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How about our great President!!!

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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Five Time Draft Dodger

I have been gone for a while here on SW. Soooooo.

I see many of you sheep, are still grazing in the Trump Chump Hero Worshiper Putin Puppet Pasture.

I can see the day when Trump is convicted of treason. He dismisses the assessments of our own intelligent agency but believes what Putin and Kim Jong Little Dick tell him.
Hey! Where are the translators notes from Putin and his puppet-Trump when they met?
Those notes are the property of the American people. What is he hiding?
Where are his tax returns when he was asked in May of 2016 and he replied he would release them in August that year.

Here are just a few quotes from Lindsey Graham. Yeah you know who he is, that liberal communist bastard.

Donald Trump is a "jackass".

"I'm not going to try to get into the mind of Donald Trump, because I don't think there's a whole lot of space in there.

I think he's a kook, I think he's crazy, I think he's unfit for office". And: "I'm a Republican and he is not.

I'm speaking for myself here now, but one of MY opinions is that it is so hypercritical here on SW that some sledders say, lets bring back jobs to America and lets make America great again. But you wont buy an American made sled!!!!

Oh, yeah! The press is the enemy of the people. Is SnoWest the enemy of the people?

Donald Trump avoided the military draft 5 times, but it wasn't uncommon for young men from influential families to do so during the Vietnam War. Millions of us did not have that option.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
The democrats are so full of jealousy and hatred that no matter what our great President Trump promotes, they will be against.
Examples :
The wall, most dems that voted for it are now against it, for one reason, because DJT is promoting it.

Recently socialism has come into the forefront. You just watch the democrats get on board the socialism train as Trump fights harder against it.

I truly fear that the drums of civil war are beating.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
I truly fear that the drums of civil war are beating.

Not that I want a civil war, but I've thought that in some ways that will be the only way we can get back the freedoms that have been gradually stripped from us over the last 200 years.

The "us vs. them" that is inherent in so many of the political discourses right now is poisoning so much of society. Be it Democrats Vs Republicans, Have's vs Have nots, Whites vs Blacks, Religious vs Humanist, and on and on. If we could see each other as fellow passengers to the grave instead of just the opposition, we might just be able to pull through.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
The "us vs. them" that is inherent in so many of the political discourses right now is poisoning so much of society. Be it Democrats Vs Republicans, Have's vs Have nots, Whites vs Blacks, Religious vs Humanist, and on and on. If we could see each other as fellow passengers to the grave instead of just the opposition, we might just be able to pull through.

Regardless of what side of whatever issue you are on those on the other side often want the same outcome but have different idea of how to get there.
Take a look at this video, dont let the title offend you lefties, but its the most common sense approach to any discussion for mutual outcome benefit.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Not that I want a civil war, but I've thought that in some ways that will be the only way we can get back the freedoms that have been gradually stripped from us over the last 200 years.

The "us vs. them" that is inherent in so many of the political discourses right now is poisoning so much of society. Be it Democrats Vs Republicans, Have's vs Have nots, Whites vs Blacks, Religious vs Humanist, and on and on. If we could see each other as fellow passengers to the grave instead of just the opposition, we might just be able to pull through.

Take a read through "Political Tribes" by Amy Chua

It's short, wouldn't take you long.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Regardless of what side of whatever issue you are on those on the other side often want the same outcome but have different idea of how to get there.
Take a look at this video, dont let the title offend you lefties, but its the most common sense approach to any discussion for mutual outcome benefit.

I'll disagree with his whole premise of "The Left." Big scare tactic.

Also, there are a ton of people who DON'T want to develop clean energy, or become less dependent on fossil fuels.

Other than that, I agree with focus on the goals. The whole second half of the video, focusing on his complaints, wasn't doing that.

For any of his complaints, these are possible goals that he can't imagine.

1. Treat all people with compassion.
2. Attempt to get equitable (not equal, notice the difference) outcomes and opportunities for as many people as possible.
3. Teach an accurate history of our country and the world.

