I think the right to get married or to be legally joined. There are specific rights people get when being legally joined... Like hospital visits, tax benefits, You married folks should be able to list the technical changes that happen when you get "hitched". There are rights there... Though, none of them are in the constitution......
Interesting how marriage is a religious / spiritual ceremony, with rules set and dictated by the government... That will soon change it seems..
I want less government control....
Same rights apply any way you look at it...what is being suggested is that there should be a NEW set of rights...relating to same sex union...and everyone should be OK with that.
Rights vs. preference/demands/individual choice seem to get confused quite a bit...it's a ridiculous sense of entitlement.
The gov't doesn't 'set' or 'dictate' rules for marriage at all...go celebrate however the hell you want, so long as it lawful. States vary...
What the gov't does is provide guidelines for what unions will be 'recognized' as a change in 'legal' status...with all the associated benefits/penalties/however you want to look at it.
It seems to me that often times a radical moral/ethical minority (insert group here) has a tantrum about the fact that the majority doesn't 'approve' of their position or 'recognize' it legally. So what?...
While folks are exercising their 'rights' of individuality within the law, some expect the 'right' to force everyone else to be OK with that...or to have the government and employers 'finance' that...grow up.
Everything folks want to do is not automatically OK, nor should anyone provide a tax break or insurance benefits just because of individual preference.
These conversations often deteriate rapidly to some sense of entitlement around the desire to 'be ok with everyone' rather than just be.
If you've made a decision and are comfortable enough with it, live with it. If you need the support/financing of the moral majority...go find a place where that exists...
The mountain doesn't come to you just because you decided to ride....nor will everyone be OK with your decision to ride...so what.