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How about our great President!!!

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black z

Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2014
She can afford to put a new engine in that Polaris every 1000 miles when it blows up! :eyebrows: And every 300 miles for the 850's! lol

2200 on my untouched 14 800 with a silber turbo at 7 psi for 1200. Plan on running it all next year :present:

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD

Great wisdom there.
However there's quite a delta between between contradicted and being conspired against at every turn, knowing full well your enemies sleep within your camp and would slit your throat in a f_ing heartbeat given the chance.

Comparing that to being contradicted is laughable, or would be if it weren't so sad.


Well-known member
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Dec 10, 2012
I'd just like to make mention of something...

Remember when the left was slamming President Trump and claiming there is no crisis on the southern border, yet Trump and DHS officials were begging for help because of the crisis?

Now, the left is slamming the Trump administration for not handling the crisis on the southern border (over crowding of detention facilities, detainee deaths, etc.)

As some of you may know, I'm a Border Patrol Agent, and know first hand of what is going on down there. Yes, there is and has been a crisis.

On June 9th, the station of El Paso (one station, not an entire sector) had apprehended roughly 8,000 illegal aliens for the month of June. That's almost 1,000 arrests a day. Keep in mind, because we're so short on man power, at this station, there are maybe 10 Border Patrol Agents making these arrests. 10 agents arresting 1,000 aliens a day, every day.

And there's not a crisis?

black z

Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2014
I admit our system is flawed. But the crisis in not just at the southern border. The world is in crisis & whats happening at the southern border is just one more symptom.

Are you finally waking up? Look at the number of cathedral fires in the open borders EU this year. There are no coincidences. A small number of globalists had a firm grip on the world until DJT was elected and now he is turning their world upside down. MAGA


Well-known member
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Dec 10, 2012
The entire world can see there is a crisis and are taking advantage of our flawed system.
~In a statement on Wednesday, CBP said that in the six days since May 30, more than 500 people from African countries had been arrested by Border Patrol's Del Rio Sector in Texas alone.~

The scary thing isn't the thousands of illegal aliens who are getting through without being apprehended...

It's the hundreds of thousands who've been released into the US who have communicable diseases e.g. Tuberculosis, Polio, Mumps, Measles, Bird Flu, etc. And all these infected kids will be going to school with your children come this fall.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
That would be difficult, considering we homeschool them. And I'm not "waking up" probably in the sense you would prefer. I am opposed to the globalist agenda. I am also opposed to the fear mongering endorsed & used by DJT. There are elements of his agenda that I support. I admit, Radical Islam is a thing & is dangerous. Radical right wing fascism is as well.

Some of my views are very well expressed here if you'd like to see what I believe in:

Part 1:


Part 2:


Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
That would be difficult, considering we homeschool them. And I'm not "waking up" probably in the sense you would prefer. I am opposed to the globalist agenda. I am also opposed to the fear mongering endorsed & used by DJT. There are elements of his agenda that I support. I admit, Radical Islam is a thing & is dangerous. Radical right wing fascism is as well.

Some of my views are very well expressed here if you'd like to see what I believe in:

Part 1:


Part 2:

Those are both some awesome reads!

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
President "I Am The Ultimate Authority"

Ok, so I've been laying off the news in general for the last couple of months & listening to Charles Dickens instead. But I poked my head up for a minute to hear what was going on in the world. And President Trump is still opening his mouth. I Fail to see how people so blindly follow this man, if nothing else, based on what comes out of his mouth. Doing an interview and inviting foreign governments to give him information on his political opponents is appalling & ridiculous. Yes, governments engage in espionage. We do it too. Its part of Statecraft. But for the President of what is supposed to be the Land of the Free to say essentially, Hey, Kim Jong Un, Putin, and anybody else!: "Spy on America all you want. ESPECIALLY those in the top tiers of power & government. As long as you don't get caught & you can get dirt for me on my opponents, I'm good with that!" And then to say he has no responsibility to report it to the FBI. Yes, he is the president. He is not the Monarch. Does no one see the disgusting precedent that this president is setting? The Mueller report found that, YES, Russia DID interfere in the 2016 election (duh). It found no direct collusion. Great. So now President "I Am The Ultimate Authority in The United States" (at least for a 4-8 year period of time) wants to invite anyone and everyone to interfere. Why does anyone trust this man remotely? Whether or not he colluded with Russia, he stretches the truth to breaking point at best & has directed those in his circle to outright lie again and again. Its sick. Are there a few things he's done that I'm grateful for & have been a long time coming? Yes. But I don't want to fall into the vein of history where Mussolini was fondly remembered because "Didn't the trains run on time?"

This President, along with the pendulum back and forth from "right" to "left" is destroying the credibility of our nation. 4 to 8 years in one direction, 4 to 8 years in the other & that pendulum in its swinging is destroying liberty. Our freedoms & the American dream are being knocked down as collateral damage in the "friendly fire of American politics". In the process, the opposition, once it is in power, spends much of its time trying to undo what was done in the previous swing. In my 40 years, government has been consolidating more and more power to the Presidency, the previous 3 administrations at least bearing equal blame for that travesty. With the advent of President Donald J. Trump, Ego and Power have come together in a personification of what is wrong with our system. The Checks & Balances that are supposed to be in place are either abused to the extent that governance cannot be done, or held in such contempt that whatever conclusions are drawn by an investigation are not believed, and investigations of investigations ad nauseum ensue, also to the extent governance cannot be done.

The crises that brought about the election of Donald J. Trump are not at an end. Frankly, I think we have only seen the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

That's my thoughts for today on the subject.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
He pisses people off.
We get that.
But what pisses them off more is all the successes that we have enjoyed because of him.
He's so good that they can't come up with a candidate to challenge him, and that pisses them off.
He's got a smokin hot wife, and that pisses them off.
His daughter is a knockout, and that pisses them off.
One of his sons will likely also become President, and that pisses them off.
The world leaders like him, and that pisses them off.
Red hats piss them off.
Yard signs piss them off.
And the fact that their wives want to do him pisses them off.

Need me to keep going?
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