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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
They have zero credibility, they have proven over and over again that they will say whatever they need to in order to keep their base happy..

Zero credibility?
You do remember that it was your gal that had several cell phones smashed for the sole purpose of destroying evidence,
Maybe think a little before typing.:face-icon-small-sho
Jan 15, 2010
Zero credibility?
You do remember that it was your gal that had several cell phones smashed for the sole purpose of destroying evidence,
Maybe think a little before typing.:face-icon-small-sho

My gal?? All you got is a deflection to Hillary? Pathetic. The election was last year, Hillary is old news. And yes, the current administration has zero credibility, and the fact that another candidate smashed a cell phone or did whatever else does NOT excuse the giant pile of bullsh$t that you have in charge, especially since he ran on draining the swamp. You should be expecting him to rise above that crap and be transparent and STOP LYING if you want him to be what he promised. instead he has to compare his own actions to another politician that he openly called a criminal as a justification for them. How is that ok?
Jan 15, 2010
What a great leader being such a great role model... "I'm not gonna own healthcare, it's the dems fault". Wasn't it just a week ago that they were threatening that they might have to actually discuss with the other side if all the repugs didn't get in line? They pitched that as a horrible step to have to take. Didn't they draft their healthcare bill in private and block any chance at debate that could have actually involved bipartisan support?

But now Donny isn't gonna own it and wants to collapse the healthcare system.. and I'm sure he will try to. what a lying piece of garbage. A real leader knows that the captain is at fault if the ship sinks, even if he is in his bunk when it hits a rock. He needs to man up and accept the responsibility he has taken on and stop acting like a snivelling child.

Donny tweeted this in 2012, look it up "Obama's complaints about Republicans stopping his agenda are BS since he had full control for two years. He can never take responsibility."
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
All indications... even those sources from very conservative media... show that President Trump wants to CAUSE the AHCA to fail... not "Watch" it fail.

BIG, fundamental, difference between the two.

IMO... wanting to CAUSE it to fail is an indication of the divide that DJT has for the people of my great country.

Our system is one of checks and balances...and when OUR representatives cannot agree on a piece of legislation... with conservatives clearly in control of Congress, Senate and White House... then the people HAVE voted... and DJT needs to listen and respect that... and not push health care ... read that.... HEALTH CARE.... to the brink of chaos.

For our country to be "Great Again"... we need health care for all .... I'll pay my taxes for that...
I'll pay my taxes for a crackhead, or their kids, get into a doctor when needed.
I'll pay my taxes so that my neighbor does not have to worry if he/she will have access to a doctor when needed.
I'll pay my taxes so that a fellow sledder, who chooses to over drink, or smoke cigarettes does not get denied health care rights.
I'll pay my taxes so that good health is not a privilege ... but a right.

To me...It's a shame our country does not want to step up to the plate and do the very thing that even the bible pronounces we should do... over and over throughout the book.

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others"

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
What you are proposing is charity.
I believe charity as well.
But where my opinion differs from yours is that I do not believe in mandatory charity.
At that point it is no longer charity, it is wealth distribution.

The further and further our government got involved in our health-care, the more inefficienct it became.

The proposed bill was doomed to fail, and thank goodness.
Perhaps we can agree that full repeal is worth considering.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
What you are proposing is charity.
I believe charity as well.
But where my opinion differs from yours is that I do not believe in mandatory charity.
At that point it is no longer charity, it is wealth distribution.

The further and further our government got involved in our health-care, the more inefficienct it became.

The proposed bill was doomed to fail, and thank goodness.
Perhaps we can agree that full repeal is worth considering.
When is charity needed the most?
During hard economic times.

When is charitable giving the lowest?
During hard economic times.

How do you propose to remedy that so that the old/poor/sick/disabled/children that rely on that charity aren't left to the wind?

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Jan 15, 2010
What you are proposing is charity.
I believe charity as well.
But where my opinion differs from yours is that I do not believe in mandatory charity.
At that point it is no longer charity, it is wealth distribution.

The further and further our government got involved in our health-care, the more inefficienct it became.

The proposed bill was doomed to fail, and thank goodness.
Perhaps we can agree that full repeal is worth considering.

Yea, full repeal is a great way for you to avoid paying for others. I'm sure you'd love to cover the costs of everyone with a pre existing condition getting kicked off their coverage and going to the ER on your dime until they are on Medicare ( or ending up on Medicaid because the medical bills put em in the poor house.). Great solution, solid common sense there. I mean it worked soooo good before...

but your great leader says it's good so it must be.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
No... what I'm proposing is investment in the well being of my country.... not charity.

