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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!

Nov 26, 2007
Preston, Id.
I have a couple of gay friends - they are great people that live like the rest of us. They dont push it and I dont care. Live and let live is my philosophy.
Having said that...

HOBB-Z what 1980's rock did you crawl out from under? You honestly still beleive that HIV is a gay disease? Holy frig dude, check some stats - I wont even bother trying to show how wrong you are - I am suprised you can even use a computer.

It spread like wild fire through the gay community and has become the epidemic we have today...Its like debating global warming..

Must be nice knowing you are smarter,stronger,faster and ride better sleds than all us dumb people.

You're totally right, you've made me realize the error of my ways..


Sunridge Sledhead

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 17, 2002
Star Valley, Wyoming
Let me try to explain what I believe is the primary Christian opposition to gay marriage....Based on most Christian beliefs of the creation....Homosexuality thwarts the very plan of God! Most Christians believe that God put Adam and Eve on this earth, 1st married them together, and then told them to multiply and replenish the earth. If it had been Adam and Steve, it would have been impossible for them to keep the second commandment he gave them. If all people and animals were, decidedly, forced, or born, to be gay, life would continue on this earth for one generation and then cease to exist! This is at the heart of why many Christian and other churches have come to support proposition 8. Ironically, other states already have such legislation, but we never heard much about it because it wasn't "California!"

This is not intended to discriminate against people! I have a very close friend, who worked for me for years, who is ******* (guess the word lesb!an is not allowed on this site???). She is a great person. I also have friends and know people who are alcoholic, use drugs, have tattoos all over their bodies, pierce their noses and tongues, dress in black and paint their faces white. These are individual choices.....some trying to stand out and/or be different....some life destroying habits and addictions! Some people may say they were born with a sexual desire toward children, others are psychopathic and feel no remorse and find pleasure in killing! They may have been born this way! At some point will this sense of "tolerance for everyone" in our country become so overwhelming that we dip so low as to welcome and protect the rights of people to act in these ways? People may be born with tendencies, abnormal desires, and weaknesses.....we all have them! But, does that mean people with these tendencies and personalities should be legally allowed to act on them???
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I'm pretty sure none of us are gonna sway the other side, so I'm done with this thread.

I thought the point of a DISCUSSION was to understand the other side of the argument... I didn't think there was supposed to be persuasion going on, nor a goal of getting everyone to your side...


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
South Dakota
At some point will this sense of "tolerance for everyone" in our country become so overwhelming that we dip so low as to welcome and protect the rights of people to act in these ways? People may be born with tendencies, abnormal desires, and weaknesses.....we all have them! But, does that mean people with these tendencies and personalities should be legally allowed to act on them???

There are pedophiles who believe they should not be persecuted because of "the way they were born". I wouldn't be surprised if 50 years from now there is a movement to accept pedophiles for how they are, that's how screwed up we are becoming. Political correctness, affirmative action, reverse racism and the fact that kids are growing up to be trained pussies is part of what's ruining this country. We're all supposed to walk around like we're 6 billion frickin' Mr. Rogers.

Whether it's right or wrong, if the majority votes that gay marriage should not be allowed it shouldn't be allowed, end of story. I didn't vote for Obama, should I be able to go to the Supreme Court and protest that McCain should be our next president because I think he should? The majority does not agree they should be married, but the gay community will keep fighting until they get their way.
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Disco Dan Richter

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Me no snow ta
Great points sunridge.

Hate the sin, not the sinner, I think I can live with that, but I won t love the sinner, LOL.

Good points are brought up here on both sides, that is why the thread is allowed to continue, we voice our frustraions and our opinions and get the word out.

Then there are people like HEsse. Nice post! Here is what I think, I do not want your benefit of the doubt, I dont want your pity or your support, I have never liked you even before I knew you, cause you are a back stabbing little whiner who cries when he doesnt get his way. You will never change, just like I wont. I know I can be an azz, and that is who I am, so take your "benefit of the doubt" and shove it up your hind end!

