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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011

Since you have read the Mueller Report before Mr Mueller has given it to the DOJ Can fill us all in on the other finding in "The Report" that you found interesting. Please i am interested... Oh wait!!!!

If there was something it would have been screamed from the mountain tops!
Two years and nothing but seems you of all people have the hidden card....lets see it......prove me wrong.......come on pitter patter lets get at er.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
The biggest thing that I get out of the Cohen thing, is not the fact that the democrats are putting on a show about him (which they are). Its the fact that the republicans are upset that he stopped lying. Way to hold the moral high ground.

And whether or not there was collusion with Russia is now beside the point. If you're investigating someone for murder, find no damning evidence, but you do find damning evidence for kidnapping, do you let the one being investigated off the hook? I don't think so.

Should Hillary have been held to account more? Undoubtedly. So should her husband in the 90's. So should Cheyney & Bush Jr for that matter. Trump is still a liar & a cheat. When do we get to start holding our leaders accountable for their actions? Do we have to wait until a Democrat is in power with a republican held house & senate again? Seems a little silly and the same double standard that Trump followers are accusing Democrats of.

But go ahead & put your blinders back on. Truth be told, I am glad Trump is trying to work with N Korea. Nixon went to China. It didn't make him innocent of any wrongdoing, but it accomplished something. I also think Kim Jong Un has figured out that if he strokes Trumps ego a little that the nuclear can is able to get kicked down the road a bit & get good publicity for his regime. He and Trump are 2 peas in a pod. Just like Trump & Putin. I'm a little surprised that the administration has decided to denounce Meduro with the way he's stood up in behalf of Saudi Arabia, Russia, & North Korea. But Meduro is an outright socialist dictator (wait - So is Kim Jong Un...)
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Well-known member
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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Blitzkrieg I never said one way or the other if there was direct collusion. You however were so positive there was none. I just thought maybe you have read the final report from the person the Republican put in charge to determine if there was any and if so to what degree. This of course was after Trump fired the Head of the FBI when he refused to drop the investigation on Flynn's connection with Russia. My hunch there was no direct collusion because they knew trump was so stupid and that he would have stood up and boasted about it was the greatest collusion this country has ever seen.

There is proof that Russia has interfered in the 2016 election. If you cant see that with your own eyes there is nothing i can say that will convince otherwise. You just keep repeating Fox News Talking points that there was no collusion. Trump has changed his story numerous time about Russia. There have been 37 convictions of people directly and indirectly connected to Trump and his campaign lying to the FBI and Congress. About what you ask, their connection to Russia. Its a shame that even if the Mueller report has direct proof of collusion, Trump has already won the battle because 40% of this country will deny it and never believe it because Trump said so. And Trump would never lie about something this important


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I have a hard time believing that our great President Trump would ever lie, particularly something this important.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Blitzkrieg I never said one way or the other if there was direct collusion. You however were so positive there was none. I just thought maybe you have read the final report from the person the Republican put in charge to determine if there was any and if so to what degree. This of course was after Trump fired the Head of the FBI when he refused to drop the investigation on Flynn's connection with Russia. My hunch there was no direct collusion because they knew trump was so stupid and that he would have stood up and boasted about it was the greatest collusion this country has ever seen.

There is proof that Russia has interfered in the 2016 election. If you cant see that with your own eyes there is nothing i can say that will convince otherwise. You just keep repeating Fox News Talking points that there was no collusion. Trump has changed his story numerous time about Russia. There have been 37 convictions of people directly and indirectly connected to Trump and his campaign lying to the FBI and Congress. About what you ask, their connection to Russia. Its a shame that even if the Mueller report has direct proof of collusion, Trump has already won the battle because 40% of this country will deny it and never believe it because Trump said so. And Trump would never lie about something this important

