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How about our great President!!!

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May 2, 2013
Oh oh now do the memes where the terrorists are at our border having cofeve with the MS13 gang members. I want to make sure I never leave my rural town again while the cities burn from the flames of BLM, Antifa, and the proud boys all fighting with guns donated by Biden that he rounded up while Obama was president. Is Soros going to team up with Bernie Sanders at Wrestlemania this year?

Remember the Iraq war? Or was that Syria? Istanbul? Anyway over there were the sand people are. They still hate America or did they realize we are doing a better job on our own?

Think Trump is preparing for the debate? Can't wait for his fresh orange spray tan coating to melt on national TV. Actually I think he had his pores permanently sealed so no tears or sweat ever shows on his skin. Special pedophile lizard coating from the pizza oven.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
I wonder if DJT will tell Americans how they can all avoid paying taxes also. I mean it would only be fair.

He spent more money to pay off Stormy Daniels than he spent on taxes in the past 15 years. Seems that transaction didn't go to plan.
I hope u don't really believe that you have paid more in Taxes than Trump.

Sounds like u have never owned or operated a business. The goal is to pay as little as possible in taxes.

People like Trump(billionaires)pay more sales tax in one yr than all of ur taxes combined over ur entire life. Then there is the millions in property taxes, business taxes, State taxes, employee taxes, and so forth, the sole focus is on his federal income tax.

Ask someone smarter than u, Why that is.

Sent it


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Apr 22, 2010
Have we ever had a president that has employed thousands of people around the world threw their own business before their presidency in our life time ?
May 2, 2013
Oh I am well aware that Republicans are tax cheaters and worship money as their almighty God. Then they blame the government for almost all their problems. Paying their fair share is a sucker move in their mind. I know people and corporations using business tax shelters in Delaware, Montana, Nevada, etc.

I just chose to not play that game. It isn't worth it to sell my soul to screw over my community for a little more cash on hand. I get that Trump and his fans only care about themselves and their family. I accept that but I also cheer for their inevitable collapse. Good luck in your endeavors. Try not to take down any innocent people when it burns down.

We all know why you are scared of "socialism". You might have to give up a little of your money you hide from the world. Those precious $$ you cherish. No wonder Trump has fake money printed with his face on it. False idol fantasy.



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Nov 1, 2008
Southwestern Idaho
Although i think our great President is a little "rough around the edges" sometimes, it is impossible to look past his accomplishments.

The entire article below can be found here.

First, the Census Bureau reported that real median household income grew to $68,703 in 2019, an impressive 6.8% increase over 2018. It was the largest one-year increase in median income on record going back to 1967. It was also 45 percent more growth in a single year ($4,379) than Obama/Biden produced in their entire 8 years in office ($3,021).

As was the case throughout Trump’s first three years, the economic benefits were widespread. While the overall growth rate was 6.8%, real median income grew by an even greater 7.9% for Black Americans, 7.1% for Hispanic Americans, and 10.6% for Asian Americans. All record highs as were the new income levels for each of these groups.

As for talking points about how the Trump tax cuts benefitted only the rich, well, they were false. As incomes grew in 2019, the poverty rate plummeted 1.3 percentage points to a 60 year low of 10.5%. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years. It lifted over 4.1 million people out of poverty, the largest yearly decrease since 1966. Just for comparison purposes, over the Obama/Biden era, the number of people living in poverty increased by 787,000.

Minority groups again experienced the largest improvements. While the overall poverty rate declined 1.3 percentage points, Black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8. According to the White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) “the poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019.”

Child poverty decreased to 14.4 percent, the lowest child poverty rate observed since 1973 and down from 18 percent at the end of the Obama/Biden era. The best family welfare program truly is a job.

Let’s take a little broader view. Over the Trump administration’s first three years, between 2016 and 2019, real median household income increased 9.2% while the economy lifted 6.6 million people out of poverty. That’s the largest 3-year poverty reduction for the start of any presidency since the initial drop in 1964 when the War on Poverty began.

Since 2016, the economy has lifted 1.2 million black Americans out of poverty, the largest reduction on record for the first 3 years of any presidency.

How about the Democrats’ bugaboo “income inequality”? Surely with Democrats’ claims that Trump’s economic policies benefit only the rich, it must have increased. Well, it didn’t.

With incomes growing, income inequality declined for the second consecutive year as the share of income held by the bottom 20 percent of earners increased by 2.4 percent.
May 2, 2013
So many ways to take a side in this Trump federal income tax fraud. I like this one today. Eyeballs deep in debt and turned the Pandemic into politics because he knew he would go deeper in debt. He will take you with him because you are scared of the tax man as well. Damn I'm happy I have a good accountant who doesn't cheat, itemizes my deductions, and doesn't depend on tax shelters to keep me rich. Fair and square and I sleep great at night.

Having debt is ok. Being up to your eyeballs in debt to creditors like foreign banks and governments is idiotic. Trumptards just don't believe it is happening. If he is on the level then why can't he just show some paperwork to prove it? Privacy? More like hiding the work of a cheater. Now that his own people exposed him to the NYT who is he going to pay to be loyal to him? It must be lonely at the top. Fake spray tan gangster.
May 2, 2013
Great article Maf. Chock full of data.

Really it is an opinion piece based on a very detailed yearly assessment by the US Census Bureau that was just published. Look at appendix B for the analysis of conditions between 1959 and 2019. As expected things are improving. The opinion part comes in when the writer decides how to interpret those statistics. The trend line of improvement goes way back. The Census Bureau clearly point out 2014 as the inflection point. Makes sense as US recovered from the Great Recession. Some good numbers from 2018 to 2019. Tax cut based? Pretty skeptical to believe that based on a bump. Let's see that in 5 years. Oh wait, a pandemic happened....ooops

Btw here is the poverty threshold so you can see how little about 10 to 12% of Americans live off of. Makes your stomach hurt doesn't it. But hey you can pull yourself up by the bootstraps and not depend on government assistance right? They will be fine, right? As long as they have a good accountant who finds them tax shelters.

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