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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
but if I got one thing outta all that jazz yesterday it's that Donny is a lying imbecile who will say absolutely anything to save his skin.

Oh my goodness, were we watching the same testimony?
All along, our great President Trump said that he was not colluding with Russia, proven to be correct.
He said he was never under investigation, proven to be correct.
Laying to rest a couple more of the "sky is falling" lies from your beloved fake news sources.

Actually, Comeys time-line contradicts his own claims.

Meanwhile, our economy continues to surge forward at record pace.

Go ahead and keep on hating if you want, I'm going to continue to celebrate the success of our great President Trump!
Jan 15, 2010
Oh my goodness, were we watching the same testimony?
All along, our great President Trump said that he was not colluding with Russia, proven to be correct.
He said he was never under investigation, proven to be correct.
Laying to rest a couple more of the "sky is falling" lies from your beloved fake news sources.

Actually, Comeys time-line contradicts his own claims.

Meanwhile, our economy continues to surge forward at record pace.

Go ahead and keep on hating if you want, I'm going to continue to celebrate the success of our great President Trump!

Dude, you need to lay off the fox, they could tell ya it's 85 outside, you'd see snow falling and still go out in shorts.

Contradiction-good one. "Comey was fired because of how he handled the investigation of Hillary"-donnys staff. Oh wait, people didn't eat that up and love me for it? Oh well "I fired comey because of the Russia thing, he was a nut job, it sure makes it easier for me now"-djt

I've got no love for comey, he handed the world to Donny on a silver platter. however donnys immediate response of "complete vindication" would only come at this stage from someone with something to hide. Id love to see that orange turd under oath, he is incapable of the truth. If he is soooooo vindicated I'd like to see his taxes too and see how much he owes to who.

Oh yea, massive successes... guess I must have missed those. Wouldn't have been too hard with ZERO major legislation passed...


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
Dude, you need to lay off the fox, they could tell ya it's 85 outside, you'd see snow falling and still go out in shorts.

Contradiction-good one. "Comey was fired because of how he handled the investigation of Hillary"-donnys staff. Oh wait, people didn't eat that up and love me for it? Oh well "I fired comey because of the Russia thing, he was a nut job, it sure makes it easier for me now"-djt

I've got no love for comey, he handed the world to Donny on a silver platter. however donnys immediate response of "complete vindication" would only come at this stage from someone with something to hide. Id love to see that orange turd under oath, he is incapable of the truth. If he is soooooo vindicated I'd like to see his taxes too and see how much he owes to who.

Oh yea, massive successes... guess I must have missed those. Wouldn't have been too hard with ZERO major legislation passed...

You mad bro. You seem upset about something.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Dude, you need to lay off the fox.

They get it right far more often than the mainstream media or more accurately called fake news.
Furthermore, when Fox News gets it wrong, they correct the record.
But when fake news networks are proven wrong, they simply move on to the next sky is falling lie and sell it.
It's like they are incapable of conceding a single thing to Trump, and you lefties eat it all up as if it were ice cream.

