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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!

Nov 30, 2007
Let's take a look at the word tolerance...I think our society is getting it distorted. If we practice tolarance that does not mean we have to like it, as a matter of fact we can hate it. It does not mean the we have to advocate it, promote it, always allow it, or even want it. We don't have to defend it and we certainly don't have to become it. I don't have to love homosexuality and I can certainly fear it. It is my perogative. So I will tolerate it, nothing more nothing less. So don't push it. My patience might wear thin.



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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If it was natural, it wouldn't be called "queer".

Wrong is wrong.

It's gay to be gay.

No father ever said...."this is my son, he's a fag, I'm so proud of him".


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Aug 14, 2002
I did, and I did the same here... jfwy...

So are you a fan of slavery? You a fan small kids working long hours in a factory? You a fan of dumping chemicals into water that people use for drinking / bathing?

Your argument is based on personal belief that what is right is a constant and universal belief. It is not, and changes with time..

You a fan of scantily clad woman on tv and naked woman in movies? You a fan of action movies with guns and people dieing? You a fan of sleeping in the same bed as your wife? You a fan of being in a mutual relationship with your wife, and not playing a dominant role (stretch on that one, old timer..lol).

Morality and right and wrong are always in flux..... for the better or worse of society, it is in motion..

The above is badly worded and should be discarded...

Maybe a better way to put my thoughts is "What people deem as acceptable behavior is constantly in flux"?
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Morality and right and wrong are always in flux..... for the better or worse of society, it is in motion..

I absolutely disagree with that statement.
What is right always has been right & will always be right.

I'm not talking about what society says is right.
I'm talking about what we all know deep inside is right.
I'm talking about what we learned as children, be it from our parents, the Bible
or whatever, but we all know right from wrong. Some of us just would rather
deny that fact.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
It is a shame that a father has said... "my son, he's a fag, and I will never talk to him again.."

You are right.
We should hate the sin, but love the sinner.

We should all HATE the fact that fags are practicing such evil behavior, but
at the same time love them & pray for them.


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Aug 14, 2002
What is right always has been right & will always be right. I'm talking about what we all know deep inside is right.
I'm talking about what we learned as children, be it from our parents, the Bible
or whatever, but we all know right from wrong.

Good points... I guess I look at who you are allowed to love not being one of the big morality statements / questions that is never changing... like lying, stealing, killing.... Yah, those are pretty set in stone...

I would say that the formation of couples and their makeup both from gender and from race has been changing for quite a while, with race changing the most....

I am sure if you went back 20 years or more, there would be old timers that would think it is a disgrace for a black person to marry a white person in a hetero relationship...

I think that point in time has passed for the most part.
Nov 26, 2007
Marquette, Michigan
You are right.
We should hate the sin, but love the sinner.

We should all HATE the fact that fags are practicing such evil behavior, but
at the same time love them & pray for them.

Right on the money. I have a neice that's gay. Her father disowned her and was an *** about it. He has not spoken to her in 5 years. I make sure she's invited to all our family functions as she's a cool girl. I don't agree with her lifestyle but will always love her just the same.


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Nov 26, 2007
Good points... I guess I look at who you are allowed to love not being one of the big morality statements / questions that is never changing... like lying, stealing, killing.... Yah, those are pretty set in stone...

I would say that the formation of couples and their makeup both from gender and from race has been changing for quite a while, with race changing the most....

I am sure if you went back 20 years or more, there would be old timers that would think it is a disgrace for a black person to marry a white person in a hetero relationship...

I think that point in time has passed for the most part.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Right on the money. I have a neice that's gay. Her father disowned her and was an *** about it. He has not spoken to her in 5 years. I make sure she's invited to all our family functions as she's a cool girl. I don't agree with her lifestyle but will always love her just the same.

I would like to think that I would treat any family members the same even if they were homo.

I know a few, & I don't treat them differently.
But that doesn't mean I want to see them doing their....well whatever you wanna call it , in public.

It is sad when a parent simply cannot accept a gay child.

Homosexuality is a sin.
Drunkeness is a sin.
Lust is a sin.
In that respect, we are all sinners. Each and every one of us.

The difference I see is that drunks don't want the Church to bless their alcohol abuse.
We don't ask the Church to celebrate lustful affairs outside the marraige.
You get my point?
I certainly do not want my Church allowing the celebration of homo unions.
That is just not the place for it.


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Aug 14, 2002
I certainly do not want MY Church allowing the celebration of homo unions.

I certainly do want my government allowing the celebration of homo unions.

Do you have a problem with the above?

Meatman.. nice drawing... I didn't know you were so good with crayons.. :beer;
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
haha they work a lot better if you dont chew on them first :beer;


Well-known member
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Aug 14, 2002
For the first time in this thread, I gotta say I agree with you.
You're starting to come around.

That is because I screwed up! ha ha ha... Should read similar to below..

I certainly want my government to allow gay marriages.

If not, why do you think your government and you church should have the same belief structure? Does your government need to believe in your same god? Your same denomination?

Sunridge Sledhead

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Apr 17, 2002
Star Valley, Wyoming
Ruffryder.....most of those things you mentioned are wrong! I believe them to be wrong! I guess this is mostly based on my belief in God, a higher power and understanding than my own. I believe God, and His ways, are constant and do NOT change! Just because men and women decide that certain laws and moral principles do not work for them today does NOT mean the principles of truth, right and wrong change over time. You may laugh at that belief, and call it weak, I don't know? I do not believe you can compare racial, or other issues you mentioned, to the moral issue we are discussing in this thread! Unfortunately, too many moral issues which were once abhorred, then become tolerated, and now are becoming embraced by society! Whether you or I like or dislike, approve or disapprove, does not change their correctness or incorrectness .
Mar 15, 2008
Prop 8

Here is my .02 worth.The thing that bothers me is why when we or they
{californians} VOTE aka the peoples voice,why does the opponent get to
sue and take it back to court or whatever the hell happens???Shouldnt the
peoples voice be FINAL??No matter what we are talking about!!!I like alot
of you have no use for seeing or hearing about gays and *******s anymore!!
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