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How about our great President!!!

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Mar 11, 2018
But I would much rather have a president who I could have my children look to as some kind of role model, rather than a loud mouthed, knee-jerk bully. The man is crass, callous, insincere, self centered, etc... Have previous Presidents had some of those same "qualities?" Sure. But where they had it in some degree of moderation, he oozes with it. Not who I want leading the head of the free world.

I just see this focus as bizarre... It is really more important to you how he comes off than what is getting done? You are espousing a seriously politically correct opinion there. PC has been the downfall of this once great nation. You are no longer allowed to say what you want, how you want because you are risking offending some stupid snowflake.

Is that who you identify with?

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I just see this focus as bizarre... It is really more important to you how he comes off than what is getting done? You are espousing a seriously politically correct opinion there. PC has been the downfall of this once great nation. You are no longer allowed to say what you want, how you want because you are risking offending some stupid snowflake.

Is that who you identify with?
When the President is the #1 offender, to me it sounds a death knell for civility. There's a difference between being "PC" and being Civil. The presidency to me is as much a figurehead position as anything, honestly. And the long term "success" of any presidency is at least partially based upon his ability to work with the rest of the government. His "getting things done" often tramples the constitution (no need to mention that BHO & GWB were swimming in that as well). I don't want America to be represented by someone like Trump.
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
When the President is the #1 offender, to me it sounds a death knell for civility. There's a difference between being "PC" and being Civil. The presidency to me is as much a figurehead position as anything, honestly. And the long term "success" of any presidency is at least partially based upon his ability to work with the rest of the government. His "getting things done" often tramples the constitution (no need to mention that BHO & GWB were swimming in that as well). I don't want America to be represented by someone like Trump.

Nothing is scarier than having people like you as leaders. . That’s a huge part of how the current mess was created.


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Mar 11, 2018
When the President is the #1 offender, to me it sounds a death knell for civility. There's a difference between being "PC" and being Civil. The presidency to me is as much a figurehead position as anything, honestly. And the long term "success" of any presidency is at least partially based upon his ability to work with the rest of the government. His "getting things done" often tramples the constitution (no need to mention that BHO & GWB were swimming in that as well). I don't want America to be represented by someone like Trump.

Civility comes in degrees, and to me just sounds like a different term to achieve the same result of silencing voices. The Presidency was NEVER intended to be a figurehead position. It is a JOB, and a not so pleasant one IMO. Doing what you say and saying what you mean regardless of people feelings is EXACTLY the medicine this country needs to take.

There are thousands in government that I would prefer didn't represent America. The whole freaking thing is so corrupted and PC that they rarely get anything done. Trumps direct challenges to many are again, EXACTLY what the country needs. Proof of this is found in the all the new job creation, better trade deals, abolishing regulations contrary to economic success and hopefully building the damn wall and throwing out the illegals. These are tough things to get through, tough but necessary. It takes a straight talking mover and shaker to effect change like that. Stepping on toes and hurting feelings is a very natural consequence of making tough changes. You really need to reconsider how you look at this President and, people in general I suspect. Don't let "offensive" words get to you. Pay attention to the RESULTS we are getting, positive results. THAT is what the world really see's.

Don't like his personality? That is just a ridiculous measure of a man in this difficult position. It is a complete waste of time and energy on your part and is not going to change the man. Better buckle up for a few more years of it son. Our country has been in dire need of a man like this for decades. The last President with a sack was Reagan. Not a perfect man either but a man who turned things around by doing the unpopular.

Again, I just do not understand your fixation. It sounds to me like it is just an excuse. He is a mean guy and I don't like him.... Maybe time to grow up a little, put your big boy pants on and support the MAN getting the hard work done.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
It's much more than "he's mean and I don't like him."

While he is not responsible for their actions, He has inspired White nationalists to hate crimes. He has made fringe hate elements become mainstream. I'm not saying he subscribes to those elements, but his condemnation of them has been coerced at best. Those who support Trump are certainly not all part of these groups & I certainly hope most find those groups abhorrent. But those groups support Donald J Trump. I can see the logic on both sides - to not condemn and those fringe groups who may not like some of DJT's more "mainstream" elements - The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The opposite of civility is hostility. I will grant that at times, hostility may be called for. But when all sides are hostile, no one can sit down and come to any kind of compromise. Being "pc" is about saying something a certain way to not offend someone, or to avoid any and all possibility of being misconstrued. Civility is about respect. You go back to the primaries & his number one way to attack his opponents were with junior high level insults. The only person Donald Trump is Loyal to or holds in respect is Donald Trump.

