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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!

Dec 2, 2007
Black Hills
LMAO---there's 10 seconds of my life I will never get back, all I had to do is read the title of the thread and look inside to see who was involved and I knew how it was going to go---LMAOA!!!!!!!! I wonder what the next revelation will be ?????


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Aug 14, 2002
What is a homophobe? Somone who is "afraid" of gay people or somone who is afraid of their agenda?

Someone who is afraid or hates a person based on their homosexual preference...

Agenda? Turn off the tv man.... they aren't all like that.... Most are just regular people trying to find there own happiness in life...


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Aug 14, 2002
Well actually the Christian belief is love the sinner, hate the sin but even Abraham could not save Sodom & Gamorah. Swampy:eek:

What matters more? The outcome, or that Abraham tried? Some might say the effort is what is most important.
Jan 2, 2008
I want to make it perfectly clear, dude on dude action is SICK GROSS and ***GED UP!!

however girl on girl action.....

JohnnyK, I was trying to bring up a point..with a touch of humor that sailed over your head. It IS a double standard and most men think how awesome would a threesome be...but I know quite a few lesbo's, not too many of them would I want a threesome with...however I did watch twin blondes go at it in the shower one time and that left an impression. I even got to hold the soap :D

FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it... 11-24-2008 09:49 PMhypocrite- jonnyk
Oct 3, 2005
It would seem that you fellows have a problem with the "dude on dude action".

Why then are you all up in arms about to guys getting married?

I think that most people find the "sexual" in homosexual to be the offensive part, no?

What better way to get rid of the oogie part of that lifestyle, than a good wedding. Seems to work for "breeders".:D
It would seem that you fellows have a problem with the "dude on dude action".

Why then are you all up in arms about to guys getting married?

I think that most people find the "sexual" in homosexual to be the offensive part, no?

What better way to get rid of the oogie part of that lifestyle, than a good wedding. Seems to work for "breeders".:D

They shouldn't marry either. Marriage is meaningless now. It's just BS. Homosexualty should be outlawed.



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Aug 14, 2002
They shouldn't marry either. Marriage is meaningless now.

WTF? Yah, I am sure the fact that gays can marry make marriage meaningless... Couldn't be the 50% divorce rate or anything like that...

Curious why what others do, changes the meaning you put into a relationship with a wife? You know what might be best, stop thinking about it, and get on with your life...
Jun 18, 2008
Southern Idaho
WTF? Yah, I am sure the fact that gays can marry make marriage meaningless... Couldn't be the 50% divorce rate or anything like that...

Curious why what others do, changes the meaning you put into a relationship with a wife? You know what might be best, stop thinking about it, and get on with your life...

Ruffys right here, I dont understand it either and it gets old having it on tv all the time, but on a positive note..we need guys like Ruffy cuz if they wanna push in each others stools, think of all the STRAIGHT women it frees up for the rest of us. :p


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Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
Ruffys right here, I dont understand it either and it gets old having it on tv all the time, but on a positive note..we need guys like Ruffy cuz if they wanna push in each others stools, think of all the STRAIGHT women it frees up for the rest of us. :p

It doesn't free up any more women, cause there are probably just as many *******s as gays.

On another note,

I understand that alot of you think that homosexuality is wrong, but some are being extremely judgemental. Doesn't it piss you off when people are extremely judgemental towards you, and those people are the ones closing our puplic land to ride. :rolleyes: I don't understand how a man can look at another mans hairy azz and find love, to each, his own. If they mind their own business, you should mind yours. As stated before, with the divorce rate today, marriage isn't what it used to be.
Jan 2, 2008
If there were no children in this world then I wouldn't care who does what to whom or where they do it. But people arn't born into adulthood, it takes a long and confusing road to get there. Why make it more confusing?

When I see commercials on TV like "Interactive Males" while watching a movie with my kids I get pizzed. I get upset when schools attempt to brainwash our kids into acceptance or when Hollywood glamorizes the gay lifestyle.

All this before a kid even hits puberty!

I agree the institution of marriage needs work, when you have half the kids out there sharing moms and dads and living in two different homes its bad. Allowing Gays to marry isn't going to help that, its only going to serve to further degrade what marriage means.

Why can't gays be happy with some title other than "Married", that gives them the same benefits? Lifepartner speaks to a life long dedication and commitment, and truthfully I'd bet "lifepartners" have a much higher stay together rate than typical married couples?? dunno, but it seems a good title to me.
Nov 26, 2007
Arlington, WA
Just to rub some more salt on this subject. Why in the he11 are these people able to adopt??? Can all of them or is it just the ones with some fame that are trying to get some press.
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