The 17 lbs of weight difference is clearly noticeable when coming off of the 12 to a 13. The effort needed to pull it over and hold a side hill carve is amazing at how much easier it is on the 13.
There is not a cover on the belt drive. We brought that up as a concern for needles and rocks getting in there. I can tell you that it is absolutely bullet proof. Phatty ran over a stump and had to roll the sled over to get it out. over an hour later we started checking that sled out because it had developed a nasty vibration. Hopefully MH will post up the LOG..yes a log not a branch or twig, but a full on chunk of firewood that was wedged between the front of the bulkhead and track. It didn't stop the sled or effect the belt drive one bit. I asked and was told that it could be retrofitted to the 11s but that they didn't have any plans for that at the moment.
Somebody is going to make it happen.
The belt drive does have a distinct whine to it when it is new. Sounded a little like the wave rotor on the 11s to me. It was only noticeable when you had it at full throttle and plenty of speed.
The running boards work absolutely awesome. Believe me I tried to stuff em full of snow. Just a little step, step and they were cleaned enough to have some good traction. They will build up snow but do not hold it like the 11s and 12s do. I would suggest watching your shins and bibs around them though. One of the riders kneeled down by the sled and caught his Klim pants on one of the points and ripped a small hole in his pants.
The price of the "CONTEST" is $14500 for a trip to Roseau and a sled. That is not the MSRP on the sled. We practically begged for pricing but were told it would be set at the dealers meeting.
Be jealous, be very jealous. It was an awesome day. Thanks Polaris. and the other riders for letting the short fat kid come play!
Turbolover (Charlie)
MountainHorse (Eric)
Jared Sessions
Tammy Schoen(sp?) Brandy Floyd, Brent