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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011
The wall will never happen. Think of the actual scope of that project, not to mention the protests that would erupt as construction started. Empty rhetoric.
Nobody was mad or protesting when the Secure Fence Act of 2006 went in and they installed over 600 miles of wall.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I would have to agree and I'm about as conservative as you can get. Is pot really that much different than alcohol. Drink a couple beers before work or smoke a joint. Neither is good but let's face it. They both happen. Why is one illegal and one not. Most people wait till they are home after work and partake. What's the difference?

You said it yourself, one is legal and one is not.

I would much prefer to do business with someone that enjoys a few drinks vs a druggie.
Or to put it another way, I would much prefer that my teenage kid get caught drinking vs caught with drugs.
Jan 15, 2010
You said it yourself, one is legal and one is not.

I would much prefer to do business with someone that enjoys a few drinks vs a druggie.
Or to put it another way, I would much prefer that my teenage kid get caught drinking vs caught with drugs.

If you ever tried smoking weed I'm confident the reaction would be "huh, what's all the fuss about?". It's not like it makes you see pink unicorns or something. you should research why it became illegal in the '30s. Great example of big money driving government policy...


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I would much prefer to do business with someone that enjoys a few drinks vs a druggie.

That says it all right there I prefer to do business with druggie's on what society deem as the right drugs. After all, by definition, alcohol is a drug.

A drug is any substance (other than food that provides nutritional support) that, when inhaled, injected, smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the skin, or dissolved under the tongue causes a physiological change in the body


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If you ever tried smoking weed...

I did when I was young, and in fact really enjoyed it.
The reason that I kept it to experimenting and not regular use was pride.
There's no way I could have looked a my parents and tell them I got busted for pot. That was just an unacceptable scenario.
That, as well as the fact that I LOVED drinking!


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
If you ever tried smoking weed I'm confident the reaction would be "huh, what's all the fuss about?"....

Are you talking about the 1980s weed you smoked or the current hydro-ponic super sonic knock you on your azz genetically enhanced cheeba?


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Aug 30, 2011
Kids theese days are lazy enough, they DONT need something to take away any more motivation.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
You said it yourself, one is legal and one is not.

I would much prefer to do business with someone that enjoys a few drinks vs a druggie.
Or to put it another way, I would much prefer that my teenage kid get caught drinking vs caught with drugs.

Tell you what, you find me a confirmed case of someone dying from smoking too much pot and I will maybe agree with you. Problem is you can't, but I can find all kind of cases of kids dying from consuming too much alcohol. So which is more harmful. And by the way, I haven't smoked pot since college and that's close to 30 years ago.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Tell you what, you find me a confirmed case of someone dying from smoking too much pot and I will maybe agree with you. Problem is you can't, but I can find all kind of cases of kids dying from consuming too much alcohol. So which is more harmful. And by the way, I haven't smoked pot since college and that's close to 30 years ago.

The problem with your premise is quantity inequality.
If pot consumption equalled alcohol consumption, don't you think that the statistics would mirror each other?
I don't know that for certain, but I feel it is a logical assumption.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
The problem with your premise is quantity inequality.
If pot consumption equalled alcohol consumption, don't you think that the statistics would mirror each other?
I don't know that for certain, but I feel it is a logical assumption.

No. You can't OD on marijuana. Plus you make an oil out of it and cure cancer. There is all kinds of people that were written off by doctors, told they were gonna die and cured themselves with Cannibis oil. The reason it was made into the bad plant everyone says is the cotton industry lobbied congress to make it into the boogie man it is. It's a way better plant to use for industrial and clothing purposes.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Medicinal and industrial usage is a whole different debate.
We're arguing about recreational use.
Honestly my feelings aren't as strong about it as I portray, I'm arguing for entertainment.

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
The paranoia about weed is ridiculous. The fact that Jeff Sessions, our attorney general, can be so outspoken and outright wrong about this subject is scary. Pot has legitimate medical uses, industrial uses, and even recreationally is really hard to consider dangerous relative to what we enjoy on the daily.

While it quite a ways down my list of political/social issues right now I think it represents something much bigger. It represents the governments ability to create and enforce policy that is based of fear and not facts. When we stop dumping billions of dollars into stopping something and let it join the ranks of productive economic industries we can maybe move forward some. When we stop filling our prisons with people who got caught with some weed. People that now struggle to find employment due to a "drug conviction". We make this system next from impossible to escape from.

This is something on a long list of legislation that is supported out of fear and not facts. Just another way for the govt to justify wasting your money and throwing you in jail "for the greater good." Even a small incident will haunt you. Any effort to discredit people is ALL you need to tarnish their reputation and label you as some sort of druggie.


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I do drink beer, but I have never done tobacco of any kind or the drug or pot thing. Hell I have never even drank a cup of coffee! Haven't had a can of pop or potato chips since 2003. :face-icon-small-con
As far as pot, I do like the Cheech and Chong movies! :face-icon-small-hap:face-icon-small-hap:face-icon-small-hap


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The older I get, the more I think that a good cup of coffee is better than a good drink!

Well, sometimes anyway.
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Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
why are we talking about pot, drugs, alcohol & prescription drugs in a thread about how great our new president is. Is it because we ran out of the great things he has done in his +100 days? His first major legislation went down in flames at the hands of his own party. What a FN embarrassment we are to the rest of the world that we have the leader of the free world is having an elementary school yard name calling fight with a news show personality who is just pointing out the obvious and what was worse is watching a female spokesperson get up and try to support those actions by saying his is a strong man and will fight back when attacked. these are going to be 8 LONG embarrassing years ahead


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
why are we talking about pot, drugs, alcohol & prescription drugs in a thread about how great our new president is. Is it because we ran out of the great things he has done in his +100 days? His first major legislation went down in flames at the hands of his own party. What a FN embarrassment we are to the rest of the world that we have the leader of the free world is having an elementary school yard name calling fight with a news show personality who is just pointing out the obvious and what was worse is watching a female spokesperson get up and try to support those actions by saying his is a strong man and will fight back when attacked. these are going to be 8 LONG embarrassing years ahead
I agree with everything you have said except for the 8 year thing.

For our Trump cheerleaders.
Some time ago, Trump lecturing Obama on Twitter, don't get involved in Syria. So what is Trump doing now?
Oh yeah, fake news, or real news?
Obama was not born in the USA and I can prove it.
I can't release my tax returns because I am under audit.
I will build a wall on our southern border, and Mexico will pay for it.
3 million people voted for Hilary illegally.
My inauguration crowd was bigger than Obama's.
I received more electoral votes than anyone since Regan.
Obama had my phone lines tapped. He is sick! Sad.
Comey better hope there are no tape recordings!

There's a sucker born every minute.
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
why are we talking about pot, drugs, alcohol & prescription drugs in a thread about how great our new president is. Is it because we ran out of the great things he has done in his +100 days? His first major legislation went down in flames at the hands of his own party. What a FN embarrassment we are to the rest of the world that we have the leader of the free world is having an elementary school yard name calling fight with a news show personality who is just pointing out the obvious and what was worse is watching a female spokesperson get up and try to support those actions by saying his is a strong man and will fight back when attacked. these are going to be 8 LONG embarrassing years ahead

Nah. We already had 8 long embarrassing years. Suck it up. Or go sit in the corner with your coloring book.
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