Like he said, he may disagree about the potential solutions, but I think (could be wrong) that those three things are goals we could agree on.

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Again with ''great'' thing:juggle: and as far as civil war? I know which side i'll be fighting on and it won't be left or right. These two political parties are the reason why America is in such a s#^thole mess.Exterminate left and right problem solved.:face-icon-small-win


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Again with ''great'' thing:juggle: and as far as civil war? I know which side i'll be fighting on and it won't be left or right. These two political parties are the reason why America is in such a s#^thole mess.Exterminate left and right problem solved.:face-icon-small-win

Many people echo what you are saying, but every time an "independent" runs they get beaten worse than a smart alec stepchild.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Again with ''great'' thing:juggle: and as far as civil war? I know which side i'll be fighting on and it won't be left or right. These two political parties are the reason why America is in such a s#^thole mess.Exterminate left and right problem solved.:face-icon-small-win

I keep holding out for a good sized Meteor at the SOTU address. That would clean things up nicely. If we just reset everything, maybe we could actually do away with the parties as they are.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I keep holding out for a good sized Meteor at the SOTU address. That would clean things up nicely. If we just reset everything, maybe we could actually do away with the parties as they are.

Not until we adopt a different voting system. First Past the Post will more or less mathematically ensure a two party system that gets more divided over time. It may take a while to get there, but it will happen.

There are better voting methods, but they require a little bit of understanding, and that's a hard thing to ask of voters.


Well-known member
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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN
Not until we adopt a different voting system. First Past the Post will more or less mathematically ensure a two party system that gets more divided over time. It may take a while to get there, but it will happen.

There are better voting methods, but they require a little bit of understanding, and that's a hard thing to ask of voters.

Especially when they vote from the grave!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
Also, there are a ton of people who DON'T want to develop clean energy, or become less dependent on fossil fuels.
I disagree, everyone wants clean energy but to what extent, what cost and who is capitalizing on it?
Can you prove that climate change WILL kill us in 12 years like we are being told by the “left?”
Other than that, I agree with focus on the goals. The whole second half of the video, focusing on his complaints, wasn't doing that.
You should watch the rest, he goes full whiney identity crissis just like those in-or-not in your tribe that you tribally side with. :face-icon-small-ton

Put up some statistics, or give up that fight. Individual voter fraud is so small as to be statistically insignificant. Multiple studies have shown it.
LOL, This is shady stuff that has happened in the past, but when the “left” says its racist & immoral to require ID when voting its a fact no stats needed!


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
I disagree, everyone wants clean energy but to what extent, what cost and who is capitalizing on it?

We can agree to disagree on that. I personally know people that are against anything that pulls us away from fossil energy. They may be statistically insignificant, I'm not going to die on that hill.

Can you prove that climate change WILL kill us in 12 years like we are being told by the “left?”

I'm not sure who you're referencing that's saying we'll be dead in 12 years.
I understand that the evidence shows that unless we take fairly drastic action soon (on the order of that 12 years, maybe) climate change will cause irreversible effects that will likely kill most humans eventually.

You should watch the rest, he goes full whiney identity crissis just like those in-or-not in your tribe that you tribally side with. :face-icon-small-ton

Not sure what you're saying here. I did watch the whole thing, and my point was that he quit trying to find common goals halfway through.

LOL, This is shady stuff that has happened in the past, but when the “left” says its racist & immoral to require ID when voting its a fact no stats needed!

Also not sure what you're saying here, except that you appear to distrust every study that has shown insignificant in-person voter fraud, instead appearing to rely on your feelings that "shady stuff" has happened, with no evidence to back it up.


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Also not sure what you're saying here, except that you appear to distrust every study that has shown insignificant in-person voter fraud, instead appearing to rely on your feelings that "shady stuff" has happened, with no evidence to back it up.

Anyone paying attention to North Carolina at the moment.... Oh Wait!!!! that is dealing with Republicans election fraud.... never mind

Carry on!!!
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