Spent my fifth year at HayDays this past weekend. It always is something I look forward to all year long and it did not disappoint once again. SnoBarons does a great job with the large crowds, traffic, prices, and lines. $25 for a 2-day pass is a great price when you look at everything else we spend on teh sport. The widened aisles helped out alot on Saturday, but the extend swap area to the south of track did make for a long weekend of walking. The rain on Sunday morning scared off tons of swappers and it made for lots of walking to see a part here and there or trying to remember where something was. There was a ton of good deals on used sleds, but a lot less vintage sleds/parts for sale than I had seen in past years. Its always great to see those who travel across states to get there. A big pat on the back should go out to everyone involved and who went to make it the event we look forward all summer long.