits the top 1% yugely , does nothing for the average person and adds how many trillion to the debt?? All to promote trickle down economics (proven failure) to create "millions " of jobs in an economy with nearly full employment and minimal immigration. That sounds like a "great" plan too.
Love the oboma plan lets help the one's that cant help themselfs
if they have no money ill pay for it, it's a very good way to keep things going in are country pay more premiems for ins so no more money is spent on other things, ya you dems got sh1t right.:juggle:
Jan 15, 2010
Our great President Trump is not the divider, it is all you Trump haters ruining our country!
When obstructionists are able to block progress, you sick people celebrate. The left has one mission, block anything and use it as a political division wedge.

Um yea, ok... "we are going to make Obama a one term president no matter what"-McConnell.

Trump is actively pushing division. Do you actually read the crap he tweets? Or do you just assume it's all perfect because your man crush is so strong for his orange hairdo? To ignore it is to have your head in the sand.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
You elected Trudeau in Canada, so forgive me as I ignore your opinion of our great President Trump.
I would re-elect Trudeau 100 times before Trump. He's not perfect, nor is his party. But he's a great, well-spoken rep for the country and Canadian values, his party is somehwat middle ground between the "left and right," and I feel he's looking at the future more than the past. Do I agree with all his policies? No. Will I ever agree with all of any government's policies, at any level? No. But he's a win for the country as much as Trump is a lose for the USA...I have 0 interest in switching lol. Plus he's so dreamy..
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Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
How are you Donny nut swingers liking the great wonderful health care plan that he promised you he had already sorted during the election? How about the wonderful yuge job he did getting involved in the process and working with congress to come up with a workable bill? The clown just banged his fist on the table and complained the whole time, amazing leadership for sure...

:face-icon-small-hapMaybe he could get the Canadians to pay for our healthcare while the Mexicans pay for our border wall. :face-icon-small-hap


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
This WOULD be funny if it weren't true... Pres. DJT,

Oliver is admittedly a political comedy show...but loaded with truths so blatant they ARE funny.... And SAD.

This POTUS is VERY in-touch with pandering to the fears of middle white America...but so out of touch with the actual issues that will affect us in the long term.

President DJT
“Our framework includes our explicit commitment that tax reform will protect low-income and middle-income households, not the wealthy and well-connected,They can call me all they want. It’s not going to help. I’m doing the right thing, and it’s not good for me. Believe me.”

<iframe width="700" height="394" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yy5dTWrBi9g?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And then his pre-school understanding and contempt for our own citizens.

Lazy Puerto Rican's and hospitalized senators

<iframe width="700" height="394" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0PKthlZtLDo?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Well, the tax reform looks like trumps newest trash fire to stoke. Excited to see how bad him and the merry old GOP can fumble right now.

Looks like their best bet right now are corporate tax reductions to increase the deficit and rely on more unfounded and contrary to factual data "trickle down economics" to make up some of the increased revenue at the lower levels. Its amazing that no matter how much information their is regarding this methodology not working it still seems to be the GOP tag line. Im baffled. Im also curious how a 'conservative' group is pushing the spend everyone elses money game, I thought that was liberals... Its the opposite side of the same coin. Polioticians want to waste your money, you just get to chose what junk they enjoy wasting it on.

I keep trying to think of something this team of retards couldn't **** up... But then i worry they would find a way to go after it.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Trump already gave us a hint why the deficit will explode under their watch. He hinted that these hurricane relief efforts are messing up the budget. Once again the GOP will explode the deficit with their unfunded tax breaks for their rich donors. The repeal of the ACA was their way of cutting physical spending that would offset the cut in tax revenue. Without that, they will go still go ahead and give tax relief to their rich friends but will blame it solely on the YUGE!!! relief efforts


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I don't care who you are... this is comical... and sad :face-icon-small-dis!



Bounty .jpg


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
That's funny.
Not sure if it's supposed to be poking fun of our great President Trump or that sad excuse for a mayor Carmen Cruz?
But it's funny either way.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Sorry guys, my portfolio doesn't seem to think he's as incompetent as you seem to think he is.
Jan 15, 2010
Sorry guys, my portfolio doesn't seem to think he's as incompetent as you seem to think he is.

You are incompetent if you think his policies have much to do with your portfolio these days. The fiscal year is ending shorty, you have been running on the momentum of the previous admin... the chaos he is injecting into the world as a whole will not likely lead to long term stability. Be ready to start selling.

Your portfolio won't be worth sh$t if he starts a war with NK (unless you are heavy in Raytheon or other defenders contractors)


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You are incompetent if you think his policies have much to do with your portfolio these days. The fiscal year is ending shorty, you have been running on the momentum of the previous admin... the chaos he is injecting into the world as a whole will not likely lead to long term stability. Be ready to start selling.

Your portfolio won't be worth sh$t if he starts a war with NK (unless you are heavy in Raytheon or other defenders contractors)

Ha ha ha


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
For all you Trump Chumps that are Obama haters. When Obama took office, where was the stock market, unemployment rate, Chrysler, GM, and Osama bin Laden? And how were they doing when he left?
Plain and simple, Trump is destroying the Republican party. Which is bad for every American despite of which political party you belong to or are supportive of.
Jan 15, 2010
Ha ha ha

What caused the 2008 financial crisis? Deregulation. What is donny doing? Deregulation. What caused the crash of 1929? A vastly over valued market without a sound foundation. What actual financial policy has Donny actually passed? None. You are riding the wave of the last 8 years and it's getting pushed artificially higher by rampant speculation that he might actually get something passed. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You fellas need to learn how to relax and enjoy the ride.
You have been yappin that the sky was falling since election day, and you have been wrong with everything.
Crack a beer and sit back, everything is gonna be just fine.
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