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How about our great President!!!

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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
I probably don't know enough to be commenting on a public forum.

Tax plan, ill leave that to congress.

Wow, I definitely see how Trump one. You guys love to sing his praises when hes ranting and "pissing off the libtards" on Twitter but have no interest in actually commenting or discussing the policy congress is working on that will have far reaching affects on our economy for years to come. We just spent weeks hearing you guys crying because "muh flag". That has 0 affect on your life aside from you being upset. It doesn't affect your paycheck, it doesn't have a single affect your life aside from letting it get under your skin. Now when it comes time to talk about the stuff that will affect you the most (your wallet) you guys are silent?

I don't care if we disagree but this is the stuff people need to talk about and understand. It matters a LOT. Having an understanding of how tax policy affects the economy is really important since

You guys seriously talk so much **** nonstop about how the gov't shouldn't be touching healthcare or this or that because they are going to mess it up but now as soon as it comes to tax reform you just trust them to dial it in with no issue? Give me a break... Or have you not gotten your talking points on it from Fox yet?:juggle:
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Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
Wow, I definitely see how Trump one. You guys love to sing his praises when hes ranting and "pissing off the libtards" on Twitter but have no interest in actually commenting or discussing the policy congress is working on that will have far reaching affects on our economy for years to come. We just spent weeks hearing you guys crying because "muh flag". That has 0 affect on your life aside from you being upset. It doesn't affect your paycheck, it doesn't have a single affect your life aside from letting it get under your skin. Now when it comes time to talk about the stuff that will affect you the most (your wallet) you guys are silent?

I don't care if we disagree but this is the stuff people need to talk about and understand. It matters a LOT. Having an understanding of how tax policy affects the economy is really important since

You guys seriously talk so much **** nonstop about how the gov't shouldn't be touching healthcare or this or that because they are going to mess it up but now as soon as it comes to tax reform you just trust them to dial it in with no issue? Give me a break... Or have you not gotten your talking points on it from Fox yet?:juggle:

Lol, you need to cool your jets bud. You asked for comments on tax reform, we gave them and you blow a gasket? Tolerant liberal my a.....


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Ponder this when your tax bill goes up... later.

Things to mull over: (please note... The Hill is a very conservative media outlet).

If you believe in the fantasy of "Trickle down economics"... then you should probably skip this article :face-icon-small-win

The Hill
Analysis: Tax plan would cost $2.4Trillion, benefit wealthy most

The tax framework that President Trump and congressional Republicans rolled out this week would reduce federal revenues by $2.4 trillion in its first 10 years and provide the biggest tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans

The plan would also cost $3.2 trillion in its second decade, the TPC said.

The group’s analysis is preliminary, as the revenue and distributional effects may change as Congress fills in the details of the tax framework.

But the analysis indicates that Republicans have their work cut out for them. Trump and several members of his administration have claimed that their plan would provide no benefit for the rich.

“I guess the short answer is we don’t agree with them,” said TPC co-director Eric Toder.

Every income group, on average, would see a reduction in their tax bill in the first year under the plan, according to the TPC, but the nation’s wealthiest would get the lion’s share of savings.

The bottom 95 percent of earners would see on average an increase in their after-tax income of 1.2 percent or less. The top 1 percent, meanwhile, would see an 8.5 percent increase, TPC said.
In the plan's first year, taxpayers on average would receive a tax cut of $1,570, while those in the top 1 percent would see their taxes decrease on average by about $130,000. About 12 percent of taxpayers would see their taxes go up that year — including more than one-third of people making between about $150,000 to $300,000, largely due to the repeal of many itemized deductions, TPC said.

Over time, the effect of the tax changes would decrease on the lower end of the income spectrum.

“About 80 percent of the total benefit would accrue to taxpayers in the top 1 percent, whose after-tax income would increase 8.7 percent” by 2027, the report said.

By that point, about 25 percent of taxpayers would see their taxes go up, particularly among the middle and upper-middle class. Almost 30 percent of earners with incomes between $50,000 and $150,000 would see their tax bill go up, as would 60 percent of those making between $150,000 and $300,000, TPC said.

In 2027, taxpayers would receive a decrease in taxes of almost $1,700, but those in the top 1 percent would see an average cut of more than $200,000 and those in the top 0.1 percent would see a average reduction of more than $1 million, according to TPC. Taxpayers in the middle fifth of income would on average see a reduction in taxes of $660.

