engine won't run right
On going Saga of trying to get my 1200 running has not been successful
to date.A little history; purchased engine that was to be direct bolt in and run.After a few set backs and weeks,now months, engine still does't run right.
Okay,now originally engine started up,ran fine(I think)had spark but no lights,
called seller, he said everything worked fine in his sled,to look for a broken
wire or such.After a lot of testing, confirmed lighting coils burned out.While testing for 12v,didn't have spark plugs plugged in,something happened to my
CDI box.Engine ran erraticaly,had a 800 stator which looked the same as the
one that was there,put it in,had 12v but no spark,it was suggested here to
put the other pick up coil on this statorand had spark an lights.Engine ran on
cylinder 3,nothing on 2,and backfired on 1.Ninjaplumber suggested that I
burned my CDI box by cranking engine without sparkplugs.Called Brad,had him
send me new CDI box,engine ran crappy,same as before,called Brad again
had him send different stator. Now engine started on cylinder #2,took sled
outside and ran it around the house all 3 pipes were hot like all 3 cylinders
were firing,ran very eratically like not all plugs got spark at all times.
Hey Ninja plumber,I will take your offer that you extended earlier in the year.
Of course if somebody knows what my problem is PLEASE let me know.
2-3 weeks of riding left this season,sure would like to get a taste of the unknown this season