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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!

Nov 26, 2007
I beleive that people should respect others wishes, and treat those the way you want to be treated.
So since gays have been mistreadting the hetro population, I beleive we have the right to do the same. We are not discriminating, they are.

The people speak, and yet the homo's wont accept it.

Maybe we should change the constitution because we dont like things in it.(good luck)

We need government reform. People should have the right to vote for anything they want. Any new idea or law should be put online for all to voice opinions and let that be the deciding factor, majority rules I think it is called.

If gay people want to cram their agenda into normal peoples lives, give em california and let the rest of the normal world be alone.

Oh, and put a big frikkin electric fence around Cali.

It's not homophobia, it is standing for what you beleive in.

None of this would have ever happened, had the queer nation stayed in the closet.

Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
Gay or not, whatever..... This could have been any other issue and I'd be just as pissed off.

These idiots are protesting the outcome of a vote. It didn't go the way they wanted, so get over it. If you have to get married move somewhere the laws are the way you want.

This is very dangerous ground when people are asking the courts to make laws, not simply uphold existing laws. Our country is loosing its direction and integrity quickly.
Oct 24, 2008
brighton, colorado
I like the Idea of the banishment of all gays. We could let Obama lead that country in Antarctic at least they can hudle to stay warm.

Talk softly and carry a big stick. Thats what this country needs to get us out of this spiraling black bottomless hole were all falling in.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
They sued because they were being discriminated against. Sounds legitimate to me.

I can't park in the handicap section at McDonalds. Is that discrimination? Women don't have to sign up for Selective Service, is that discrimination? Where do you draw the line?

Gay people act like they are an oppressed minority. If they didn't show in public that they were gay then they wouldn't have to worry about being discriminated against.

There is no pressure from a child's parents to like women. Why do you think it is that way.........maybe because that's how it's supposed to be.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
If they didn't show in public that they were gay then they wouldn't have to worry about being discriminated against.

I think you just proved something right there....

I don't get it...what rights do you have that they don't?

I think the right to get married or to be legally joined. There are specific rights people get when being legally joined... Like hospital visits, tax benefits, You married folks should be able to list the technical changes that happen when you get "hitched". There are rights there... Though, none of them are in the constitution......

Interesting how marriage is a religious / spiritual ceremony, with rules set and dictated by the government... That will soon change it seems..

I want less government control....
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Nov 26, 2007
I think the right to get married or to be legally joined. There are specific rights people get when being legally joined... Like hospital visits, tax benefits, You married folks should be able to list the technical changes that happen when you get "hitched". There are rights there... Though, none of them are in the constitution......

Interesting how marriage is a religious / spiritual ceremony, with rules set and dictated by the government... That will soon change it seems..

I want less government control....

Same rights apply any way you look at it...what is being suggested is that there should be a NEW set of rights...relating to same sex union...and everyone should be OK with that.

Rights vs. preference/demands/individual choice seem to get confused quite a bit...it's a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

The gov't doesn't 'set' or 'dictate' rules for marriage at all...go celebrate however the hell you want, so long as it lawful. States vary...

What the gov't does is provide guidelines for what unions will be 'recognized' as a change in 'legal' status...with all the associated benefits/penalties/however you want to look at it.

It seems to me that often times a radical moral/ethical minority (insert group here) has a tantrum about the fact that the majority doesn't 'approve' of their position or 'recognize' it legally. So what?...

While folks are exercising their 'rights' of individuality within the law, some expect the 'right' to force everyone else to be OK with that...or to have the government and employers 'finance' that...grow up.

Everything folks want to do is not automatically OK, nor should anyone provide a tax break or insurance benefits just because of individual preference.

These conversations often deteriate rapidly to some sense of entitlement around the desire to 'be ok with everyone' rather than just be.

If you've made a decision and are comfortable enough with it, live with it. If you need the support/financing of the moral majority...go find a place where that exists...

The mountain doesn't come to you just because you decided to ride....nor will everyone be OK with your decision to ride...so what.
Nov 27, 2008
North Bend, WA
There are specific rights people get when being legally joined... Like hospital visits, tax benefits, You married folks should be able to list the technical changes that happen when you get "hitched".

There are no tax benefits to being married. Historically there has always been a tax penalty. Once Obama lets Bush's tax cuts expire the penatly will be back.

