The fact that they treat him with the same civility with which he treats them doesn't bother me, no. The President should Lead.
And as far as knocking a$$holes down with a punch on the nose, well maybe someone should try that with Trump. Wait - no - the secret service wouldn't allow it. Trump is the worst offender when it comes to getting offended. Followed closely by his followers as Freekweet has pointed out.
So he has it coming? He deserves it? What happened to your ideal that says you should take the high road? It is OK that people are disrespectful of the President because he is a crass individual? The double standard continues...
I am not offended by you not liking the guy, freektweet is way off there. I do not feel the need to be protective of the guy, he can clearly handle himself. I do think that being overly critical of his delivery style is a weak cop out. That is not and should not be an issue, we have MUCH bigger fish to fry. Seems like a pretty stupid distraction you have saddled yourself with.