Read more at the link above.

URBAN Milwaukee
Who Benefits from Trump Tax Cuts?
In Wisconsin the top 1% will get 61% of the tax cut

The tax plan being advanced by President Trump and Republican members of Congress would mostly benefit the extremely rich, despite initial claims by proponents that it would be targeted at members of the middle class.

Provisions included in the tax framework include:

  • Reducing the corporate income tax rate from 35% to 20%;
  • Eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax, which insures that wealthy individuals pay at least some level of federal income tax;
  • Eliminating the estate tax. Currently, only estates of more than $5.5 million for individuals or $11 million for couples pay any estate tax;
  • Reducing the number of income tax brackets;
  • Doubling the amount of the standard deduction and eliminating the personal exemption; and
  • Ending the deduction for state and local taxes paid.

Read more at the link above


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Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Condoleeza Rice Vs. Oprah - Election 2020



So what's everybody think? 2020 Presidential election ideal? Wouldn't be about race or gender. And if Oprah wins, EVERYBODY gets a new Chevy Volt! What a way to boost Detroits economy?

Seriously though, my wife & I have both thought, why on earth has Condoleeza Rice not run? She's smart, Homeschooled, experienced, etc....

Either would be better than the last choice we got to make.

Just sayin. Curious to hear what everyone thinks.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Now your great leader is challenging his S.O.S to an iq test. .

First, the IQ remark was just that, a remark, not a serious challenge.
Second, if someone refers to their boss as a "moron", it would be quite odd if it would not solicit a response.
Our great President Trump simply inferred "let's just see who is smarter".
A very appropriate response.
Certainly more gracious than..... "You're Fired"

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
First, the IQ remark was just that, a remark, not a serious challenge.
Second, if someone refers to their boss as a "moron", it would be quite odd if it would not solicit a response.
Our great President Trump simply inferred "let's just see who is smarter".
A very appropriate response.
Certainly more gracious than..... "You're Fired"
Oh look, we've overlooked policy discussion again in favor of defending the presidents nonsensical banter? So surprised... WOW.
Jan 15, 2010
First, the IQ remark was just that, a remark, not a serious challenge.
Second, if someone refers to their boss as a "moron", it would be quite odd if it would not solicit a response.
Our great President Trump simply inferred "let's just see who is smarter".
A very appropriate response.
Certainly more gracious than..... "You're Fired"

A real leader would never have given his senior staff reason to call him a fu$king moron in the first place.
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Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
That's exactly what I say about a lot of you guys, and you seem to be able to work past it.
You wan't to know why Rex said this? Would you beleive its because Trump is hoping to get our nuclear arsenal back up to cold war stats? Would it be because he has less understanding of US history then most highschoolers?

"At one point in the meeting, a briefer showed the president a graph tracking the dramatic reduction in U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons over the past several decades. That reduction is widely interpreted as a success story about arms-control treaties, the end of the Cold War, and the declining dependence on weapons of catastrophic destruction. But Trump viewed it with alarm, telling the group that he wanted more nukes. Pointing to the graph’s peak year, 1969, when the U.S. had 32,000 nuclear weapons, Trump said he wanted that many nukes now."

As the NBC report dryly put it, Trump’s “comments raised questions about his familiarity with the nuclear posture and other issues, officials said.” Those “other issues” included, well, nearly every issue and continent brought up, from Korea to Afghanistan and everywhere in between. Pentagon officials, the report continued, were “rattled” by the president’s lack of understanding on all fronts—though the meeting took place a full six months after he’d taken office.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
You wan't to know why Rex said this? Would you beleive its because Trump is hoping to get our nuclear arsenal back up to cold war stats? Would it be because he has less understanding of US history then most highschoolers?

"At one point in the meeting, a briefer showed the president a graph tracking the dramatic reduction in U.S. and Russian nuclear weapons over the past several decades. That reduction is widely interpreted as a success story about arms-control treaties, the end of the Cold War, and the declining dependence on weapons of catastrophic destruction. But Trump viewed it with alarm, telling the group that he wanted more nukes. Pointing to the graph’s peak year, 1969, when the U.S. had 32,000 nuclear weapons, Trump said he wanted that many nukes now."

