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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!


Snow Fox

Leave it to California, home of Nazi Pelosi, to question the voice of voters. That state was awesome (mountains, ocean, nice beaches, great climate) until all of those dumb a$$ greeny left wing liberal nut jobs moved there......now the state just needs to fall into the sea.
Dec 13, 2004
Back when I was in college at the U of MN I took a student job to be Goldy Gopher at non-athletic events. It paid really well and I thought it would be fun.

What do you think my very first event was that I had to be at? THE COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET ON CAMPUS EVENT!!! My job was to greet the queers with open arms after they walked through a PINK DOOR!

Obviously I quit right on the spot and never looked back. Talk about ridiculous...


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If faggots want to be faggots behind closed doors, I say whatever makes those sickos happy.

But I too am so tired of seeing faggy activity in primetime tv shows.
Hollywood has just used every opportunity to put it out there as simply a lifestyle
choice. Almost as if it were the "hip" thing to do.
It is a mental disease, these sick sick people nead to be quarantined so as not
to infect the good healthy morally right people.
Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
All things classified as moral or immoral, are but points on a scale, that the majority is willing to tolerate.

I bet you have limits Ruffy. In old Greece, the old men used to like young slave boys. So, by your own example of acceptance through historical reference. You must approve of old men, sexually abusing teenage young slaves? Or, are you going to claim you now don't accept everything. And, don't tell me that it's somehow different. The age of 18 is just a number pulled out of some psychologist's research notes. Slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world. If their going to schools teaching young men to accept homosexuality, you can't speak to all their motivations for doing so.

Anyway, I don't much care what gay people do. I just wish they'd quit pushing it down everyone else's throat, and quit preaching the crap to kids. And, their constantly trying to get themselves classified as some sort of disadvantaged minority. So,keep it in the closet.


Mar 14, 2007
Back when I was in college at the U of MN I took a student job to be Goldy Gopher at non-athletic events. It paid really well and I thought it would be fun.

What do you think my very first event was that I had to be at? THE COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET ON CAMPUS EVENT!!! My job was to greet the queers with open arms after they walked through a PINK DOOR!

Obviously I quit right on the spot and never looked back. Talk about ridiculous...

LOL'd hard @ ^


Nov 3, 2008
Back when I was in college at the U of MN I took a student job to be Goldy Gopher at non-athletic events. It paid really well and I thought it would be fun.

What do you think my very first event was that I had to be at? THE COMING OUT OF THE CLOSET ON CAMPUS EVENT!!! My job was to greet the queers with open arms after they walked through a PINK DOOR!

Obviously I quit right on the spot and never looked back. Talk about ridiculous...

Who would have thought that would happen in the state that produced prince?:face-icon-small-win I agree, gets old turning on the tv and always having some knob goblers morals being shoved down our throats.:mad:
Dec 1, 2007
More....... http://www.ringospictures.com/index.php?page=20081115

If the gays overturn the will of the people it'll be another sad day for traditional America. I guess if you believe in traditional marrige your a hater,idiot,moron and a Nazi. Shame on you buttpirates.

The entertainment industry has mainstreamed the gay culture...just about always making them the sympathetic figure so we feel sorry for them. What they dont show is their predatory urges to go after young people as well as the crazy self-destructive practice of plooking multiple partners (unprotected)that made AIDS spread like wildfire. It wasnt their fault...oh no. they blamed everyone else for their deviant behavior that was killing people. How much of our resources has gone to fight HIV? Will they ever admit they are responsible for the epidemic? And please dont tell me they needed to be educated.

A person's preference is their business, however I dont want see or hear about it any longer..


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Who would have thought that would happen in the state that produced prince?:face-icon-small-win

ummm.... You do know what "little red corvette" was about don't you? :D One hint... It is not about a car, but I do like to get "in" it when I can.... LMAO...
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
More....... http://www.ringospictures.com/index.php?page=20081115

If the gays overturn the will of the people it'll be another sad day for traditional America. I guess if you believe in traditional marrige your a hater,idiot,moron and a Nazi. Shame on you buttpirates.

The entertainment industry has mainstreamed the gay culture...just about always making them the sympathetic figure so we feel sorry for them. What they dont show is their predatory urges to go after young people as well as the crazy self-destructive practice of plooking multiple partners (unprotected)that made AIDS spread like wildfire. It wasnt their fault...oh no. they blamed everyone else for their deviant behavior that was killing people. How much of our resources has gone to fight HIV? Will they ever admit they are responsible for the epidemic? And please dont tell me they needed to be educated.

A person's preference is their business, however I dont want see or hear about it any longer..

Oh god..... I have heard you say some stupid sh!t, but this is pretty much at the tops... Go back in your cabin redneck..... It is people like you that keep people that are gay pushing it more mainstream.. Get some knowledge about the situation...... your post was nothing but bs.....
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Disco Dan Richter

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Me no snow ta
I honestly cannot understand why anyone would even stick up for a homosexual, especially if he/she is strait. It is about choice, not anything else. Psychs cant tell me that some homos have no choice. Sometime I think the psychs need a psych.

Anyone else see the man who gave birth? I know, not possible. It was actually a woman, who had a sex change(well kinda) and kept her innerds so she...I mean he....well, I mean it, could bear children. Even it was so confused that it could not decide what it really wanted to be.

Nothing, and I mean, nothing is normal about a man who sticks his dickk in another mans butt.
Imagine a man sittin on a beach lookin at another mans hairy azz and thinkin..."I gotta have that!" Geefrikkinross!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Oh god..... I have heard you say some stupid sh!t, but this is pretty much at the tops... Go back in your cabin redneck..... It is people like you that keep people that are gay pushing it more mainstream.. Get some knowledge about the situation...... your post was nothing but bs.....

Actually Framus post is spot on.

No offense, but you seem to be the one saying some really stupid sh!t in this thread.
Butt, to each their own.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
All things classified as moral or immoral, are but points on a scale, that the majority is willing to tolerate.

I bet you have limits Ruffy. In old Greece, the old men used to like young slave boys. So, by your own example of acceptance through historical reference. You must approve of old men, sexually abusing teenage young slaves? Or, are you going to claim you now don't accept everything. And, don't tell me that it's somehow different. The age of 18 is just a number pulled out of some psychologist's research notes. Slavery is still practiced in many parts of the world. If their going to schools teaching young men to accept homosexuality, you can't speak to all their motivations for doing so.

Anyway, I don't much care what gay people do. I just wish they'd quit pushing it down everyone else's throat, and quit preaching the crap to kids. And, their constantly trying to get themselves classified as some sort of disadvantaged minority. So,keep it in the closet.

Good points as always (well most of the time! :p). You are right, I do have limits, that is why I said consenting adults... Yah, it is just a number, but it really is more then that.......

I wasn't really trying to show that what went on in the past was ok, just that it was around and society knew about it. Sounds like some people think this is something new.... it isn't.... Seems the only thing that is new is the prejudice and that hate that is directed towards them..
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