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How about our great President!!!

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Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
So many ways to take a side in this Trump federal income tax fraud. I like this one today. Eyeballs deep in debt and turned the Pandemic into politics because he knew he would go deeper in debt. He will take you with him because you are scared of the tax man as well. Damn I'm happy I have a good accountant who doesn't cheat, itemizes my deductions, and doesn't depend on tax shelters to keep me rich. Fair and square and I sleep great at night.

Having debt is ok. Being up to your eyeballs in debt to creditors like foreign banks and governments is idiotic. Trumptards just don't believe it is happening. If he is on the level then why can't he just show some paperwork to prove it? Privacy? More like hiding the work of a cheater. Now that his own people exposed him to the NYT who is he going to pay to be loyal to him? It must be lonely at the top. Fake spray tan gangster.
It's relative.
$400,000,000 to most of the world is a lot of money.

To large companies or billionaires, that is a small drop in the bucket.

Most Americans owe more $$ on their house than what they earn in 3yrs. Add in car loans, credit cards, student loans, etc......in debt over 50% of their income.

Majority of businesses operate with banks
Money, not their own.

400 million is 40% of 1 billion.
If his net worth is billions, 2,3,4
.... that seems like his DTI is better off than 90% of Americans...

All relative....

Sent it
May 2, 2013
If you have done your research on Trump and Trump Corp that billion dollar "if" isn't so secure. I get your math but the proof is not there that the whole operation is or isn't operating successfully or legally.

He even admitted that he is negotiating the money with the IRS. It isn't the first time the Trump business has to get bailed out from its debts. It is how they operate. They are billionaire welfare queens at best.

Trump knows some heavy legal action is just around to corner. No matter the outcome we will have to deal with this idiot and his family in the media for many more years to come.


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Feb 27, 2008
Fact check this:

Or in Russian: факт проверьте это


Do I smell the possibility of charges of treason in the air?

Does anyone know of anyone who has been running around for close to 4 years sky screaming RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA!?
Last edited:
May 2, 2013
What a junk show that was. One senile soft old man and one lunatic conspiracy theorist old man. The boomers have ruined this country.

Props to Chris Wallace for trying to control that mess.

If we make it to 2030 I'll be impressed.


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Feb 27, 2008
Yup, entertainment at it's not so finest.

Biden is near incomprehensible.

And President Trump landing more punches on himself by arguing with an idiot wasn't the best showing.

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Without the undecided, Trump loses, we lose, Freedom loses.
Have you heard that on the news? I am guessing trump did what he wanted to do, nail biden down so his base is mad and stays home. My bet is fraud will play more than people who are still undecided. As far as the mic, put them in separate rooms then. I actually thought it sucked due to the moderator. Let them go at it.


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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
I was a little disappointed in BOTH of them. The cross talk, interrupting, and arguing is not helpful. Not impressed with Chris Wallace, but at least he tried :)


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
So that was the debate for the office of president of the USA...You guys gotta be embarrassed of that on the world stage. What a joke!


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
So that was the debate for the office of president of the USA...You guys gotta be embarrassed of that on the world stage. What a joke!
Yes and no.
At least you know what ur dealing with unlike the fake people who speak elegant on stage and talk shet back stage.

Trudeau, Obama......
I wouldn't want either one of them in charge.
Both of them are good looking men, elegant, articulate and 'cool'.
And shady as can be.

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Apr 22, 2010
Why is the media saying the worst debate ? Would you rather have both kissing each others ass ?
That hasn't proven diddly , look where we are today , back stabbing behind closed doors BS .

The country is a business , treat it like the good old boys club and the segregation will keep tearing it apart .
Honestly , who really wants to listen to a debate ? You want a real debate and not some tv rating stage show stretch it out another hour or so to take the wind out of their sale and ask some real questions . Scratching the surface is basically a cat fight .

By the way , white supremacy ???? What the heck does that mean ???? I must be one and don't know it because I hate seeding cottonwood .

I just paid my workmans comp yesterday , I'm self employed and I have no employees but by law I am required to have it . Only fair right ? Of course it only makes sense .

The Democratic Party is relentless at spending , they have no idea what it takes to make money . SPEND SPEND SPEND

By the way I still haven't been refunded the penalty fines Oboma Care accessed me .

Well guess what ? I'm also exempt from my workmans comp , meaning I couldn't collect on it if the excavator bucket spun around and took me out of the seat . Of course I get a little discount since I'm exempt but I'm also paying for something that has no purpose but to take from the working class .

These politician breed people have no idea , I hope Trump has changed the Presidency from here on , it needs a President that actually knows what it takes to run a business not some carpetbagger .


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
So you know you’re dealing with idiots At top level government...I fail to see the advantage.
Yes and no.
At least you know what ur dealing with unlike the fake people who speak elegant on stage and talk shet back stage.

Trudeau, Obama......
I wouldn't want either one of them in charge.
Both of them are good looking men, elegant, articulate and 'cool'.
And shady as can be.

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