Curious... where does the "charity" you receive come from? (that is.... who is paying for Your health care... you...or your employer?)

If it is your employer... then their sense of "charity" for you.... is an investment in the well being of the enterprise. Plain and simple.

What you are proposing is charity.
I believe charity as well.
But where my opinion differs from yours is that I do not believe in mandatory charity.
At that point it is no longer charity, it is wealth distribution.

The further and further our government got involved in our health-care, the more inefficienct it became.

The proposed bill was doomed to fail, and thank goodness.
Perhaps we can agree that full repeal is worth considering.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
It has become apparent to me that DJT has no interest in the health of this country...wether that is medical, fiscal or our relationship in the global community.

So what you're really saying here is that DJT is only looking out for himself. where have we heard that before.

(“Frankly, I don’t think we should leave town unless we have a health insurance plan, unless we can give our people great health care,” Trump said.)

Why is it the first thing that came to mind when i read the above was how long before we start seeing pictures of Trump on his golf course again


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Making life easier for the poor is not what made the US the mega power we are.
Everyone should struggle.
The poor should struggle to achieve middle class.
The middle class should struggle to wealthy.
The wealthy should struggle to build empires, in turn providing the opportunities for others to struggle their own way up the ladder.

Making life comfortable for the poor is not helping them, it's enabling them.

We're all happy to help those busting their balls to get by. But I have no compassion for those living on the programs simply because they can.

F_ck socialism and may God bless capitalism.

That is my philosophy in a nutshell.
And for what it is worth, I would say that I fall somewhere below the center of the middle class.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Everyone should struggle.
The poor should struggle to achieve middle class.
The middle class should struggle to wealthy.
The wealthy should struggle to build empires, in turn providing the opportunities for others to struggle their own way up the ladder.

What your failing to realize about to socio-economic ladder in the US, is its not the same ladder we started with. When the country was first formed it was fairly well balanced. There were steps fairly evenly spaced along the way so it worked exactly like you described. Hard work climbs the ladder. And I wont disagree that it is definitely still the backbone of a successful country.

What you are failing to realize is that in the last century those who got rich off their hard work(and often marginalization of workers, migrants, etc) discovered they could then use that money to buy politicians and protect themselves from competition. This process of money getting funneled into the top and using it to manipulate policy has had some VERY negative affects, and people don't seem to realize the affect. By doing this the people on the top of the ladder realized they can buy the rungs down on the bottom and keep stacking them up top so they can become even more obscenely rich and protected. Think of it like a game of Jenga. Small and well balanced (at the start) means super strong and stable. Now as we have played for longer the pile is getting very tall and wobbly as we funnel our wealth to the top. When you balance all the weight (money, power etc) at the top, stacked on a deteriorated lower and middle classes you get a very poorly built tower.

Now what we have is a society where if you are born into the bottom rungs the gaps up no longer require just hard work, the gaps are so large that it is basically impossible to climb them. Someone who is busting their ***, working 2 jobs to try and get ahead, doing the best they can with what little resources they might have. Their kid gets beat up, hit by a car, whatever, on the way to school and ends up in the ER for a few days and requires a few surgeries. Oh ****, enjoy $100k in debt piled on top of your already unlikely chance of advancement. To bad you don't have insurance. Why don't you get a job that offers it you deadbeat? Oh you have a pre existing condition that basically allows all insurance companys to deny you? Sounds like your problem not mine.

F_ck socialism and may God bless capitalism.

I think what you ment was thank god I was born above those lower gaps in society. **** those guys, they are below me.

I am curious when capitalism when from an economic system to the idea of I don't care who I have to step on as long as my life gets better, "I am the most important."
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Jan 15, 2010
How did this country survive for over 2 centuries without socialized health care?

Your great leader assured everyone that he had a "wonderful " healthcare plan that would provide "beautiful " healthcare to everyone for little cost and that it would be implemented on day 1. Now you consider him going back to the pre Obama care system a win. How does that work? If there's one thing we can all agree on I'd think it's the fact that the previous system was fu$ked, I remember a LOT of complaining about paying for ER costs for people with no insurance and no other choice...

Just another case of Donnys mouth writing checks that his a$$ can't cash, and his followers not having the balls to call him out.
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