Watching the ridiculousness of so many of the Democrats in the US. Unbelievable that so many of these self serving , wanna be famous , idealistic morons ,actually believe they are working in the best interests of Americans . Partisan politics has become the biggest stumbling block in moving the country forward, and how they can rationalize and justify their actions is mind blowing.
Trump is the President , like it or not, deal with it. If the country wants him out , the majority of voters, he won’t get back in, problem solved. But while he is there, all these attention seeking dummies seem to want to do is swim upstream , devite all their time to attacking him and yapping about impeachment and his past and his character, while ignoring the actual issues they swore an oath to work to improve. Grandstanding and tv clips seem to be the priority, just disgusting. So many of them seem to be able to convince themselves that they know best, the system has failed , and that somehow working to stop any and everything the Trump administration attempts to do, is somehow serving to make America a better place for everyone. With all his defects and past transgressions, it’s ironic that Trump is almost coming across as the reasonable one , who is actually working every day to do as he said he was gonna do.