I do not have a airbox to put on, or I would happily try one and I do not want to buy a airbox just to cut it up and glue it back together to get it to fit back into the chassis with a 800 in it. The stock air box draws air from the top of the hood(tach hole) and would get clogged with snow faster then pods with lots of vents.
There has to be another option, that's why I'm thinking snorkel...
Again, I have little to no snow under the hood!
It's not that I want to keep the pods but tracking down a airbox could take weeks or months and I'm sure polaris wants a arm and leg for one. It's deep no and I want to ride. Plus, I rode with a ski doo today that bogs just as bad in deep snow with a airbox as my sled with pods, lets think outside the box!
There has to be another option, that's why I'm thinking snorkel...
Again, I have little to no snow under the hood!
It's not that I want to keep the pods but tracking down a airbox could take weeks or months and I'm sure polaris wants a arm and leg for one. It's deep no and I want to ride. Plus, I rode with a ski doo today that bogs just as bad in deep snow with a airbox as my sled with pods, lets think outside the box!
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