LOL, I love it when some guy in somewhere Nevada that I’ve never heard of in my life other than on a snowmobile forum , has the conviction to shout out that sDonald Trump is so stupid !! That’s cause he’s never accomplished anything so far in his life that measures up,to,your standards, right ? He’s some idiot who got lucky by having rich parents, and he’s been just sliding by doing nothing , like all stupid people his entire life ??? Is he nice or pleasant or humble or a lot of other touchy feely kind of things, no probably not. Is he driven , passionate, egotistical , and lots of other things you bet, but no idea how anyone could even begin to imagine he’s stupid. I bet he’d be in big trouble negotiating with you eh, you’d sure show him a thing or two !

black z

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Feb 2, 2014
Yes, because they are both dictators and Trump just collapsed in her presence. Nevermind she has the majority of the house in her camp. You're not that stupid. Admit you hate Trump and can't see past how successful he has been. :present: The problem with liberals is that they are offended by words. Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents ever.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Blitzkrieg I never said one way or the other if there was direct collusion. You however were so positive there was none. I just thought maybe you have read the final report from the person the Republican put in charge to determine if there was any and if so to what degree. This of course was after Trump fired the Head of the FBI when he refused to drop the investigation on Flynn's connection with Russia. My hunch there was no direct collusion because they knew trump was so stupid and that he would have stood up and boasted about it was the greatest collusion this country has ever seen.

There is proof that Russia has interfered in the 2016 election. If you cant see that with your own eyes there is nothing i can say that will convince otherwise. You just keep repeating Fox News Talking points that there was no collusion. Trump has changed his story numerous time about Russia. There have been 37 convictions of people directly and indirectly connected to Trump and his campaign lying to the FBI and Congress. About what you ask, their connection to Russia. Its a shame that even if the Mueller report has direct proof of collusion, Trump has already won the battle because 40% of this country will deny it and never believe it because Trump said so. And Trump would never lie about something this important
You a member of the nancy p family. You should post on the cnn news. you know the clinton news network.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Admit you hate Trump and can't see past how successful he has been. :present: The problem with liberals is that they are offended by words. Trump will go down in history as one of the greatest presidents ever.
I freely admit I have never liked nor respected Donald Trump. It goes back considerably before his election, before it was even rumored that he might run for President. He has done a few things since he has been in office that I respect. His taking the UN to Task. His telling Kim Jong Un like it is with his "fire & fury" speech. His standing up for Nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Getting the mandate in the ACA dropped. And even though nothing other than kicking the can down the road has been accomplished by it so far, I'm glad he's meeting with Kim Jong Un. Slapping tariffs on China. And I respect that he actually says what he means. I just don't like about 3/4 of what he means or stands for.

The continual lumping of anyone who does not respect Trump into the anathema of "Liberals" or "Libtards" is just another occasion of creating a false "us vs. Them" mentality. I'm not a liberal. I'm not a conservative. I'm a mix, just like 90% of the people out there. one of my biggest pet peeves is anytime someone assumes I either agree with them or disagree with them without asking me.

And as far as being offended by words, I think Trump takes the cake on that one. He must tweet a rebuttal to anything anyone says he doesn't like & cry "Fake News." He's made it now an everyday phrase used by dictators the world over to put down any publicity they don't want as false. Is there a problem of extreme bias in media? You bet. And it is on every side. Instead of having to tell us what is or is not fake news, just let it speak for itself & let each person come to their own conclusions. I have yet to use the phrase to describe anything & I never plan on it.

And his going down in history as one of the greatest presidents ever? Maybe in the minds of 30% of the population. Time will tell on that one I guess.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
You a member of the nancy p family. You should post on the cnn news. you know the clinton news network.

Not at all Bubba. I don't watch CNN much i only watch the best news shows out there FOX News and Brietbart

Cant stand Nancy however we all saw Nancy make "the Donald' her little be-otch on a national stage a couple of weeks ago or were you out riding your little snow scooter thingy


Well-known member
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Oct 5, 2009
Not at all Bubba. I don't watch CNN much i only watch the best news shows out there FOX News and Brietbart

Cant stand Nancy however we all saw Nancy make "the Donald' her little be-otch on a national stage a couple of weeks ago or were you out riding your little snow scooter thingy

Id lots rather ride my snow scooter thingy than watch that old hag.
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