And yes, the presidency is a job. But it is only 1 branch of the government, it is not THE government. Perhaps what I should focus on instead is the fact that the for the last 50 years, power has been increasingly consolidated to the presidency in spite of checks and balances that are in place


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Mar 11, 2018
It's much more than "he's mean and I don't like him."

While he is not responsible for their actions, He has inspired White nationalists to hate crimes. He has made fringe hate elements become mainstream. I'm not saying he subscribes to those elements, but his condemnation of them has been coerced at best. Those who support Trump are certainly not all part of these groups & I certainly hope most find those groups abhorrent. But those groups support Donald J Trump. I can see the logic on both sides - to not condemn and those fringe groups who may not like some of DJT's more "mainstream" elements - The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I am still completely missing what you think might change if he was a nice guy most of the time or, had the ability to conjure up wittier retorts than he does...

How did we get to fringe groups as an example? Fringe groups are just that and generally nobody on either side supports what they do beyond their right to say what they want.

Some of the fringe groups supporting him is another stupid excuse to not like him. He should condemn them? Why? So they have an even bigger voice having been recognized by the President? How about we all just ignore them? Your attempt to align the two is pretty pathetic. Reaching pretty far out of the mainstream to make that connection I think...

The opposite of civility is hostility. I will grant that at times, hostility may be called for. But when all sides are hostile, no one can sit down and come to any kind of compromise. Being "pc" is about saying something a certain way to not offend someone, or to avoid any and all possibility of being misconstrued. Civility is about respect. You go back to the primaries & his number one way to attack his opponents were with junior high level insults. The only person Donald Trump is Loyal to or holds in respect is Donald Trump.

I am absolutely amazed at what you find offensive about the man, absolutely amazed... You really care about his public persona more than the issues? Sure seems like your fixation remains on him being a bit crass. I am honestly baffled by your issues with the man. I read comments like yours and just wonder "WHO CARES?" because it has ZERO bearing on the end result.

And yes, the presidency is a job. But it is only 1 branch of the government, it is not THE government. Perhaps what I should focus on instead is the fact that the for the last 50 years, power has been increasingly consolidated to the presidency in spite of checks and balances that are in place

Well that would make a LOT more sense to me than your current tact...

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
By electing someone who doesn't give a da*& about what comes out of his mouth, we have opened the floodgates for anything anyone wants to say that is mean, vile, etc. You may not get it, but that is my issue.

And to claim all that he's accomplished - To me this is still a highly subjective thing. He may have promised a bridge to the moon & if he built the first two steps, his followers would give him credit to Mars & back.


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Mar 11, 2018
By electing someone who doesn't give a da*& about what comes out of his mouth, we have opened the floodgates for anything anyone wants to say that is mean, vile, etc. You may not get it, but that is my issue.

By contrast, I think it is EXACTLY where we need to go. The world is a mean and vile place. Despite what you might think, that isn't going to change. It has been a part of human nature since our inception.

Just like I do not believe fighting our land use issues by playing by the rules and trying to compromise will ever work, I do not think your idea of civility is going to move this country forward at all. It is this feel good pipe dream liberals tend to strive for. You have clearly fallen for this part of the communists plan...

And to claim all that he's accomplished - To me this is still a highly subjective thing. He may have promised a bridge to the moon & if he built the first two steps, his followers would give him credit to Mars & back.

How about just ONE simple issue... Jobs. This man has brought jobs back almost as quickly as obama ran them off. That one aspect alone has transformed this countries outlook, not yours obviously but, far more than you seem to want to give credit for. We now have actual hope that economic prosperity is within our grasp again.

To me that is exponentially more important than his "inappropriate" comments. You should just be laughing at those as this country finally starts moving forward again. You should really consider how petty your beefs with the man are. I assure you, his crass rhetoric wont even make a blip in the history books but his policies will be reflected in prosperity for the nation.


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Mar 11, 2018
Wow. What a sad outlook & negative view of human nature.

You missed what, half the post? The outlook with President Trump is VERY bright indeed! I will vote for him again in a heart beat. Jobs are coming back, food stamp recipients are at an all time low. Quite a contrast from obamas record number of recipients... Minority unemployment is at an all time low. These are all good positive facts that elevate the entire country. I don't give a rats a$$ how he talks or what he says. I personally think he is a pretty straight talker. I think more people than have, need told off, in our political world especially. I love it when he calls these clowns out.

and now...no more indictments from Muellers probe. So nothing happened, more wasted time money and energy hatin on Trump. Send the bill for that dog and pony show to the democrat party...

As to my outlook on humanity. Good job on the attempt to spin that! You make it sound like my position is that everybody is bad. On the contrary, I am intelligent enough to realize we have a few bad actors causing more than their fair share of trouble. You will never get rid of that part of humanity. There will always be evil in the world as I believe there will always be good.