As the NBC report dryly put it, Trump’s “comments raised questions about his familiarity with the nuclear posture and other issues, officials said.” Those “other issues” included, well, nearly every issue and continent brought up, from Korea to Afghanistan and everywhere in between. Pentagon officials, the report continued, were “rattled” by the president’s lack of understanding on all fronts—though the meeting took place a full six months after he’d taken office.

Fake news. I only trust Twitter. Our President would never lie to us.

Dear leader said it's not true.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
That's exactly what I say about a lot of you guys, and you seem to be able to work past it.
The thing about this is. I have never liked Trump since well before he started campaigning. He has been and always will be a con man in my mind. So its a little different then an appointed position in the cabinet. Your secratary of state should be someone you know and work well with since they are 4th inline in the order of sucession. This is someone APPOINTED. Trump put him there and handed him this job. When you assemble a cabinet and even they think your "a ****ing idiot" that really shows how good you are at your job.
Jan 15, 2010
A topic im sure most of us on here can discuss and agree on is the economy/stock market. Because of Trump things are looking good for the first time in 8 years. Paying particular attention to company's coming back to the states and existing companies surviving.

Turns out the current market rally isn't even in the top 5 for first 11 months of a presidency...https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.blo...ually-in-unprecedented-trump-stock-market-run

Just more fake news from your great leader that he expects you to swallow-it's "unprecedented " according to him.

Funny how a guy who loves Fox News and is right with the owner of the national enquirer is saying that the press shouldn't be able to print what they want. If any of ya had a clue that attack on the first amendment should make your blood boil. If Donny doesn't want negative coverage he should quit being such a bumbling idiot and not bring it on himself rather than try to shut down one of the most important aspects of a free country...


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Turns out the current market rally isn't even in the top 5 for first 11 months of a presidency...https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.blo...ually-in-unprecedented-trump-stock-market-run

Just more fake news from your great leader that he expects you to swallow-it's "unprecedented " according to him.

Funny how a guy who loves Fox News and is right with the owner of the national enquirer is saying that the press shouldn't be able to print what they want. If any of ya had a clue that attack on the first amendment should make your blood boil. If Donny doesn't want negative coverage he should quit being such a bumbling idiot and not bring it on himself rather than try to shut down one of the most important aspects of a free country...

Depends on how you look at it. 4.4 trillion in market value has been created since the election. That I do believe is a record! The flip side of that is he started with a base value of 24 trillion. :juggle:
Jan 15, 2010
Depends on how you look at it. 4.4 trillion in market value has been created since the election. That I do believe is a record! The flip side of that is he started with a base value of 24 trillion. :juggle:

Wow, you read the article, I'm impressed. You ever hear of the concept of inflation? Saying $4.4 trillion is a record is exactly the kind of BS that Donny feeds ya. Anyone with any basic understanding of economics would understand that comparing a percentage increase over a long period of time is a reasonable "apples to apples" comparison. However saying that an increase of $4.4 trillion is a record compared to times when you could buy a new car for under $1000 is exactly the way he is playing the masses.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Wow, you read the article, I'm impressed. You ever hear of the concept of inflation? Saying $4.4 trillion is a record is exactly the kind of BS that Donny feeds ya. Anyone with any basic understanding of economics would understand that comparing a percentage increase over a long period of time is a reasonable "apples to apples" comparison. However saying that an increase of $4.4 trillion is a record compared to times when you could buy a new car for under $1000 is exactly the way he is playing the masses.
Yes, but the problem is it's not technically wrong. It's the kind of wrong that is very misleading.

I think that's all Jerry was getting at.

Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Wow, you read the article, I'm impressed. You ever hear of the concept of inflation? Saying $4.4 trillion is a record is exactly the kind of BS that Donny feeds ya. Anyone with any basic understanding of economics would understand that comparing a percentage increase over a long period of time is a reasonable "apples to apples" comparison. However saying that an increase of $4.4 trillion is a record compared to times when you could buy a new car for under $1000 is exactly the way he is playing the masses.

Damn you get riled up in a hurry!!!! If you CAREFULLY read my post you wouldn't have had to type yours. That way you'd have had more time to lick your Trudeau scratch n sniff poster that ya got hanging' in your bedroom!!!
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