Nobody cares whether you like Trump as a person, I respect your right to dislike him.
But to bury your head in the sand and act as if your brain stopped functioning is mind baffling to me.
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freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Remember when Obama became president and every republican with a pulse was absolutely terrified. Claims of not being an American citizen,ripping the constitution to shreds,opening all borders to everyone to come and go as they pleased , dealing in illegal firearms, feeding on small children, etc. etc. Anything to destroy the democratic president,now it's the democrats turn to destroy the republican president. Whats funny is nobody seems to ever get convicted for anything-white collar crime must have different rules than blue collar crime.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Red white and blue,er,red and blue what happened to the white in the middle, the ones with all the common sense logic and reason.Oh thats right we are not radicalized to the point of believing everyone is wrong but us. Whether or not Trumps guilty of any of the dozens of the democrats claims of all the wrong doing doesn't matter. It's just the same old story with different names.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
What is striking about this hole mess and it is truly a mess is you would think as president of the united states The "Donald" would work with the FBI/CIA to find out how the Russians were able to effect our elections as they have done all over the world in recent years rather then making threats to sue the former director who the Donald fired because (in his own words) he was investigating his ties with Russia. Isn't his main job to protect the US from just this sort of thing? Next time they could easily choose to work with a different party if it suited thier interested to do so This isn't about either R's or D's its about Russians own interests which some have said that it had to do with lifting sanctions . However as history has proven over and over again The "Donald" is only looking out for himself. His own son has shown that Trump International has financial ties to Russia so he is going to effectively look the other way to preserve those important ties to his corporation because no bank in the US would lend him any capital due to his poor business practises in the past. Not to mention if he acknowledges that Russians had any impact on the election would be too hard for his ego to take. Again The "Donald' Thinks that he himself it the sole reason he won. Just love the excuse that we should let The Donald off the hook because he did not know any better is laughable. I guess we will just, like with any reality show" tune in next week for another exciting episode to find out what will happen. Oh has anyone been paying attention to the senate getting ready to past the same healthcare bill that the house past. you know the one with the big tax gift to the rich while kicking millions off the their rolls.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
What is striking about this hole mess and it is truly a mess is you would think as president of the united states The "Donald" would work with the FBI/CIA to find out how the Russians were able to effect our elections as they have done all over the world in recent years rather then making threats to sue the former director who the Donald fired because (in his own words) he was investigating his ties with Russia. Isn't his main job to protect the US from just this sort of thing? Next time they could easily choose to work with a different party if it suited thier interested to do so This isn't about either R's or D's its about Russians own interests which some have said that it had to do with lifting sanctions . However as history has proven over and over again The "Donald" is only looking out for himself. His own son has shown that Trump International has financial ties to Russia so he is going to effectively look the other way to preserve those important ties to his corporation because no bank in the US would lend him any capital due to his poor business practises in the past. Not to mention if he acknowledges that Russians had any impact on the election would be too hard for his ego to take. Again The "Donald' Thinks that he himself it the sole reason he won. Just love the excuse that we should let The Donald off the hook because he did not know any better is laughable. I guess we will just, like with any reality show" tune in next week for another exciting episode to find out what will happen. Oh has anyone been paying attention to the senate getting ready to past the same healthcare bill that the house past. you know the one with the big tax gift to the rich while kicking millions off the their rolls.

Even Chris Mathews admits that there is nothing to this Trump / Russia.
If msnbc is calling it a dead horse, it's time to stop beating it my friend.
Jan 15, 2010
Even Chris Mathews admits that there is nothing to this Trump / Russia.
If msnbc is calling it a dead horse, it's time to stop beating it my friend.

His whole point is that if it's such a dead horse then why isn't Donny on board to clear it all up and end it? Instead he is being evasive, taunting about whether there are tapes or not and I'm sure thinking of an excuse to get out of following up on his promise to testify under oath. This whole thing could end really quick if Donny really is so in the clear, all he has to do is put his cards on the table... I think we will see em right after his taxes, or if it's up to him never.

It'd be hilarious if he fires mueller, talk about gasoline on the fire. I wouldn't put it past him.

I think this whole mess is a long way from over, time to break out the popcorn for act 2...


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I think this whole mess is a long way from over, time to break out the popcorn for act 2...

I agree with you on that.
And when this turns into another nothing, the lefties will come up with another rabbit hole to waste time and tax dollars on.
Their plan is to obstruct the tax reform indefinitely, because they know the resulting success will hand 2018 seats to more Republicans.
They are putting the Democratic party ahead of what is good for the whole country. Both sides do it, and that is what I despise about politicians.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Even Chris Mathews admits that there is nothing to this Trump / Russia.
If msnbc is calling it a dead horse, it's time to stop beating it my friend.

What the Heck does Chris Mathews have to do with anything involving the Senate Investigation on Trump. He is just a news personality just like your buddy Sean Hannity, who is a wealth of credible news stories. Did Chris Mathews quite his news commentary show to become the lead in the Russian investigation and i missed it or something. I know you will say anything to provoke comment so that this so called debate keeps going but that is even reaching for you Mafesto. It did work since here i am posting a comment so i guess you win Carry on!!!

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
IMHO God is why we are here. I could care less what Trump says or anyone else for that matter.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
If it all plays out like that, talk about an OH 5HIT! moment.

For who!!!! the question might be It would be a little presumptuous of you to think that your religion is the right one with regard to the other world religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, We wont even go into the off shoots of Christianity like baptist, protestants, or Mormons and alike. All of them praise their own beliefs and damm the rest to hell. If worst come to worst i am relying on the forgiveness of the Almighty since after all that what he preaches right.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
Remember when Obama became president and every republican with a pulse was absolutely terrified. Claims of not being an American citizen,ripping the constitution to shreds,opening all borders to everyone to come and go as they pleased , dealing in illegal firearms, feeding on small children, etc. etc. Anything to destroy the democratic president.
Yeah I remember when Obama became president how all the republicans rioted in the streets, had violent protests, destroyed private & public property, became a hostile angry mob against anyone who didn't agree with them.
Oh wait that wasn't the republicans against obama its the liberal/dems/blm/safe spacers against trump. :face-icon-small-con
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