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FRIKKIN HOMO"S at it again!



Jan 7, 2008
Sugar City, ID.
You guys need to brush up on your definition of homophobe....

It seems it is a person who fears or HATES gay peoples....


Urban dictionary.....

Websters dictionary...

BTW..I have no issue with someone that wants to love...... Consenting adults should let their hearts do what it feels is right. How can that be wrong?

I find it funny how standing up for the rights of gays, makes me gay... Kind of like standing up for the rights of pot smokers makes me a pot smoker....

Well,birds of a feather do flock together.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 15, 2008
Ruffryder.....most of those things you mentioned are wrong! I believe them to be wrong! I guess this is mostly based on my belief in God, a higher power and understanding than my own. I believe God, and His ways, are constant and do NOT change! Just because men and women decide that certain laws and moral principles do not work for them today does NOT mean the principles of truth, right and wrong change over time. You may laugh at that belief, and call it weak, I don't know? I do not believe you can compare racial, or other issues you mentioned, to the moral issue we are discussing in this thread! Unfortunately, too many moral issues which were once abhorred, then become tolerated, and now are becoming embraced by society! Whether you or I like or dislike, approve or disapprove, does not change their correctness or incorrectness .

i like what this guy says i don't like homo's i pretty much hate them the thing that i hate about them though is that they act femenit. if god gives you testosterone then use it damit don't act like a little ***** b!tch. and gay marige is wrong.

my thoughts.
Aug 29, 2001
i like what this guy says i don't like homo's i pretty much hate them the thing that i hate about them though is that they act femenit. if god gives you testosterone then use it damit don't act like a little ***** b!tch. and gay marige is wrong.

my thoughts.

who the F@ck are you to say you hate somebody? are you any better than hitler? he didnt like jews? so you dont like gay people so what, shut the F@ck up!
Aug 29, 2001
intolerance is whats wrong with this country! this country was built on free beliefs on religion! you might as well have voted for obama and take our rights away! this country was built on freedom, if people decide or are born to be gay then so be it accept it, it is no different than you or i kissing our girlfriend or wife in public. you people disgust me ***gin hypocrits, cry for freedom of guns freedom from taxes oh but wait dont give this 5% there freedom they are freaks, you people are whats wrong with this country and this comes from a stout republican!

and in reference i did not read all the pages prior as it was not needed. Disco you were a piece of sh!t and you prove once again thats all you are a norrow minded uneducated moron. i tried to give you the benefit of the doubt few years ago but live your life be happy and be a discriminating racist. and anybody that wants to call me gay they can, i am not and will not be, but if you want to label me as that you can and i will be happy to stick up for the gay comminuty!!!!
Aug 29, 2001
Originally Posted by Mafesto
What is right always has been right & will always be right. I'm talking about what we all know deep inside is right.
I'm talking about what we learned as children, be it from our parents, the Bible
or whatever, but we all know right from wrong.

you know what we also knew back in the day that the world was flat was that correct? we also knew that anybody with rocks on there feet that floated were witches was that right?
Nov 26, 2007
intolerance is whats wrong with this country! this country was built on free beliefs on religion! you might as well have voted for obama and take our rights away! this country was built on freedom, if people decide or are born to be gay then so be it accept it, it is no different than you or i kissing our girlfriend or wife in public. you people disgust me ***gin hypocrits, cry for freedom of guns freedom from taxes oh but wait dont give this 5% there freedom they are freaks, you people are whats wrong with this country and this comes from a stout republican!

and in reference i did not read all the pages prior as it was not needed. Disco you were a piece of sh!t and you prove once again thats all you are a norrow minded uneducated moron. i tried to give you the benefit of the doubt few years ago but live your life be happy and be a discriminating racist. and anybody that wants to call me gay they can, i am not and will not be, but if you want to label me as that you can and i will be happy to stick up for the gay comminuty!!!!

