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Costco / Thugs

More like 99.98% Survivability rate, and that's if you get it - meaning if you don't get it then you survive this pandemic at 100%, but that's never mentioned

Then there is the other aspect of this hoax is that Covid 19 deaths are due to the "19", although there are 6+ variants of covid that are 50+ years old, but yeah that is "inconvenient" to mention in these political times, and the covid tests can't discern between them all. In the "old days (2018 and earlier) it was called the flu.

Prove me wrong.
The survival rate is what... 98, 99 percent? What the hell is everyone so scared about.
You’re probably more likely to die from second hand smoke.
Hey, lib freaks. Life isn’t safe, get over it, quit being afraid of your own shadow.
Tell that to someone who is going through chemo or has some other health condition and would likely die if they got Covid. Quit being so afraid to do something as simple as wearing a cloth mask. Besides, it’s kinda fun going into the bank looking like yer gonna rob the place... you anti maskers really need to take yourselves less seriously. It’s really not a big deal or an imposition on your freedom, it’s a freakin bandanna for crying out loud.
It’s got nothing to do with micron filtration size-you ever see a surgeons mask?? It’s about catching the big particles because the little particles tend to cling to them. You really need to try the screen door test, this isn’t complicated
Your lacking attention to detail is noted. No further input from you is needed or worthy of consideration on this topic.
Just imagine how many deaths would be prevented if we all volunteered to drive ten MPH under the posted speed limit.

Yeah, not gonna do that either.

Liife...must get on with it.
Liife...you only get one chance to be a selfish cunt

Fixed that for you. Since other selfish people seemed to join the party. The mask less california cop blaming his wife for getting Covid19 really is hitting a high mark.

I'm still impressed LE has typed this much. All of it is the standard conspiracy theory garbage but still the lack of memes is impressive for a troll.
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There's two types of personalities out there.
Those intent on moving forward, forging ahead, their sack dragging along leaving a smooth safe path for those peeking around the corner. Then there are those waiting until it's safe to follow the path others have paved. These were the ones that would hid behing their mother's skirts as children
Pretty sure we know which type Ace and Gary are.
There is one type of person here that I like to call confidently ignorant. The confidently ignorant person strongly believes in themselves and sees weakness in others but has no supporting data to justify it. Somehow there are many recreational snowmobilers who are confidently ignorant. It comes as little surprise how many of them get lost in the woods and get caught by avalanches. If someone would study this particular user group they might find that the life expectancy is lower than standard but the perceived quality of life is higher. Then there is the subsector of confidently ignorant that has the higher tendency to latch onto cults. We call this the Bubbles effect.
Timely this showed up. Looks like a good response to the Bubbles mentality

The mask less california cop blaming his wife for getting Covid19 really is hitting a high mark.
How did you assume I was from California? Never been there and have no wish to go there. I have been to Colorado. It was the only place during the pandemic I saw someone wearing a paint respirator while driving alone in her vehicle. I am from the only state that allowed their residents to freely live their lives and make decisions for themselves.
Take however sick you are of dealing with masks....and imagine how sick the people who work at costco are of dealing with mask/anti-mask dipshitery everyday for like a year. Going to work every morning knowing you’re getting in a fight over a stupid mask to satisfy egos who can’t help but troll at your workplace, even though the policy is well known and highly public. But you still have to show up to pay the bills. Sounds fun.

They didn’t make the rules, you aren’t making a stand against the evil billionaire overloads from the Costco lineup in some butthole town, and you’re not worried about your health.... you’re just being a pain in the ass to the people who work there and try to abide company policy. Call it what it is....
One of those employees that works for them is a friend of mine so this conversation has already been gone threw . Those employees are screwed , they have no choice just like stated , can you imagine the resent some have for making this choice when a free person stands up to them . What choice do they have but to make them as resentful as themselves by abolishing thier beliefs .

You made a good point on how slavery is making a come back .
One of those employees that works for them is a friend of mine so this conversation has already been gone threw . Those employees are screwed , they have no choice just like stated , can you imagine the resent some have for making this choice when a free person stands up to them . What choice do they have but to make them as resentful as themselves by abolishing thier beliefs .

You made a good point on how slavery is making a come back .
No need to twist it....I see it simply as an entitled dick move (on your part) to try and hold one over on retail workers. There are all kinds of health/safety rules/regulations in existence that we can argue the efficacy of, or how they may overstep on personal freedoms...from speed laws, to OSHA laws, to helmet laws, you name it. Whether one agrees with them or not doesn't change the repercussions....either on the health/safety front, or the penalty end. And I have plenty of speeding and seat belt tickets to prove it.

When it comes to Covid regs and masks in the retail space, it is no different than safety gear on a construction site. Is some of it overkill or kinda lame? Maybe. Does your opinion on it matter if the inspector shows up? No. If you have an accident that the gear may have helped with, do you get in trouble and look like an idiot? Yes.

I find simply that the egos of some will not let them "be told what to do" by retailers and workers they view as inferior. They have been groomed their entire lives to look at retail spaces and employees as bowing to their every will, they were raised in the "customer is right" era, and now there are chinks in that armor. Turns out you need them as much as they need you....weird, didn't see that coming.

Trying to spin it as some greater good freedom fight is just further ego protection, whether conscious or sub-conscious.

Summary: don't be a dick
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No need to twist it....I see it simply as an entitled dick move (on your part) to try and hold one over on retail workers.

Summary: don't be a dick
Your little bubble is so pathetic , did I not say a friend ?

I don't think a couple of you people know what it means to have a friend . Your comments are just cruel and I don't care because your kind will never stand on your own two feet without throwing someone under the bus .

The constant belittling of others is the norm for you . There's no such thing as a normal conversation , your little buddy should be chiming in soon with his grade school mentality .

You can not and will not take my freedom away , go after the masses because one on one it does not work .

Yes I am a dick and I also have one , what's your point Sally ?

By the way , it's pretty obvious that your not welcomed here but have a right to be here even though you might be shacked up across the border . So why is it being so obvious that a couple of you are trying to beat your beliefs in the majority here ? Little different than the masses stated so don't get confused .
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Your little bubble is so pathetic , did I not say a friend ?

I don't think a couple of you people know what it means to have a friend . Your comments are just cruel and I don't care because your kind will never stand on your own two feet without throwing someone under the bus .

The constant belittling of others is the norm for you . There's no such thing as a normal conversation , your little buddy should be chiming in soon with his grade school mentality .

You can not and will not take my freedom away , go after the masses because one on one it does not work .

Yes I am a dick and I also have one , what's your point Sally ?
You're the one whining about your treatment at a grocery store on a public forum after acting in conflict with their clear policy. Apologies if you thought everyone would agree with you! Several people who aren't even liberal pond scum like me have pointed out that your freedom does not allow you to act as you please in a private business....sooo keep your stick on the ice I guess.

For the record.....I have no dog in the raging mask/anti-mask fight. I think the whole thing is retarded, and you guys in the USA have boiled that pot so dry it's hard to believe. I DO think that having respect for retailers trying to keep rolling during this time is important....that's where my beef lies.
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Your right , a business has the right to refuse service to a customer , and the employees have a choice of employed or unemployed .

Rights ? what rights , one by one they are disappearing just like 15 days .
Karens once again complaining about rights and freedoms.

Remember when they went to the Capitol with guns so they could get their rights to get a haircut?

Here we are a year later with medical miracle of many vaccines and they are complaining again. If they just shut up for a few more months we all could get the vaccine and get things back to normal. Instead they want to risk it and rush to take off masks and have mass events. Again... confidently ignorant..fingers crossed...let Jesus take the wheel or some other idiotic saying.
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