you guys do realize that obama is headin you boys right into the hands of a police state .....and you do know why he is forcing people to be volunteers right aint about feeding the poor, it aint about sweeping up the sidewalks and takin out the trash is to enlist a wack of folks who all drink the koolaid and become government loyaty ....then they are going to be your neighbours, friends and probably family ...the thing is ..there is going to be a much broader range of control.
These people will be the rats in the dark ...if you have too many guns...or too many bullets....maybe just too much food on hand at any given time...
Maybe you associate with like minded people..say the type that won't let go of your constitution or your second ammendment....well folks these soo called volunteers will be the first to drop a dime on you ....maybe you reject stuff like gay marriage....or perhaps belive in the good book ....
Well these guys will be the first to contact authorities or maybe themselves will be able to cart you off to your new digs in usa best accomadations concentration camps
they need to get you out of the way to unfold their plan of global domination
they did it germany..they did in coming to a theatre near you ...
Read this little right up about the bill