All I know is that in this country everyone has the freedom to worship who or what they want to. I know who I worship and what I beleive. Some choose to worship the almighty greenback and cry cause they do not get a $600 refund from Uncle Sam and then call those who beleive as I do crazy or stupid or moron's. So be it. But if I am wrong in the end and their is no heaven or hell, as I beleive. What am I out? But if the non beleiver is wrong, What is he out?
i dont believe in magic, only facts. facts are that we came from a single cell organism and it mutated into a multi cell. they found it and it was billions of years old. evol. then took place to where we are now. we were at onee point many animals and have evolved into humans. believe what you want dude. as i said before just be a good person and to others, thats what life is about.
as for the money,
i do think it bs that others get money and some dont. sorry i get paid well and make a good living. i think the gov should be equal and pay everyone the same amount, and it was 1500, i have a kid
in the end if im wrong im out nothing as well, he forgives all right!!!!!!!