Maybe someday the homo sect/cult will accept the fact that we do not have to accept them, it is OUR GOD GIVIN RIGHT! No government will take that away.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Creston, BC
Let me try to explain what I believe is the primary Christian opposition to gay marriage....Based on most Christian beliefs of the creation....Homosexuality thwarts the very plan of God! Most Christians believe that God put Adam and Eve on this earth, 1st married them together, and then told them to multiply and replenish the earth. If it had been Adam and Steve, it would have been impossible for them to keep the second commandment he gave them. If all people and animals were, decidedly, forced, or born, to be gay, life would continue on this earth for one generation and then cease to exist! This is at the heart of why many Christian and other churches have come to support proposition 8. Ironically, other states already have such legislation, but we never heard much about it because it wasn't "California!"

This is not intended to discriminate against people! I have a very close friend, who worked for me for years, who is ******* (guess the word lesb!an is not allowed on this site???). She is a great person. I also have friends and know people who are alcoholic, use drugs, have tattoos all over their bodies, pierce their noses and tongues, dress in black and paint their faces white. These are individual choices.....some trying to stand out and/or be different....some life destroying habits and addictions! Some people may say they were born with a sexual desire toward children, others are psychopathic and feel no remorse and find pleasure in killing! They may have been born this way! At some point will this sense of "tolerance for everyone" in our country become so overwhelming that we dip so low as to welcome and protect the rights of people to act in these ways? People may be born with tendencies, abnormal desires, and weaknesses.....we all have them! But, does that mean people with these tendencies and personalities should be legally allowed to act on them???

Very well said! :beer;

Homosexuality is a sin, just like EVERY OTHER sin that people commit. You have to take a stand against right and wrong somewhere. BUUUUTTT.......I think the people that are busy hurling insults should take a long look in the mirror before feeling too high and mighty. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone right? ;)


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Let me try to explain what I believe is the primary Christian opposition to gay marriage....Based on most Christian beliefs of the creation....Homosexuality thwarts the very plan of God! Most Christians believe that God put Adam and Eve on this earth, 1st married them together, and then told them to multiply and replenish the earth. If it had been Adam and Steve, it would have been impossible for them to keep the second commandment he gave them. If all people and animals were, decidedly, forced, or born, to be gay, life would continue on this earth for one generation and then cease to exist! This is at the heart of why many Christian and other churches have come to support proposition 8. Ironically, other states already have such legislation, but we never heard much about it because it wasn't "California!"

This is not intended to discriminate against people! I have a very close friend, who worked for me for years, who is ******* (guess the word lesb!an is not allowed on this site???). She is a great person. I also have friends and know people who are alcoholic, use drugs, have tattoos all over their bodies, pierce their noses and tongues, dress in black and paint their faces white. These are individual choices.....some trying to stand out and/or be different....some life destroying habits and addictions! Some people may say they were born with a sexual desire toward children, others are psychopathic and feel no remorse and find pleasure in killing! They may have been born this way! At some point will this sense of "tolerance for everyone" in our country become so overwhelming that we dip so low as to welcome and protect the rights of people to act in these ways? People may be born with tendencies, abnormal desires, and weaknesses.....we all have them! But, does that mean people with these tendencies and personalities should be legally allowed to act on them???

Hands down , best post on this thread. You're right on SS, its a slippery slope and damn hard to get stopped, once started.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Hands down , best post on this thread. You're right on SS, its a slippery slope and damn hard to get stopped, once started.

What would you say to someone that views YOUR views as already down that slope?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
What would you say to someone that views YOUR views as already down that slope?

I'd say " lets attempt to slow down the speed of the decsent, especially when it comes to the issues that will so negatively affect our kids and grandkids ".

Gay, not gay, maybe gay, I don't care, as long as its YOUR issue and stays that way. The need for a parade and redefine marriage and other such actions to demand acceptance, is IMO, over the top and a self-absorbed, self-important mindset that we shouldn't authorize.
I see this as the gradual part of the slope, but there are some who would shine it up even more, thats what I fear for the future.

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