I'm just saying guys, I've seen some pretty crappy things done to folks sleds, and other property is all. It's not about having faith in "humanity," it just looks like one more thing susceptible to vandalism. The idea of someone cutting your drive belt is not a dumb reason for a cover, it's a great reason! How cheap would something like that cost? Mere dollars per sled? I mean, why not have one?
Also, anybody saying, "That's just a dumb reason to put a cover on it. They could cut ANYTHING in the engine..." Is not thinking straight.
That's the same logic as saying, "Why close my garage door, or, lock the doors while I'm gone? If they want something, they'll just take it anyway." Yet I doubt you sleep with the doors to your home open, your shop doors rolled all the way up with the lights on at night, and leave your keys in the car parked on a busy street.
We lock and cover things so that if someone DOES decide they want what I have, or for some reason, really want to tear up a piece of property, they can inflict MINIMAL damage. I'd rather pay an extra $15 bones ontop of the total price of a sled then buying a whole new drive belt at what is sure to be more then the cost of a piece of stamped aluminum, with 4-5 bolts. And don't forget about replacing "anything else" a vandal might damage through his journey of mayhem that is mine, or anyone else's sled.
In regards to the comment of, "It would be easier to cut your track off than open up a side panel and cut this drive belt."
Panels come off relatively easy, and a drive belt is what, 1/10th the width of a track? I'll race you, I try cutting that drive belt, and you try sawing the track in half, and we'll see who wins. Tracks are tuff as hell to cut off. If you don't believe me, take a utility knife to one and see how long it takes you to cut one clean across, have fun!