You just go ahead and maintain that self righteous stance on his communication skills. Pretty sure that will net you a big fat nothing...

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Wow, I would have never guessed that there was no Russian collusion. Does anybody out there feel really gullible or as trump might say, stupid. Should bother people how this all shook out. To vilify or criminalize an innocent person because you don't like him or don't get your way. Hope some people go to jail. And he is the awful person for how or what he says. Kind of wonder what the next chapter is in the donny derangement syndrome book. They always say don't put all your eggs in one basket. I kind of think they were in one basket.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
By electing someone who doesn't give a da*& about what comes out of his mouth, we have opened the floodgates for anything anyone wants to say that is mean, vile, etc. You may not get it, but that is my issue.

And to claim all that he's accomplished - To me this is still a highly subjective thing. He may have promised a bridge to the moon & if he built the first two steps, his followers would give him credit to Mars & back.

And if he built the bridge you and others who have chosen to adopt this silly hating game cause he’s not what you deem “nice , would then belly ache and whine that it’s not smooth enough or wide enough or most likely to steep . And then when someone told you to man up or quit whining you’d be deeply offended cause they aren’t showing you the respect you think you deserve.
We’re on different teams, I still believe that sometimes the best way to deal with arsholes is a quick shot to the nose , sometimes they get smarter. Sometimes they’ll get up and kick your a$$ , but at least the situation is handled and over, not a long drawn out whine fest about disrespect and political correctness. Natural selection is something that worked well, rip off all the warning labels and let folks figure it out. We’re cultivating generations of idealistic entitled idiots and we wonder why there’s issues !!


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2001
Trump haters would rather have tiny tim for pres and get paid to tip toe through a field of tulips

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Hate-Hmmm,I don't think you guys really know what hate is. When confronted by people who believe that President Trump is not the most enlightened,intelligent being on the globe at this time -that should be hailed as the greatest man to ever hold the office of president and should be knelt in front of and paid homage to-you wingnuts come unraveled. If alot of you people went up against a true liberal concerning any of the topics on fouled plug,you would get so mad you would be bleeding out of your eyes. I don't hate Trump,he's the class clown that wears crass crown. Their has been things done by him that are good and things that are bad.
Russian collusion-who cares, alot of wasted time,same with all the Clinton emails and bla bla bla. All just part of the political theater.
For me ,I'll decide when President Trump is doing well and when he is not-and I don't need a righty or a lefty to tell me otherwise.
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
It's much more than "he's mean and I don't like him."

While he is not responsible for their actions, He has inspired White nationalists to hate crimes. He has made fringe hate elements become mainstream. I'm not saying he subscribes to those elements, but his condemnation of them has been coerced at best. Those who support Trump are certainly not all part of these groups & I certainly hope most find those groups abhorrent. But those groups support Donald J Trump. I can see the logic on both sides - to not condemn and those fringe groups who may not like some of DJT's more "mainstream" elements - The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

The opposite of civility is hostility. I will grant that at times, hostility may be called for. But when all sides are hostile, no one can sit down and come to any kind of compromise. Being "pc" is about saying something a certain way to not offend someone, or to avoid any and all possibility of being misconstrued. Civility is about respect. You go back to the primaries & his number one way to attack his opponents were with junior high level insults. The only person Donald Trump is Loyal to or holds in respect is Donald Trump.

You have frequently raised the point that your primary beef with our great President Trump is due to his lack of civility.
His opponents have had every resource under the sun at their disposal including coersion, and still cannot find any wrongdoing. Throughout this process his adversaries and the media have been anything but civil to the man.
I'm waiting for them (and you) to admit this fact.


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Mar 11, 2018
You have frequently raised the point that your primary beef with our great President Trump is due to his lack of civility.
His opponents have had every resource under the sun at their disposal including coersion, and still cannot find any wrongdoing. Throughout this process his adversaries and the media have been anything but civil to the man.
I'm waiting for them (and you) to admit this fact.

Well, they may say bad things about him but at least they do it in a nice way!

Typical double standard....

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
You have frequently raised the point that your primary beef with our great President Trump is due to his lack of civility.
His opponents have had every resource under the sun at their disposal including coersion, and still cannot find any wrongdoing. Throughout this process his adversaries and the media have been anything but civil to the man.
I'm waiting for them (and you) to admit this fact.

The fact that they treat him with the same civility with which he treats them doesn't bother me, no. The President should Lead.
And as far as knocking a$$holes down with a punch on the nose, well maybe someone should try that with Trump. Wait - no - the secret service wouldn't allow it. Trump is the worst offender when it comes to getting offended. Followed closely by his followers as Freekweet has pointed out.
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