I see a lot of kids in their twenties that should be doing something other than hanging out at the mall, wearing baggy pants and just being bums that need to be doing something, anything worthwhile.
I think if a person after reaching age 18 is going to college, or working and paying taxes and not getting into trouble should be left alone. The others that are just maggots on society should be drafted into either the military or some sort of government service and forced to "get a life" so they can do their part.
Too many bums in this country wandering around aimlessly. Need to do away with generational welfare families.
I'd rather have a maggot in the mall then a maggot in the trenches next to me. I don't beleive in manditory servitude unless our country is in great peril and the draft needs be invoked. Provide an avenue for betterment thats fine, Or wait until the maggots do a crime or two then send em off to work camps pickin fruit to work off their sins. Once they are criminals THEN, and only THEN is manditory servitude is just (according to our Constitution)