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How about our great President!!!

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Mar 11, 2018
The fact that they treat him with the same civility with which he treats them doesn't bother me, no. The President should Lead.
And as far as knocking a$$holes down with a punch on the nose, well maybe someone should try that with Trump. Wait - no - the secret service wouldn't allow it. Trump is the worst offender when it comes to getting offended. Followed closely by his followers as Freekweet has pointed out.

So he has it coming? He deserves it? What happened to your ideal that says you should take the high road? It is OK that people are disrespectful of the President because he is a crass individual? The double standard continues...

I am not offended by you not liking the guy, freektweet is way off there. I do not feel the need to be protective of the guy, he can clearly handle himself. I do think that being overly critical of his delivery style is a weak cop out. That is not and should not be an issue, we have MUCH bigger fish to fry. Seems like a pretty stupid distraction you have saddled yourself with.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The fact that they treat him with the same civility with which he treats them doesn't bother me, no. The President should Lead.
Thanks, you made my point.
You (and apparently the whole left) have no problem with someone being falsely accused.

It was sad to see how many people were actually disappointed that there was no collusion with Russia. Let that one sink in.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Wow, you love to put words in other people's mouths.

So they found no collusion. Great. It was an investigation. Innocent people get investigated all the time & have their names smeared through the media. Brett Kavanaugh comes to mind. Pres. Trump has had his due process, such as it is for the presidency. Do I think the Dem's should continue the investigation? No. Move on to more important matters. Attempt to accomplish something with the guy who is in office, even if you don't like him. But they don't have to bend over & take any garbage that the right or Pres Trump have to throw at them either. If you are the President, or if you even throw your name in the ring, you better be prepared for something like this, though. Trump is not a victim. Trump is a media whore. If anything he was vindicated. Manafort, cohen etc, not so much.
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black z

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Feb 2, 2014
My biggest problem, and I think ultimately the reason the Democrats would want 16 yo's to vote, is that kids are right smack in the biggest den of government controlled propaganda there is & most of them haven't really figured out how to form their own truly educated opinions, or even how to think. They've been told what to think & when to think it. They're being spoon fed common core and other indoctrination & who knows what else. But really, once they hit 18, its still not like they've had any time away from that system to figure out the damage its done to their brain for 12 years.

Agreed 100%, but at least it gives them a little more time to mature.

black z

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Feb 2, 2014
Thanks, you made my point.
You (and apparently the whole left) have no problem with someone being falsely accused.

It was sad to see how many people were actually disappointed that there was no collusion with Russia. Let that one sink in.

Exactly. Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? The MSM has been talking about impeachment for over a year. Most people have no idea how deep the corruption and evil goes in DC. Why do you think they have relentlessly attacked him for so long? A lot of prominent people are going to be indicted shortly. Both Rs and Ds. Every president since Reagan has been a criminal.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho


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Aug 30, 2011
Trumps policies: taxes are lower, there is less regulation, he has put pressure on China for trade cheating.......and.......The economy is thriving!!!
All democrat presidential hopefuls want to: Increase taxes, add regulations, flood the job market with cheap labor with all the illegals from mexico.
This is a sure way to kill the economy, how many blue collar workers do you suppose will support that????????


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
And now the lefties are mad at Bill Barr because Mueller couldn't find any dirt on our great President Trump?

And since there is no evidence against Trump, many dems are calling for impeachment.
I know, that makes no sense, that's the level of idiocy we are dealing with on the left.

You people are unbelievable!
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Mar 11, 2018
The dems are scared to death that the investigation is coming their way, rumour has it, that is the case. The only people who colluded with the russians were obama and hillary. Hopefully those chickens come home to roost...

So they do what they always do when they do not get their way, they whine and cry and yell and scream. The more drama they can provide the more idiot sheep will follow them.


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Mar 11, 2018
We have a TROLL in the Polaris section that sounds eerily similar to this. ^^

Sounds a LOT more like the guy defending his chosen brand to me... you know, trying to get other suckers to buy into the lie he is telling... looking for more sheep to follow down the path of blown Polaris motors because supposedly none of that happens in Idaho... LOL
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