I can't believe this thread is out here! This is some funny chit!!
So, I'm riding in the middle. The trail is hard PACKED! We religiously wait at intersections for everyone. The front runners see me coming and head off down the trail, I'm a bit a head of the rider behind me, so I simply stop. After a little bit, I realize that I'm pretty far into the turn and the next rider may not be able to see me, cause I'm sure she is hauling a$$ to catch up. So, I figure I'll just back up a bit.
Pull it, throw it in reverse, and hit the throttle. I'm not 100% sure what happened, but I musta caught an icy lip on the trail, because she high sided on me and flipped me up and off.....as the spinning track flew by my face, I just prayed I would miss it!! I did. I landed HARD on my back in the middle of the trail. UGH!! My head bounced so hard off the hardpack I was sure I cracked my helmet.
I was afraid to take of my helmet in fear that it was the only thing holding my head together. That was 6 miles into what turned out to be a 76 mile day. Saw the chiro on Monday....whiplash. No wonder I hurt and felt disoriented all day!!!