ok man, I was gonna stay outta this but here it goes. I personally do not agree with homosexuality. But, I cannot stop them. So,homos can be homos and do what they want. BUT, when they start marchin the street trying to push their beliefs onto us, thats when I flip out. I aint marchin the street,"down with gays"! or "be straight!" So I damn well dont wanna see them people marchin sayin "we're queer and we're here!" keep it to yourself!! I dont give a flying sh*t!! What say you??:beer;
Aug 29, 2001
ok man, I was gonna stay outta this but here it goes. I personally do not agree with homosexuality. But, I cannot stop them. So,homos can be homos and do what they want. BUT, when they start marchin the street trying to push their beliefs onto us, thats when I flip out. I aint marchin the street,"down with gays"! or "be straight!" So I damn well dont wanna see them people marchin sayin "we're queer and we're here!" keep it to yourself!! I dont give a flying sh*t!! What say you??:beer;

democrats do it, republicans do it, anti abortion do it? why are they right but gays wrong to do it?
Aug 29, 2001
freedom of speech its what our country is built on no matter how the liberals control the media! i not a fan of the morons sitting on main street at 3 pm saying end the war, troops shouldnt fight other peoples fights. but its there right no matter if they have a job or not!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Some have read this thread & stayed neutral, others of us have chosen a side & shown our colors.
I'm pretty sure none of us are gonna sway the other side, so I'm done with this thread.
Agree to disagree.
After all.......................
This thead has turned ........GAY!:D

Sunridge Sledhead

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Apr 17, 2002
Star Valley, Wyoming
I think a growing trend toward tolerance for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING anyone wants to do and believe is what concerns me about the direction of our country! Personally, I don't care if some dude wants to be able to visit some other dude in the hospital, be on their insurance plan, or collect on the death benefit of life insurance, and etc. They also have a right to free speech, whether I like it or not. My concern and fear is what lies ahead, and what kind of world we leave for my children. I do not want them taught in public school that men living with men, or women living with women, as couples is appropriate. This is NOT oppression and it is NOT hatred! I have a right to this opinion, just like others defend the right to the opposite opinion. I believe wrong does NOT change with time! Slavery....WRONG! Killing Jews because of their beliefs.....WRONG! BCS.....WRONG! ;) Voting for a proposition and/or actively supporting it....my right as a citizen of this country!!!
Nov 26, 2007
Preston, Id.
democrats do it, republicans do it, anti abortion do it? why are they right but gays wrong to do it?

The things that homosexual men march for spread filth and disease,
hiv and aids that kill thousands per year and we as hard working tax payers have to flip the bill.....:mad:

Ye they work and pay tax, but the life styles of a few have killed millions
and continues the money pit of finding a cure.

How fair is it that thousands of strait people have died because of a HIV
infected blood transfussion?

There are legal rights of being married that shouldn't be forced upon us.

What about insurance companys, should I pay a higher premium so they can
cover the cost of insuring gay couples?

Its not right and there is nothing anyone can do or say that changes that.

If you don't want to be treated different, don't wear a shirt that reads
I'm a flaming homo and march up and down the street...Its a pretty simple conscept.
Nov 26, 2007
Prince George BC
I have a couple of gay friends - they are great people that live like the rest of us. They dont push it and I dont care. Live and let live is my philosophy.
Having said that...

HOBB-Z what 1980's rock did you crawl out from under? You honestly still beleive that HIV is a gay disease? Holy frig dude, check some stats - I wont even bother trying to show how wrong you are - I am suprised you can even use a computer.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 4, 2005
Colorado Springs
What about insurance companys, should I pay a higher premium so they can
cover the cost of insuring gay couples?

It's no different than insurers having to cover all the costs associated with people who smoke. How about the folks having tons of kids, insurers pick up the tab. How about the adrenaline junkies that are always hurting themselves, like my buddy that has had 5 knee operations, the insurers pick up the tab and in the end, we all pay for it.

IMO alot of people find homosexuality gross enough to try to justify anything they can to discredit them. Intolerance has led to the killing of hundreds of millions of people over time, would you condone the start of that?


Nov 19, 2005
North of 60 ...Deep Deep in the bush ......
really nothing more to say ..........

Sodom and Gomorrah
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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"Gomorra" redirects here. For the Italian film, see Gomorra (film).
For other uses, see Sodom and Gomorrah (disambiguation).

The Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, John Martin, 1852.
The Sodom and Gomorrha motive from the Nuremberg Chronicle by Hartmann Schedel, 1493. Note Lot's wife, already transformed into a salt pillar, in the center.According to Genesis, Sodom (Arabic: سدوم Sadūm,Hebrew: סְדוֹם, Standard Sədom Tiberian Səḏôm, Greek Σόδομα) and Gomorrah (Arabic: عمورة ʿAmūrah, Hebrew: עֲמוֹרָה, Standard ʿAmora Tiberian Ġəmôrāh / ʿĂmôrāh, Greek Γόμορρα) were two cities destroyed by God in The Bible.

For the sins of their inhabitants Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim were destroyed by "brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven" (Genesis 19:24-25). In Christianity and Islam, their names have become synonymous with impenitent sin, and their fall with a proverbial manifestation of God's wrath (Jude 1:7, Qur'an [1]).

Sodom and Gomorrah have been used as metaphors for sinfulness and sexual deviation. The story has therefore given rise to words in several languages, including the English word "sodomy", a term used today predominantly in law (derived from traditional Christian usage) to describe non-vaginal intercourse, as well as bestiality.

DOH !!!!!!!!!!!!
Last edited:

Disco Dan Richter

Well-known member
Nov 27, 2007
Me no snow ta
LOL hesse, I am a piece of what? I guess we all know who the sissy was that was givin all the reds eh hesse? If that is what I am because of my beliefs, than gol darn am I proud of it.

Looks like you still hold a grudge, grow up seriously. You are only 3 of 30 in this thread that likes homosexuality, you are outnumbered which means the majority is against you and your kind.
Nov 5, 2008
Boise, ID
You guys need to brush up on your definition of homophobe....

It seems it is a person who fears or HATES gay peoples....


Urban dictionary.....

Websters dictionary...

BTW..I have no issue with someone that wants to love...... Consenting adults should let their hearts do what it feels is right. How can that be wrong?

I find it funny how standing up for the rights of gays, makes me gay... Kind of like standing up for the rights of pot smokers makes me a pot smoker....

for some reason that doesn't make sense.....Most people that do stand up for pot smokers would make them a pot smoker coming from some one that has been down that road before and has plenty of friends that do. If you personally don't like some thing why stand up for it? I'm not trying to force something on anyone. I could care less what they do but when they start pulling others down then thats when it's gotta stop. Let them be gay I don't care i just don't want to hear about it or see it. Definitly miss the days when it was in the closet.


MODERATOR: Premium Member
Staff member
Nov 26, 2007
Idaho Falls, Idaho
LOL hesse, I am a piece of what? I guess we all know who the sissy was that was givin all the reds eh hesse? If that is what I am because of my beliefs, than gol darn am I proud of it.

Looks like you still hold a grudge, grow up seriously. You are only 3 of 30 in this thread that likes homosexuality, you are outnumbered which means the majority is against you and your kind.

I don't believe that even those three people have actively said that they like homosexuality, merely that they respect the rights of people to be with who they want to be with.

I'm not homosexual (married, ty) and I don't understand what causes it. I do know a number of homosexual people, and most of the ones I know are good people. I don't believe that it is choice. Who would choose to be persecuted? I know a lot more people that I have no respect for that are straight than that are gay.

I personally think that there should be a religious marriage, and a government civil union, for everyone, gay or straight. The marriage gives no legal benefits, simply the title, and it is defined by whatever religion you belong to. The civil union gives the legal rights, and anyone who wants one (within maybe some age limits) should be able to get one.

So yeah, count me with the ones who will defend people's right to be different

SShiggles said:
If you personally don't like some thing why stand up for it?

Because you respect the right of people to be different.
Nov 26, 2007
Preston, Id.
Some have read this thread & stayed neutral, others of us have chosen a side & shown our colors.
I'm pretty sure none of us are gonna sway the other side, so I'm done with this thread.
Agree to disagree.
After all.......................
This thead has turned ........GAY!:D

You are right on the money, I feel its a moral issue.

They hate us for not excepting them and it will never happen, stuff something in your azz if thats what makes you feel good, justify it
any way you like.

BUT don't expect me to tell you its ok, IT WILL NOT HAPPEN

Nuff said
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