My wife and I were together for 7 years prior to getting married. "Technically" there is no difference. Our "domestic partnership" covered insurance etc.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
The gov't doesn't 'set' or 'dictate' rules for marriage at all...go celebrate however the hell you want, so long as it lawful. States vary...

What the gov't does is provide guidelines for what unions will be 'recognized' as a change in 'legal' status...with all the associated benefits/penalties/however you want to look at it.

Good points, but I would argue the above... Since marriage is only legal if you have a marriage license, the states do in fact set the rules as to who can be married. Though, I do see the technical difference in what you and I are saying..

Is it true that you sign or apply for your marriage license before you have the wedding ceremony? Seems to have a wedding ceremony without actually getting a license would be false....
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Dec 1, 2007
Same rights apply any way you look at it...what is being suggested is that there should be a NEW set of rights...relating to same sex union...and everyone should be OK with that.

Rights vs. preference/demands/individual choice seem to get confused quite a bit...it's a ridiculous sense of entitlement.

The gov't doesn't 'set' or 'dictate' rules for marriage at all...go celebrate however the hell you want, so long as it lawful. States vary...

What the gov't does is provide guidelines for what unions will be 'recognized' as a change in 'legal' status...with all the associated benefits/penalties/however you want to look at it.

It seems to me that often times a radical moral/ethical minority (insert group here) has a tantrum about the fact that the majority doesn't 'approve' of their position or 'recognize' it legally. So what?...

While folks are exercising their 'rights' of individuality within the law, some expect the 'right' to force everyone else to be OK with that...or to have the government and employers 'finance' that...grow up.

Everything folks want to do is not automatically OK, nor should anyone provide a tax break or insurance benefits just because of individual preference.

These conversations often deteriate rapidly to some sense of entitlement around the desire to 'be ok with everyone' rather than just be.

If you've made a decision and are comfortable enough with it, live with it. If you need the support/financing of the moral majority...go find a place where that exists...

The mountain doesn't come to you just because you decided to ride....nor will everyone be OK with your decision to ride...so what.

"it's a ridiculous sense of entitlement"

The floodgates are starting to give.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
MOB, while reading your points again, while very good, that same argument could be made for strait marriages if there were no incentives / benefits / costs... in place for ANYONE that is married.. seems it shouldn't be the state governments place to determine what the definition of marriage is...

They used to restrict whites from marrying blacks too.... but we have gotten past that point though it is still looked down upon by many...

To me it doesn't seem like too much of a stretch to redefine the definition of a marriage... I don't think it takes much time, nor much costs... and would actually be a net benefit if you think about all the fancy gay marriages that would help stimulate the economy... lol Yah, that last one was a stretch... a big one! ha ha

Disco Dan Richter

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Me no snow ta
Comparing gay marrige to bi-racial is a strech. Nothing to compare, still a man and a woman.

My thoughts:

If you protect or defend the lifestyle of a gay person, that does not make you gay, nor does it mean you are not, however, that doesnt neccesarily mean you havent tried it either. or mean you arent curious. LOL

I too once had a freind that turned out to be gay, and I tried to accept it just for the benefit of the group of freinds. But one time, he brought his boyfreind up with him on a guys weekend, and everyone pretty much said see ya! Havent seen him...I mean...her since,


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
I can't park in the handicap section at McDonalds. Is that discrimination? Women don't have to sign up for Selective Service, is that discrimination? Where do you draw the line?

Gay people act like they are an oppressed minority. If they didn't show in public that they were gay then they wouldn't have to worry about being discriminated against.

There is no pressure from a child's parents to like women. Why do you think it is that way.........maybe because that's how it's supposed to be.

I'm not on their bandwagon at all, but I can understand that they want the same legal rights as heteros. They want to be able to make medical decisions for their spouses like heteros. They want to have the same inheritance laws as heteros. etc, etc. I don't understand how a person can be gay, but it's their own business. I don't want that lifestyle pushed on me any more than I want someone pushing religion on me. But, you should have the right to practice your lifestyle and they should be able to practice theirs.

Sunridge Sledhead

Well-known member
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Apr 17, 2002
Star Valley, Wyoming
I think until the God fearing majority in this country stand up, and together say...."enough is enough!".....our country is on a slippery slope! Many good comments in this thread! Wrong doesn't change over time! Just because a society's values go in the toilet, wrong does not become right! For those old enough, think about having this debate 20 years ago??? Gay marriage? You would NEVER have thought it possible!!! What's next?
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