Does it really matter who gets to be the next President.
*National debt is up from $5.7 trillion when Bush took office to $10 trillion in 2009
*After adding in Social Security, Medicare and all the government’s other pay-later obligations, the current debt actually comes in at over $60 trillion
*Interest payments will lead to sharply higher taxes, cuts in basic services
*Home prices falling nationwide with another 20%-40% to come.
*Access to credit is drying up and interest rates will rise due to risk.
*Funding foreign policy wars that are bankrupting us.
*All major US banks are technically bankrupt and need the Fed auctions to stay solvent.
*US dollar at all time lows and falling.
*Import prices running at 13.7% year over year.
*Commercial paper and the bond markets are basically frozen which business needs to operate in this country.
You would have be crazy to want to inherit this legacy as a President.
This whole unwind of the last 15 years is going to be long and painfull so be prepared.