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How about our great President!!!

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May 2, 2013

The man the myth the legend. We miss you George Carlin. The part about rich ****s not caring about you is gaining traction again. Hope a lot of people wake up to how much Trump played them for fools so he could be the biggest dick at the country club. All on the backs of his servants. Drained the existing swamp and filled it with poison Kool aid. They had to bring Biden back from the dead to get their swamp back. The experiment didn't work. Hope to try again but maybe a bit less of a reckless egomaniac next time ok? Lots of billionaires to chose from these days. Even more actors that would do it, too bad John Wayne is dead.

Maybe someday we will have a scientist or a doctor in charge. Doubtful but maybe. I'm tired of politicians and lawyers but they practice lying from such an early age that they are quite convincing.


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Apr 10, 2019
Idaho falls
Drained the existing swamp and filled it with poison Kool aid. They had to bring Biden back from the dead to get their swamp back. The experiment didn't work. Hope to try again but maybe a bit less of a reckless egomaniac next time ok? Lots of billionaires to chose from these days. Even more actors that would do it, too bad John Wayne is dead.

Maybe someday we will have a scientist or a doctor in charge. Doubtful but maybe. I'm tired of politicians and lawyers but they practice lying from such an early age that they are quite convincing.

so was draining the swamp clearing politicians or breaking up the pedophilia rings? ?
May 2, 2013
Sorry but Trump's meltdown is so funny. He claims he wins states when they weren't done counting ballots. How many people have to explain to him that with this many ballots they wouldn't be done counting for many days after the actual voting day? He is such an idiot it is hilarious. It's like he wants the super bowl to be based on the score in the third quarter.


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Feb 27, 2008
Well, what do you expect?

The ultimate irony:

He comes on a How about our great President thread multiple times bashing, then calls me out for being a troll when I post stuff that is on topic.

Think about that for a minute, if 'ya can stand it, then think about that some more.

Has no meaningful logic left to offer, and resorts to the hallucinogenic RACIST! card, of course.

I guess the end message is "just say no to drugs, kids", because this is what happens. He seems to be selling and sampling plenty, and no one ever wants their arrogance to be exceeded only by their ignorance.
May 2, 2013
Question is did you whine like this your whole lives or just since 2008?

What voter fraud? Seriously, stop repeating what the lunatics are insisting. Concede when the count is done. That is fair play.

They didn't find voter fraud in 2016 either when big baby Trump claimed it then. The Russian investigation wasn't about votes so don't even try to go there.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
ANY voter fraud is too much. It's treason. Plain and simple, and ANYONE involved at any level should be dealt with by public hanging.
May 2, 2013
Sounds good. Let us know when you are done with your witch hunt. Lol

Chest thumping nationalists make the ladies drop their drawers I bet. Well Sarah palin type ladies. We voted in Sarah Palin Jr. here in Colorado. She won over the red hats easily with no experience and a long arrest and fraud record. Hot blooded and big mouth flag waver.

We will still give her a chance because that is how democracy works. Hope the best for her.
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Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
" F your feelings snowflakes! No participation medals! Don't blame the rules for being a loser!

Wait - what? We're losing? Oh crap that stuff doesn't sound as cool all of a sudden......what else we go? Umm....FRAUD!!!"

I really don't care much either way, but I'm definitely a guy who appreciates a good dose of irony lol


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
" F your feelings snowflakes! No participation medals! Don't blame the rules for being a loser!

Wait - what? We're losing? Oh crap that stuff doesn't sound as cool all of a sudden......what else we go? Umm....FRAUD!!!"

I really don't care much either way, but I'm definitely a guy who appreciates a good dose of irony lol

Trump did not set this up overnight. He set this up 6 months ago and the optics are working perfectly for him as usual. One thing Republicans know and history has proven this over and over , more Democrats favor mail -in/absentee ballots then Republicans. Also due to the Covid19 the major cities, which demographics tell us lean democratic would most likely take advantage of not having to go to the polls and vote in person for health concerns. Trump said stop counting the votes because He knows very well that every state counts in person votes first leaving mail-in votes and absentee vote counting till the end. We all watched his lead increase and in-person voting were tallied because of the fore mentioned Republican liking to use in-person voting. Once the in-person voting was taken care of we slowly watched as mail-in ballots were starting to be counted. The wic was lit by saying Mail-in ballots are riddled with fraud and social media was flooded with meme's saying how bad it was. Now they are in the process of blowing on the wic to make it burn faster and hotter by making wild accusations about voter fraud and filing law suits that all the people who believe the fore mentioned social media miss-information blizz can rise up and stand behind as fact. The seed of Doubt was planted now they are putting fertilizer and watering it. We now see groups of his supporters posting on social media that "We Won" and THEY are stealing it from us. It is the power of manipulation at its finest playing out on national level all stirred up by miss-information

I Agree with MAFESTO we should not and will not stand for Voter Fraud. This is where facts are being ignored for the optics of "they are stealing the election" come in. In this country Voter Fraud has never been an issue but that is not to say it doesn't happen because it does. Trump own Election Fraud Czar found no voter fraud and the commission was shut down after the 2016 election in which Trump falsely claimed over 3 million votes were illegal. Surprise as it was the same number he lost the popular vote by because he doesn't want to admit he lost. Studies have been done saying the rate of voter fraud is somewhere between .0003 to .0025 and between 2000-2014 case studies have shown 31 cases of Voter Fraud were found. Heck the Last Case that gained national news was in fact a GOP member Fancy that. Not calling any party out here. there have been plenty of examples on both sides and most are at the state and local levels. So yes it does happen and i don't think anyone will not agree with that fact However on the scale that it is being portrayed by the Republicans right now is down right ludicrous. I know people will disregard with what i just said. I don't really care. This will all explode in everyone face once Trump demands that A.G. Bill Bar get involved and this ends up in the SCOTUS with newly 3 appointed Judges who all met on the GORE vs Bush bad chad case. We all know how that ended. I am not sure how it will come down, but i still feel that Trump will still come out of this smelling like a rose because that is what he and his enablers are able to do. Keeping that Trump Brand shining Bright and accusing everyone one else of being a loser.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
TBH...l was actually hoping for a landslide, either way, and was expecting it to be by Biden after listening to the opposition for the last 4 years trying to explain how bad President Trump was at being president. (Geeeezus, talk about a run on sentence!?) ?
May 2, 2013
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