Ended up having some good conversation last night about training.
We agreed that there is no replacement for some good old fashion competition, its one thing to go to the gym by yourself do some weights then ride the bike, elliptical etc. ( nothing wrong with that ).
But back when i was training for hockey, when i was the biggest, strongest best shape of my life. There would be 3-4 guys in the gym training in a group and everyone always wanted to beat the other guy. IE; he ran that lap in 1 minute ima do it in 50 seconds etc...
So if you got a group of buddies with common goals, group training is a way to take your workout to the next level and amplify your results. Human nature to be motivated by competition!
Because no guy wants to loose to there buddy!
We agreed that there is no replacement for some good old fashion competition, its one thing to go to the gym by yourself do some weights then ride the bike, elliptical etc. ( nothing wrong with that ).
But back when i was training for hockey, when i was the biggest, strongest best shape of my life. There would be 3-4 guys in the gym training in a group and everyone always wanted to beat the other guy. IE; he ran that lap in 1 minute ima do it in 50 seconds etc...
So if you got a group of buddies with common goals, group training is a way to take your workout to the next level and amplify your results. Human nature to be motivated by competition!
Because no guy wants to loose to there buddy!