I really think it is a load of crap that most of you on here complaining are the same people that TRY to be freinds with these accused people while you are out there. I would like to see everyone of you have the balz to stand face to face with these people and tell them what you really think ESPECSIALLY you MR. HIMARK. You are the biggest coward on I know. Your mouth rights a lot of checks that you cannot cash. Good thing your buddy BEEMAN stood up for you that one night, funny you wouldn't say anything; you really need to grow up and get out of the "look at me" stage in your life. You would actually be somebody if you were half as awesome as you think you are.
Another thing, as a moderator you seem to like to abuse your power by taking peoples posts off and doing whatever you feel like. That particular post that you participated in should have been pulled, oh yeah why now are you talking so nice about the friendly. You seemed to not like them when that post was made, or did you have a change of heart thinking that maybe they might tell you were you can really park your trailer at.
Grow up Tim. You can't live off of BS stories, lies, and playing both sides of the fence forever. You will get burned, oh wait I think you already did.