We are not only testing this with a meter, we have tried adding loads to the circuit in an attempt to get it to charge:
- Turbo oil pump
- A/F ratio gauge(in pre-heat mode as well)
- Small 12 VDC water pump(with a known power consumption of 30W or more)
- Other misc. 12VDC accessories
When measuring open circuit voltage with a meter, voltage may be anywhere from 3.5 to 5..................The second any load is connected to the red/dark green wire, the voltage drops to 0V....................The only way that the charging regulator/rectifier will output current is if voltage is applied to the red/green wire(red wire on the actual regulator/rectifier).................Once voltage(battery) is applied to the red/dark green wire the system charges fine, in fact, the battery can be removed & the system appears that it would continue to charge forever until the engine is shutoff which may be due the capacitor we had installed in the system.............
Can you please confirm what wires you are connecting to on the e-start harness connector???
Thanks again,